The situation suddenly became a bit odd.

Snow drift and Moya and others looked at each other, and their eyes were full of cold and murderous air.

As long as Xue an orders, they will not hesitate to rush forward to kill these clans who dare to challenge Xue an's authority in public.

But in this case, Xue an just stood in the air, looking at these eager to thank the ancestors, the corner of his mouth appeared a faint smile.


When these two words appeared, He Wenbin and others were all shocked.

Xue an saw the situation and smile, "don't be so afraid, as if I will eat people!"

After hearing this, many practitioners thought.

You don't eat people, but you're more frightening than man eating demons.

Then Xue an said faintly: "this matter is what you love me to do, I will not force anyone."

"I'm just asking, can you think about it?"

He Wenbin was slightly stunned and then said in a deep voice: "my Lord, how dare we play games with such a big event? It's natural to think about it! "

Xue an nodded. "Well, in this case, don't blame me for not reminding you! After all, I gave you two chances! "

He Wenbin and all the practitioners were confused.

I don't understand what Xue an meant by this.

At this time, Xue an looked up at the sky in the distance and said, "it's almost time! It's now

Hearing this, all the practitioners in the hall all stepped back, thinking that Xue an would do something earth shaking.

But after waiting for a moment, he found that there was no vision between heaven and earth.

The breeze is still blowing, the color jade continues to drift, nothing has changed.

"That's it?"

Many practitioners looked at each other, all a little confused.

Some people even sneer in their hearts.

I think Xue an is just making a mystery.

But at this time, the whole Sihua city was shocked, and then eight bright lights rose from the eight corners, and gathered in front of Xue an.

The eight rays of light converge to form a light mass which is like a grinding plate.

Then she saw Fu Xinyan, Su Xiaomu and others rising from the sky and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, the arrangement has been finished according to your instructions!"

Xue an faint smile, "very good! Next... "

Xue an suddenly thought of some mystical magician and couldn't help laughing: "it's the moment of witnessing miracles!"

Unfortunately, all the people present didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, just looked at Xue an.

When Xue an opened his hand, an octagonal cubic crystal floated in the air.

All eight sides of this cubic crystal are dazzling with a dazzling halo. In the crystal, there seems to be a very thick pale gold liquid flowing slowly.

All of them were stupid.

I think this crystal looks like a living thing.

Even the flickering light was like breathing.

Xue an looked at the cubic crystal in his hand, and could not help but sigh.

Because this thing is the original power of stars stolen from the wasteland world by the blood skeleton pirate guild.

It is also because of its lack that the wasteland world will become a Jedi.

But it is the most precious thing for many families.

Because as long as you have it, you can create a piece of heaven and earth out of thin air.

For example, the Nayuan plateau where xuewangshan is located relies on this thing to maintain its operation.

In the end, Xue an found the blood net mountain when he destroyed it.

Now it comes in handy.

Xue an thought to himself, then gently put the octagonal cubic crystal in the light.

As soon as the crystal comes into contact with this light mass, it will melt like water and milk.

People were all staring.

Don't understand what this is doing?

In doubt.

The people felt that the ground under their feet suddenly began to shake slightly.

Then the aura between heaven and earth began to shake violently.

Then, I heard someone exclaim in horror.

"Look at it

The crowd turned their heads.

Just behind Sihua City, on the originally flat ground, a hill is rapidly forming.

It's so fast, but in the blink of an eye, it's already thousands of feet high, and with the rise of the mountain.

Thousands of kilometers around Sihua City, heaven and earth began to change dramatically.

The aura of heaven and earth began to soar at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Such a big change in the world, let everyone look silly.

Even Fu Xinyan and others in Sihua city are all confused.Because Xue an didn't say what to do when he told them to seal cutting array.

They didn't ask.

I didn't expect such a big change.

In the blink of an eye.

Originally some mediocre Sihua city turned into a top-level paradise.

Its spirit is abundant, even than that of the blood network mountain of the Yuan Region plateau are several times stronger.

All of them were stupid.

In particular, He Wenbin, the leader of Wansheng hall, who had expressed their opposition, were shocked at the moment.

However, He Wenbin turned to think about it, although Sihua city has become the top cave.

But he and others are not bright.

If you move to the eastern regions, it is very likely that they will be thrown to the remote places and linger.

Thinking of this, He Wenbin's heart gradually calmed down.

And the old God in looking at, the corner of his mouth even has a smile.

But the smile soon solidified in his face.

Because all this is just the beginning.

Xue an suddenly stomped, the void vibrated, the light flashed, and then a dozen light clusters appeared in front of him.

Then Xue an waved, more than a dozen cubic crystals that were half as small as the one just now floated in the air.

These stars are the original crystal stone Xue an turned out from the warehouse of xuewangshan.

It's obviously the starpirates who stole it from other stars.

And once these stars are stolen and taken out, they can no longer be exported back.

So Xue an simply used it as a transformation.


Xue an drank softly.

These ten crystals are all integrated into the more than ten light clusters.

And then the whole eastern continent began to produce earth shaking changes.

The mountain became high, the river became wide, and even an ordinary grass on the road began to twinkle with a ray of light.


The whole eastern region was transformed from a plain continent into a place with abundant and rich spirit.

The abundance of aura is more than ten times stronger than that of Zhongyu.

That is to say, in any place, it will be more spiritual than those places in the central region where wind and Qi gather.

But Xue an then stood in the air, light way: "now this place has been a paradise, you, can there be anything else to say?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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