In the blink of an eye.

Just now, yantianzong, who was full of arrogance and arrogance, was killed by xueliuli with one sword.

All the people in Sihua city were staring at me.

At this time, Xue an Chong Fu Xinyan light smile, "I'm back!"

Hear that.

Fu Xinyan's tears burst out of her eyes, then she bent down deeply and choked: "Sihua City, welcome your return!"

With her move, all the people in Sihua City bowed down to salute.

"Sihua City, welcome your return!"

Its voice is shocking and its potential is appalling.

And this scene was also seen by the practitioners of the Middle Kingdom who followed Xue an across the territory.

Although the people of Sihua city are not very high in cultivation.

However, the momentum of concerted efforts made these practitioners moved slightly.

As for the new disciples in Sihua city who had just complained and were unwilling to do so, they were all shivering and shaking at the moment.

What they had just said, and the thought of schadenfreude in their hearts, turned into a loud slap in their own faces.


Xue an and all of them entered the Council Hall of Sihua city.

Xue an is naturally at the top.

Fu Xinyan and people from Sihua city are there to accompany her.

And those who followed him in the Middle Kingdom took their seats one after another.

Until then.

Fu Xinyan finally saw the true face of these visitors.

This also makes it more and more frightening.

Because those old masters with white hair are almost all real immortals.

Anyone who comes to the eastern region is the most powerful person who can make all the eastern regions tremble.

But now all of them were trembling, and xue'an was the only one to follow.

This kind of prestige naturally makes people in Sihua city feel shocked.

My adult left the eastern region for only half a year, and grew up to such a terrible degree.

At this time, Xue an light way: "heart Yan!"

Fu Xinyan hurried forward and said in a respectful voice, "my Lord!"

"I order that all the powerful people in the eastern regions of the aristocratic families should all arrive in Sihua city within three days. Those who fail to reach the time limit will be killed!"

Although Xue an's tone is indifferent, it reveals a chilling murderous spirit.

It's all quiet.

Some people look at each other with doubts on their faces.

What is Xue an going to do?

Are you going to wipe out all the clans in the eastern regions?

Fu Xinyan's heart is also a Lin, but still respectfully said: "yes!"

I'm going to pass on the news.

"Hold on!"

Suddenly Xue an stopped her again.

"What else, my lord?"

"I'm afraid there will be people who don't accept the order! I'll give you a word. I'll give you a word

After that, Xue an points and writes a big Xue character out of thin air.

As soon as the word came out, all the practitioners in the hall felt their hair standing up.

In particular, the more advanced the strong, the more they felt that the word suppressed them.

Then the character was transformed into a seal character and printed directly into Fu Xinyan's palm.

"Go Xue an said lightly.

Fu Xinyan felt awe inspiring in her heart and said, "yes!"


Fu Xinyan then sent out the order of Sihua City Lord, which turned into countless streamers and distributed to numerous aristocratic families in the eastern region.

In an instant.

The whole eastern region was shocked by it.

"What? Yan Hentian, the patriarch of yantianzong, and more than a dozen sect leaders have been killed? " After hearing this letter, some powerful schools in the eastern regions could not help but look pale.

"That's right. Xue an, who suppressed the eastern regions, has returned from the central region. He has taken Tianjiao, a powerful man in the central region, and even made the peerless experts on the list willing to be his maid!"

The news broke the whole audience.

After seeing the orders handed down by Sihua City, the faces of these clans became extremely ugly.

Because the wording of this warrant is very simple, only 15 words, but full of senhan murderous spirit.

Three days later, I saw you in Sihua city. If you don't arrive, you can't be forgiven!

And the signature of this warrant is a silver hook iron painting of Xue characters.

After receiving this order, many of them were trembling with anger, but they did not dare to say anything. They could only hold back their dark Qi.

But there are also many strong sects, the people of the ancient aristocratic families despise this, and even are satisfied with it.

There is a Jinwu gang in the northwest of the eastern region.

The leader of Jinwu Gang is a strong man at the peak of Jinxian. He has the ability to fight against Jinwu and refine everything. His strength is extremely strong.Under his administration, the Jinwu Gang is also thriving.

Soon he was able to command a vast territory with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

This day.

He also received a warrant from Sihua city.

But when he opened his eyes, his face could not help but look angry.

"Hehe, a group of little girls, they have a lot of style! How dare you talk to my Jinwu gang with this bossy attitude

Several elders of the Jinwu gang were angry when they heard about it. Some of them sneered.

"Isn't this Sihua city relying on xue'an's strength? I don't believe how good a hairy boy can be

"Yes! We don't want to go to the Jinwu gang. Let's see what Sihua city can do to me! "

In the noise of these drums, the eyes of the leader of the Jinwu Gang flashed, and the flames of Jinwu rose in his hand to burn the order.

But as soon as the golden and black flame came into contact with this warrant.

In the order, there was a fierce and terrifying force.

As powerful as it was, all the people of the Jinwu gang were trembling.

At this time, a big Xue character rose slowly and floated to the sky of Jinwu gang.

"What is this?"

The leader of Jinwu Gang just exclaimed.

The word Xue was suddenly pressed down.

A silent voice fell from the sky.


In the Jinwu sect, no matter the elders or the ordinary members of the gang, they all screamed and turned into flesh and mud under the suppression of this word.

Only the leader of the Jinwu Gang stirred up the whole body of Jinwu flame to resist.

But the flaming flame of Jinwu, on which he became famous, did not even support a breath, and was also crushed out.

The leader of Jinwu screamed, and then even the spirit and the body were crushed into powder.

Then the mountain peak where the Jinwu gang was located sent out a groan of unbearable burden, then collapsed and was directly razed to the ground by this word.

The Jinwu Gang, which has been handed down for thousands of years, has been eliminated.

At the same time.

A similar scene is being staged in many places in the eastern region.

However, no matter whether it is an ancient aristocrat who has been handed down for thousands of years, or the peak of Jinxian, it is a strong school where the strong people of half step real immortals sit.

As long as they dare to resist or disrespectful to the order, they are suppressed and turned into nothing.

Once this happens.

All the aristocratic families in the eastern region were shocked, and finally understood how powerful and cultivated Xue an was.

In this case, no one dared to show any disrespect to xue'an and Sihua city.

Those ancient aristocratic families and large groups who were once full of pride were deeply afraid of xue'an.

Suppress one territory with one word.

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