Return to the eastern regions.

In Sihua city.

Fu Xinyan taught several new disciples some basic skills and tricks.

These women's talents and roots are very good, but at the moment, they all have some complaints.

Because they are all the legitimate daughters from the big families in the eastern regions. They have been raised and treated well since they were young. Of course, they can't bear all kinds of hardships here.

Fu Xinyan, in particular, is now the city master of Sihua city. She is strict with her disciples.

Therefore, they are also very afraid of these new disciples.

So they only dare to gather together and complain in a small voice only when they have a short rest.

"What a bore! My father sent me to Sihua city to practice the skills here. As a result, Fu Xinyan taught us all kinds of complicated etiquette all day long. "

"I see, Fu Xinyan doesn't really want to teach us! It's just a perfunctory use of these things! "

"Well, I think so. I think I'm so respectable at home that I've been yelled at by others here. I feel very frustrated when I think about it!"

The women were all complaining.

"Well, do you think the one behind Sihua city will come back?"

"Cut it, and come back a fart! I've heard from my family that this guy seems to have offended a very serious person after he entered the Midlands. I see, maybe this guy is already in danger now. "

Because the distance between the eastern region and the central region is very far away, there is also a serious lag in the news.

The latest news that Sihua city got was just what Xue an had done in Wandan city. As for the back, I only heard about it.

It seems that Xue an offended the people of sangtianzong and Yuanzong xuewangshan!

Although the news was shadowy, the whole family of Dongyu was moved by the news.

Because it's Tianzong!

For these people in the eastern regions, it was an unimaginable existence.

Although Xue an is fierce, he is alone after all. Now he offends Tianzong. Isn't it a lot of bad luck?

With this idea, many people's eyes on Sihua city have changed.

At this time, Su Xiaomu holding a cup of tea went to his elder sister Fu Xinyan's side.

"Please have tea, elder martial sister."

Fu Xinyan nodded slightly and sipped her tea cup slowly.

Su Xiaomu looked at some female students who were whispering in the distance and said in a deep voice: "elder martial sister, these guys certainly didn't say anything good! What's more, I wonder why you should agree to accept such a group of lazy rich family money

Fu Xinyan sighed slightly, "now that people in the eastern region are floating, I'm afraid things will change, so I've accepted women from several families closest to Sihua City, so that I can give more help."

Hearing this, Su Xiaomu looked dignified, and then said in a trembling voice: "elder martial sister, the rumors about adults outside..."

Fu Xinyan firmly shook her head, "I don't believe that adults will be in trouble! Don't pay attention

"Well! I think so too! Adults are very valued by our ancestors. How can something happen? " Su Xiaomu said with some difficulty.

But this sentence at the moment is more like comforting myself.

Just then.

There was a great noise outside.

Then I heard a loud voice coming into the room.

"Are all the people in Sihua City dead? Get out of here quickly!"

Hearing this, Fu Xinyan's face sank and rushed out of the house immediately.

Su Xiaomu and many disciples also rushed to the outside of the house.

Just outside the protective formation of Sihua City, a group of people stood in the air.

All of them were haughty, and the leader was a man with a playful face.

And behind the man, there is a young girl with a disdainful look.

At the sight of the girl, Fu Xinyan was stunned.

Because the girl was sent to Sihua city a few days ago, but because she couldn't stand the pain here, she contradicted her own words and even started to fight with her anger. As a result, she was driven out of the city by Yan Qingxuan, the legitimate daughter of yantianzong.

The leader of the men do not need to ask, of course, is also the yantianzong people!

And look at this blustering appearance, as if to set up a teacher to make a crime.

Fu Xinyan thought about it in her mind, but her face did not move. Then she rose from the sky and arched her hands to the opposite side through the city protection array.

"My friend, why did you come to our Sihua city and speak disrespectfully

"Speak ill of yourself?" The leading man's face was arrogant, and then said faintly: "sister, is this woman's words to reprimand you?"

Yan Qingxuan nodded with an obstinate look on her face, and then stared at Fu Xinyan with venomous eyes."Brother, that's right. It's this guy who targets me everywhere! They even drove me out in the back

Yan Qingyi listened to a cold smile, and then looked at Fu Xinyan with a playful look. "Did you hear that? My sister said it. You first targeted her everywhere! So this time I'm here to make you apologize to my sister! "

"An apology?" Fu Xinyan's face was indifferent and repeated.

Yan Qingyi nodded haughtily, "yes, my sister is my legitimate daughter Tianjiao of yantianzong. Is it that others can blame? Now make an apology. I can think about letting you go! "


All the people in Sihua could get out of the house and look up at the sky.

With her eyes converging, Fu Xinyan's killing intention is more and more intense.

But at the moment when she was about to explode, she suddenly found that there was a group of people hiding behind the clouds in the distance.

Fu Xinyan was surprised by this discovery. At the same time, she also found that the cold light flashed in Yan Qingyi's eyes from time to time.

Fu Xinyan's heart sank gradually.


Yan Qingyi is clearly playing by the subject. Even he is just a bait sent by others to test Sihua city.

It seems that some people are really starting to lose control!

Fu Xinyan sneered in her heart and said, "I don't know if this is the meaning of your yantianzong, or do you do it yourself! If you want to know if your sister entered Sihua City, or if your patriarch wrote to me in person, I agreed. As for the so-called rebuke... "

"as a rule, if I enter into the city of Si Hua, and become my disciple, then it will be my has the final say to kill and kill." Do you understand? "

This speech makes Yan Qingyi, Yan Qingxuan and his brother and sister face all changed.

Yan Qingyi said coldly: "people in Sihua city are domineering. Now it seems that they are really like this! No reason to find an excuse to drive my sister away, but also dare to speak cunningly! Today, I'm going to try how powerful you Sihua city is! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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