Countless monks gaped at the scene.

Then the monks in the eastern regions were all excited and exclaimed.

"This is a miracle

"Change the world, this is the real immortal means!"

"Lord Xue really knows the way! I took it

Different from the excitement and ecstasy of these eastern region practitioners.

Those practitioners from the Middle Kingdom are in a polarized mood at the moment.

In particular, He Wenbin, the leader of Wansheng Hall who took the lead in the opposition, looked at all this in disbelief, and then murmured to himself, "this How could that be possible? "

The voice has just dropped.

After him, the religious masters who followed him against it were shocked and awakened from a dream.

"What's your family name! Blame you! If you hadn't bewitched us with all sorts of rhetoric, how could we have been against adults? " There was a fat old ancestor who jumped out to make trouble.

"Yes! He Wenbin, you dare to act against adults in a wishful way. How vicious your heart is! Fortunately, you can see through your despicable behavior in time, and we have not gone astray! " Another middle-aged woman with a face full of flesh and blood also took aim at He Wenbin.

For a while, this group of patriarchs who had just set their mind on fighting against xue'an had already started to fight against each other.

Looking at this group of people who have already made a group of quarrels, the rest of the Zhongyu sect are all happy that they have not had time to express their opposition.

Otherwise, isn't there no place to cry now?

And those who just objected to it, spitting one by one, pointing to He Wenbin's nose and swearing.

At the same time, these people did not forget to flatter Xue an secretly and openly.

He Wenbin could not argue, and could only stare at this scene.

Clearly in the previous discussion, these people all clapped their chests and promised to follow him to the end.

But I didn't expect that at this time, this group of guys turned against the water collectively, instead, they became the target of public criticism.

More importantly.

Now, the situation in the eastern regions makes him feel proud, and He Wenbin, who bows his head, is full of despair.

Such a concentration of aura, such a paradise.

That is, any corner is much better than yourself in the final Wansheng hall.

But such a good opportunity, but because of their own stupid and completely lost.

It can be imagined that when those who were on the same level with themselves entered here, their strength would certainly advance by leaps and bounds, and then Wansheng hall might be completely destroyed.

This makes He Wenbin's intestines almost regret Qing.

If there is any regret medicine in the world, he would like to taste it first.

Just at this time, this group of clan leaders fell to their knees and cried.

"My Lord! We are all willing to move here, but we were deceived by He Wenbin before. Please be merciful and let us also enter the Middle Earth

"Yes, my Lord, these are all the fault of He Wenbin! Please give us a chance

In these cries and cries.

Xue an stood quietly in the air, overlooking the group of people performing there.

"I remember I asked you if you had thought about it, and I gave you two opportunities, but you didn't cherish it. Who can blame for this?"

Xue an's indifferent words made this group of people fall into an ice pit.

"But your honor..."

These people also want to defend.

Xue an waved his hand, "don't say! If you really want to enter this world, you can't help it

On hearing this, all the people's eyes lit up.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

"It's very simple. Find a sect that is willing to accept you, and then break up your own sect and merge it into one."

As soon as Xue an's words came out.

There was an uproar.

Those who lived in Zhongyu and those in Dongyu were all in front of us.

And all of the religious leaders who took the lead in opposing it were pale.

Because if we follow Xue an's advice, we will split their sects.

What's more, if you merge with other sects, don't you want to rely on others?

This naturally made it difficult for these religious masters to accept.

So it's all about pleading again.

Can Xue an's next words then mercilessly shattered their fantasy.

"If you don't want to, it's very simple. Now you commit suicide on the spot, and your family will naturally be taken over! Choose your own way

Hearing Xue an's words, these patriarchal masters knew that the situation could not be violated and immediately called out, "we are willing to choose the first one!"

After that, he turned to his friends to discuss the merger.On the open space, only He Wenbin stood there alone.

Xue an glanced at him and said, "you want to get rid of the limelight with me in this way from the beginning, so as to expand the influence of you and your clan."

He Wenbin shivered all over, knowing that it was useless to say anything, so he nodded with difficulty, "yes!"

"In fact, it doesn't matter whether you move or not. If you don't come to Zhongyu, you can be completely crushed by the present Dongyu in less than 100 years! So I asked you to come, just to give you a chance! It's a pity that you want to target me through my kindness

Xue an's tone is calm.

It can be heard that He Wenbin's ears make him shudder all over, hardly speaking.

"In fact, I hate people playing smart in front of me, but I'll let you go this time! Let's go

He Wenbin was relieved.

It's OK.

I'm still alive!

Now He Wenbin has been afraid of Xue an like a tiger, so he didn't dare to hesitate. He saluted Xue an deeply, then turned around and walked away in dismay.

Looking at the figure that he left, Xue an faint smile, then turned around and left the square.

But he just smile, but a lot of people with a heart to see in the eyes.

Some wise people thought about it for a while, then they thought about it. They could not help but feel awe inspiring in their hearts, and their awe of Xue an became more and more profound.

But there's something that hasn't been seen.

For example, Su Xiaomu, she has some discontented murmured.

"Brother Xue an is too kind! These cheeky guys shouldn't let them in! And He Wenbin, I have just inquired about him. This guy is a wily villain in Zhongyu! And that's what happened? "

Hearing Su Xiaomu's words, Fu Xinyan on one side of her face sank and scolded, "bold!"

Su Xiaomu was stunned, "elder martial sister, you..."

Fu Xinyan's face sank like water, "you can talk about the affairs of adults in vain?"

Su Xiaomu shudders at the smell of the speech and quickly lowers his head.

"Sorry, elder martial sister, I was wrong! But I really didn't want to understand it! "

Fu Xinyan light way: "you are still too small, a lot of things only saw the surface, but did not consider why it would be so."

"You say you don't understand why the adults let these shameless clansmen enter the eastern region. Then you can see what the situation is now!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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