With that, Yan Qingyi finally tore his face and moved his hand.

The guards behind him were arrayed in formation, and the eye of the array was the young and big Yan of yantianzong.

Under the gathering of several cultivation methods, the momentum of the burning green righteousness is climbing, and then he pulls out a long sword covered with fireworks with a grim smile.

"A knife in the hot sky!"

Yan Qingyi cut it out with a knife.

Its light is bright.

The power of this knife is really extraordinary.

There was a big bang.

The light curtain that covers the whole Sihua City flickers sharply. It seems that they also feel great pressure and begin to sag and bend.

But when Yan Qingyi sneered at the corner of his mouth and thought that this knife could break the city protecting array.

The rune carved on the wall of Sihua city suddenly exploded.

Then the light curtain of the fortress suddenly showed an incomparably bright light, and the depression and bending recovered instantly, and then the Yan Qing Yi bullet flew more than ten miles away.

This Yan Qingyi reluctantly stood in the air, then opened his mouth and vomited out a large mouthful of blood, and his complexion was also forced down.


"Little Lord!"

The pedestrians exclaimed in succession.

Just then.

From behind the cloud came a rebuke.

"Who is so bold as to hurt my righteous son?"

With the voice, a large group of people appeared.

The leader was an old man in a flame robe.

As soon as this man appears.

Yan Qingyi, Yan Qingxuan and his brother and sister called out together.


As for others, they bowed down and saluted respectfully.

"See the Lord!"

That's right.

It was the patriarch of yantianzong who came to Yan Hentian.


This Yan Hentian looks at his son very lovingly.

"Qingyi, how is your injury?"

"Father, the injury is not too serious, but the people in Sihua city are really despicable. Please make your own decisions with the adults!"

"Don't worry, nephew. Since we have seen this, we can't leave it alone!"

With the voice.

After Yan Hentian's death, more than a dozen elderly people with different momentum appeared.

All of them were masters of yantianzong.

Fu Xinyan didn't say a word and looked at the group of people carrying out their performance.

At this time, Yan Hentian raised his head and sneered at Fu Xinyan after the light curtain.

"Lord Fu, what explanation are you going to give us about yantianzong

Su Xiaomu could not bear to see it. He stepped forward and said angrily: "Yan Hentian, don't you talk nonsense with your eyes open? Obviously, it was you who begged us to take your daughter. As a result, she was disobedient. My elder martial sister would have killed her if she hadn't looked at your Yan Tian Zong's face! Even if it's just to drive her out in the end, do you dare to set up a teacher to make a crime? "

"And you, the son, don't ask the whole story, and you will do it directly! Don't you see all this? "

Su Xiaomu is really angry.

But after hearing this, Yan Hentian sneered.

"What a sharp mouth! But anyway, my son was hurt by you, my daughter was humiliated by you! This matter You must give an explanation to Sihua city! "

"You..." What else does Su Xiaomu want to say.

Fu Xinyan gently drank: "enough, Xiao Mu, don't say any more!"

"Elder martial sister, these people are really deceiving people!"

"Step back!"

"It is Yes Su Xiaomu is very reluctant to retreat.

This Fu Xinyan is coldly looking at the opposite Yan Hentian and others.

"Well, once the layout is finished, it has been planned since the moment you sent your daughter to Sihua city?"

Hearing Fu Xinyan's words, Yan Hentian's face changed slightly, but he just said lightly, "Lord fu..."

Fu Xinyan waved her hand, "they are all smart people, so don't go around the Bush again! I just want to ask, if the adults are still there, do you dare to do so? "

Yan hen heaven people smell speech turned to look at each other, and then all issued a sneer.

"Fu Xinyan, since you have made it clear, let's open the window and make it clear. That's right. We are aiming at Sihua city! As for xue'an you said... "

Yan Hentian's face showed a look of sarcasm, "I guess his bones are rotten now!"

"How dare you offend the people of santianzong! Did Xue an really think that if he could be a bully in the eastern regions, he would be able to dominate in the middle regions? On that day, Zong was a big school with many powerful people, and even the real immortal was sitting in the town. He was looking for death in this way! " There is a master teacher sneer."Yes, and I heard that Xue an seems to have offended the people of Yuanzong xuewangshan. It's not for death. It's just that he doesn't want to live at all." Some people even laughed wildly.

But Yan Hentian's eyes flashed a look of greed, "Fu Xinyan, we don't want anything else. You just hand over the skill that Xue an passed on to you and move out of this city. I promise I won't embarrass you. What do you think?"

This made the whole city of Sihua in a frenzy.

Many of the women who had already entered Sihua city showed incomparable anger.

However, the disciples who had just worshipped the entrance were indifferent to each other. Some even looked at Fu Xinyan and others with a look of schadenfreude in their eyes.

Fu Xinyan sneered.

"So it seems that we have to thank you for Sihua city?"

"Oh, that's not necessary, but..."

Fu Xinyan waved her hand, "don't mention it!"

Then he reached out and pointed to the opposite side, "I tell you, adults will never die, and we Sihua city will not yield!"

"Looking for death!" Yan Hentian snorted coldly and then reached forward.

An incomparably strong flame rushed directly at the fortress formation.

At the same time, Yan hate cold drink.

"If you don't do it, when will you wait?"

With the voice.

Those who followed more than a dozen religious sects also moved their hands together.

More than a dozen Guanghua gathered together and smashed into the protective mountain curtain.


After a big bang.

The mountain protection curtain finally failed to hold up. After a crack, it broke.

Then, the masters of these religious sects roared with surprise: "rush in. The nuns in Sihua city are famous beauties and tonics in the eastern regions. Don't let go of any of them!"

Fu Xinyan, Su Xiaomu, as well as many disciples of Sihua City, all looked cold and fearless.

See Guanghua Road, burst sound.

But Yan Hentian, these people are obviously prepared, everyone's strength is very strong.

So soon, the people of Sihua city were gradually surrounded.

Among them, Fu Xinyan is the best.

Yan Hentian was surrounded by three masters.

Fu Xinyan's face was pale and her breath was slightly panting. She was obviously at the end of her tether.

Yan Qingyi, who had been watching the war, said with a grim smile: "father, I like this woman. Grab it and give it to me."

Yan Hentian laughed and said, "good! But this woman is strong. I wonder if my son can move down

My father's most favorite is "my father's biting"

This pair of father and son such brazen words let Fu Xinyan's face full of anger, but her eyes showed a touch of despair.

Can we say that the foundation of Sihua city will be destroyed by our own hands today?

And the Lord, as these people say, can't you come back?

Just then, a faint voice came from the sky, resounding through the sky.

"Who said I'm dead? "

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