Three days passed in a flash.

On this day.

The city of Sihua is in unprecedented splendor.

All the clansmen and aristocratic families of the whole eastern region gathered here, and none of them dared not arrive within the time limit.

The power of xue'an is enough to make the strong men in the eastern regions be shocked.


All the strong men gathered in the square of Sihua city.

And then they started talking.

"Why do you say that xue'an has gathered us all together?"

"I don't know, but I don't think it's a good thing! This xue'an is a bully, and he can still have our good fruit to eat? " The man said with a sad face.

"It's not to call us together and kill us all!" Another suddenly said.

Let's say that.

The hearts of all the people around him were heavy.

"Should I don't think so! Does Xue an dare to be so cruel in front of so many people in the world? " Someone said with a frightened face.

"Who dares to say that! I don't think it's possible to kill all of them, but I don't think any of those who have had a festival with Sihua city before! As for how dare he do it in front of so many people Ha ha, did you forget the word on the previous warrant? "

I heard the man say about the warrant.

The faces of the people all turned a little ugly.

In particular, many have always been arrogant strong, at the moment all feel in the heart is not a taste.

I thought I was strong, and I could not sell anyone's face.

But who could have thought that under the pressure of Xue an, he would have to come here obediently.

Such a gap in strength made them all feel desperate.

At the same time, there are still many people who are quietly watching the practitioners in the distance.

"My God, are these the strong men in the Middle Kingdom who came with Xue an? There's a real immortal

"What's more, don't you see the two gorgeous women standing in the front?"

"Nonsense, I'm not blind. Of course I saw such a beautiful woman!"

"Hehe, the one with sword hanging around his waist is the one who once killed the red girl Xue who was the sixth in the list of asking truth, while the one who flatters and flatters is the heavenly daughter of the blissful square. These are all true disciples of the Tianzong school, and their status is extremely respectable. But such people are willing to be a maid to xue'an! You can see what kind of status Xue an is now

The remark made all the people turn pale.

At this moment.

Xue an's figure suddenly appeared over the square, overlooking all the people below.

The square, which had been in chaos, was suddenly quiet.

People raised their heads and looked up at the figure above the sky, with deep awe in their eyes.

At this time, Xue an said coldly, "I call all your practitioners here for one thing."

The whole audience held their breath and listened quietly.

Xue an casually pointed to the huge Sihua city and said, "I want to turn the eastern region into the Middle Earth, and this city is the center of the unification."

The words left the audience in a dead silence.

It wasn't until a moment later that there was an uproar.

"You want to turn this place into a Midland? My God, it's time for us to be pioneers in the eastern regions! "

I thought it was us! I didn't expect that he came to help us. He was really wrong before

This is the eastern region practitioners are excited.

"This is absolutely not feasible, because we are all based in Zhongyu. If we follow his advice, all major schools in Zhongyu will suffer heavy losses."

"No way! We must unite with each other and show our tough side to xue'an! "

"Yes! I agree! "

In the middle of the clan, the voices are low.

In this fierce commotion, Xue an looked around the audience and said faintly, "you Who is in favor of it and who is against it? "

It's like someone's pressing the stop button.

The originally chaotic square suddenly quieted down.

Then all the monks in the eastern region raised their hands and cried out, "I agree with you!"

"Lord Xue, we will support you unconditionally!"

"Yes, from today on, our life will be sold to you! Absolutely

However, the faces of the practitioners in the middle kingdom became extremely ugly, and then they looked at each other.

The group of people who had just been in a hot discussion and wanted to show Xue an their tough attitude were all mute and did not dare to raise their heads.

After all, everyone knows that if you come out at this time, you may have to pay the price of your life!

Just then.

Huoran, an old man in the middle region, stood out and gave Xue an a fist in the air.

"Mr. Xue, I am He Wenbin, the head of Wansheng hall in Zhongyu. I think there is something wrong with what you just said! Because Wansheng hall has been handed down in the central region for thousands of years, and our foundation is there. If you ask us to move here, please forgive me, Wansheng hall can't agree with me! "Many people have been impressed by this remark.

Everything is like this. If someone takes the lead, it will be easy to handle.

After that, several ancestors of aristocratic families came forward to express their disagreement.

"Yes! What he Laozu said is exactly what we want to say! We can't move the ancient Buddha Temple! "

"And our broken sword villa!"

These voices come and go.

Soon, a large group of people gathered behind him.

Xue an listened quietly, without a word.

It was not until these people finished that he looked up at the group.

The atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

Including He Wenbin, there was a cold sweat in the palms of these opposing ancestors.

Because no one knows what Xue an will do. What if he really dares to take the world's public opinion and make a bold move?

This group of ancestors was in a state of anxiety.

Xue an but smile, and then gently nodded, "since you do not want to, that even! You don't have to move any more! "

Let's say that.

A lot of people think they heard it wrong.


So simple as that?

Is this Xue an trying to get, deliberately joking?

But look at Xue an's serious look, it's not like telling a joke!

Now, many of the old masters of Zhongyu felt remorseful and felt that they had not rushed to express their opposition?

All of them were led by the great masters of he Wenzhang.

Especially He Wenbin.

At the moment, his heart was full of pride.

Even if you xue'an is so amazing, you still have to bow your head?

It can be seen that this move is the right move.

Thinking of this, He Wenbin suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and gave Xue an a careless arch.

"Thank you so much for your understanding of us."

The old masters behind him also followed and saluted, all with proud smiles on their faces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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