Hear that.

Everyone in the room turned pale.

Fu Xinyan, in particular, was shocked and looked up.

I saw a huge motorcade slowly coming from the sky.

The motorcade is composed of numerous tall boats and chariots. Its momentum and scale are amazing.

Everyone was staring.

In particular, Yan Hentian and the more than a dozen of zongmen leaders dare not move at the moment, because they can feel that there are countless strong and incomparable breath in this team.

There are even dozens of real immortal ancestors.

Under the pressure of this momentum.

They could only look at the slow coming of the motorcade.


The motorcade flew close to Sihua city.

And in the leader of the very tall boat, there is a person standing on the bow, looking down at all the people.

See this figure.

Fu Xinyan and all the people in Sihua city were in a commotion.

Su Xiaomu, in particular, was ecstatic and exclaimed, "brother Xue an! You're back at last

Let's say that.

There was a dead silence.

Yan Hentian and his two sons and daughters, as well as those sect masters who came to help, were all stupid.

Is this man Xue an, who once killed the iron and bone alliance and the wind family, shocked all the eastern regions?

But after he went to Zhongyu, he was killed because he offended Tianzong and xuewangshan?

Now what's going on?

Yan Hentian and others stare at it.

Xue an Wen Yan but just a smile, "yes! If I come back, some people will think I'm dead! "

With that, Xue an's eyes swept over Yan Hentian's face.


Yan Hentian and others felt that their minds were shocked by it, and then they could not help but step back more than ten steps.

A look makes the gang of guys who have just been swaggering around. The strength of adults seems to be more unfathomable!

This Fu Xinyan stupidly looks at, in the heart suddenly sprouts this idea.

And now.

The people who hate heaven finally wake up, and then all of them begin to shiver.

Until then.

They were convinced that this man was indeed Xue an.

And it's not only that it seems to be more powerful than the rumor before!

What's more, the motorcade behind xue'an is also full of the breath of countless strong men.

This is to make Yan Hentian and others pale, shaking like chaff.

"Xue Lord Xue! Congratulations! It's nothing to do with you. It's a happy thing for you to come back

At this time, there is a quick zongmen Zhangjiao shudder to beg for mercy.

Xue an turned his head and glanced at him and said, "Oh? It's none of your business? "

"It is Yes! It really has nothing to do with me. I just came here to have a good time! " The master said humbly.

Xue an nodded. "It sounds like I should let you go!"

This teacher is very happy and is about to give thanks.

Xue an then said: "unfortunately, I heard what you just said!"

The master has not had time to speak.

Xue an's eyes flashed, but he didn't see any movement.

The head of the teacher exploded.

Brain mixed with blood, like fireworks general explosion, and then the dead body will fall, fall into meat mud.

This Zhang Jiao was also a strong gold immortal, but he didn't even have the qualification to let Xue an do it, so he died quietly.

It was a shock.

Yan Hentian and others are shivering and shivering.

At this time, Xue an turned his head and looked at Yan Hentian, and said faintly, "it seems that you said that I even rotted my bones?"

Yan hen Tian was so shocked that he felt that although Xue an was just asking questions in a plain tone, he felt as if he was in the mountains, so that he could not breathe.

Don't even look at Xue an and talk to him like this.

At this time, I saw his son, Yan Qingyi, the young patriarch of yantianzong, stepped forward and saluted xue'an respectfully.

"My Lord, you are really magnificent. I admire you very much. This is also the wrong thing we did. Please forgive me!"

These words are neither humble nor arrogant. The Yan Qing Yi who stoops down to the body has a gleam of pride in his eyes.

I don't believe that you dare to fight in front of so many practitioners in the world.

He was thinking about it.Xue an but smile, "who are you?"

"I am the young patriarch of Yantian sect! And... "

Yan Qingyi also wants to add a few words about his glorious history.

But at this time, Xue an waved.

A sword will directly crush the body and spirit of the burning Qingyi.

"I didn't ask you, why are you talking so much nonsense?" Xue an's tone is indifferent.

Yan Qingyi would not have thought that he died of talking too much.

From Xue an's appearance to now, it's only three or five sentences.

This group of people have died, a leader of the clan, a little patriarch.

Such prestige, let Yan Hentian even dare not say a word even if his son is killed.

Even don't dare to lift his head, just bury his head as much as possible, hoping Xue an can ignore himself.

But it was that Yan Qingxuan cried out, "brother...!"

Then she looked at Xue an with a venomous look.

"You devil, you can kill me

Although Yan Qingxuan said so, she was also quite worried.

But now there is no way out, she can only fight dangerous, want to survive in this way.

After all, many big people don't kill women!

Sure enough.

See Xue an faint smile, "don't be silly, I don't kill women!"

Hearing the words, Yan Qingxuan took a breath and felt that she was right.

But at this time, Xue an stretched out a little bored and said in a relaxed tone: "exile!"


"These men are yours!"


The snow drifted away and stood in front of these people.

Yan hen Tian saw that she was a woman in white. She felt a little loose in her heart. She felt that as long as she didn't face the terrible xue'an, it would be good.

And it seems that this woman should be a maid of Xue an, and it is estimated that she will not have too high accomplishments.

In this way, you can still survive.

But then, the words of the snow drifted into the bottomless abyss.

"Cut the red, the snow flows away! Please give me your advice

Let's say that.

Whether it was Yan Hentian or his daughter Yan Qingxuan, they all showed the color of fright.

"You are asking the sixth day of Zhenbang that the snow drifts away! How can you be a servant girl of xue'an Yan Hentian can't believe his eyes.

Can snow drift away just light way: "can become adult's maidservant, is my honor!"

Say it.

She stepped forward and cut it out with a sword.

Sword light can reach.

No matter Yan hen Tian's father and daughter, or those sect leaders, they could not resist, so they were swallowed by the sword light and turned into powder.

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