Su Xiaomu hears the speech and looks.

This group of practitioners in Zhongyu were arguing with each other red in the face, and everyone was very excited. The situation of collusion just now disappeared.

"This is..."

"See! This is the skill of an adult! " Fu Xinyan said lightly.

"If these clans want to enter the eastern regions, they have to break up and merge with other clans. But is that so simple to say?"

"We should know that all the bustling and bustling in the world are for profit. Once the vital interests are involved, both the master and the apprentice will turn against each other, let alone these clans?"

"Because of this, they will start to calculate each other crazily. The masters who join other sects will not be willing to take charge of their own power, and those who accept them will not spit fat. Under this kind of competition, these Zhongyu sects will become a group of loose sand and will never form an alliance of interests again! And that's what adults want to see! "

I heard Fu Xinyan's explanation.

Su Xiaomu finally understood why Xue an would do this, but she was still a little confused.

"What about He Wenbin? Brother Xue an's character should not let this guy go! "

Fu Xinyan chuckled and shook her head. "Do you think He Wenbin will survive?"

Su Xiaomu was stunned.

Fu Xinyan looked at the newly uplifted mountain in the distance and said faintly: "just now the adults said that if you want to enter the eastern region, these lords can commit suicide. In this way, their clan can come in! But these people obviously cherish their lives, so of course they won't do it! "

"But He Wenbin is different. He is the one who ruined the future of Wansheng hall. When he goes back, what will the disciples who know the news think of him?"

"Elder martial sister, you mean..."

Fu Xinyan nodded. "I guess he will not even see the sun the next day when he goes back. Those red eyed disciples will not hesitate to kill him and then use his head to apologize."

Su Xiaomu, who said this, has goose bumps all over her body.

Because she finally understood the reason why Xue an did these things, but it was precisely because of this that she became more and more awed of xue'an.

"Brother Xue an is not only very good at cultivation, but also so meticulous and forceful in thinking. What kind of person is he?" Su Xiaomu said softly.

Fu Xinyan sighed in the distance It should be the skill of adults to check and balance. "

It was just outside when the eastern regions became the middle land.

Xue an has returned to the back house of Sihua city.

An Yan is waiting for him to return here.

After seeing Xue an, an Yan smiles.

"It's done?"

Xue an nods and smiles, "your husband, I'll take the horse, what's not easy to catch? Even you and I have taken it, not to mention a small Dongyu! "

"Bah! You'll be very garrulous An Yan spat, and then said softly.

"Husband, do we really want to go to the blood god world?"

Xue an nodded, "Yan'er, this blood god world must be going, one is for your seal, the second..."

Xue an said this, his eyes showed a touch of cold.

"Of course, it's to find out what clan, sect and clan were responsible for the catastrophe of the Chinese people ten thousand years ago."

As a matter of fact, when Xue an killed duankong blood god, he searched for what he wanted from his remaining mind.

As a result, Xue an found that in the image of duankong, the faces of those big stars who slaughtered the Chinese people were not clear, and they could not tell who was responsible.

This has happened to Xue an before.

But the more so.

The more it proves the cunning and cruelty of those behind the scenes.

And Xue an's killing intention is more intense.

No matter who you are and how powerful you are, I will let you pay your blood.

Xue an thought.

After hearing this, an Yan stretched out his hand and caressed Xue an's eyebrows. "Husband, I know you want to revenge for our Chinese ancestors, but I don't want you to be blinded by hatred! Because no matter how strong you are, the burden on your shoulders will not be unlimited! "

Xue an listened, a warm heart, and then an Yan light into the arms.

"I know! Since I am born again, I will naturally live a good life and live up to you and the two little girls. "

"Well!" An Yan answers in Xue an's arms.


She seemed to think of something, raised her head and said, "no, I haven't seen these two little girls for several days, and I don't know if they have turned the sky in Fubao's small building!"

Speaking of this, Anyan hastily releases Fubao building, and then steps into it.

After that, Yan an heard the voice from inside.

"My God, are you fighting here?""Where are those ice cream?"

"What? hear nothing of? What's the matter with the cream around your mouth

"Xue an, come and see what your two daughters have done

Xue an listened, but with a smile, he had no choice but to step into the Fubao building.

In this, two little girls stood side by side, their heads bowed to receive training.

An Yan saw Xue an come in, full of anger pointed to the messy room and said: "see? You two precious daughters almost took this place down

"And the dozens of barrels of ice cream I put in here have all been eaten up by them!"

Xue an scratched his scalp and said, "if you eat up, you can buy it again."

An Yan was angry and glared at Xue an, "is this a question of whether to buy or not? That's dozens of barrels of ice cream! Your two daughters ate all of them! They are girls! If you can eat it so much, what if you become a little fat man

An Yan was distressed.

Xue Anwei vinono.

"Er I don't think my daughter will be a little fat girl. I'm not the only one in everything

"Hum! You will spoil them like that An Yan is still angry.

Xue an but secretly looked at two little girls, and then squeezed eyes, compared to a victory gesture.

The two little girls chuckled and turned into big cats with smiles on their faces.

"How dare you laugh?" An Yan gives birth to the airway.

"It's dad!" Xue an points to Xue Nian.

"Yes, dad made us laugh! It's a sign of victory Xue wanted to betray Xue an without hesitation.

The smile on Xue an's face solidified.

An Yan pointed to Xue an, "you, and you two, you three all stand in the corner of the wall!"

One big two small, three people obediently stand to the corner.

Then Xue Nian said quietly, "Dad, are you afraid of mom?"

"Not afraid! Respect Xue an said lightly.

"Cut, Dad, you are clearly afraid!" Xue Xiang unconcerned Xue an's cover up.

"Cough! Don't talk and stand up! " Xue an said with some embarrassment.

After a long time, Xue Xiang sighed, "we three surnamed Xue, but we can't fight my mother alone!"

"Dad, you immortal, you are really It's weak! "

Xue an's eyelids jumped, "I can't help it. Xian Zun is also afraid of the female tiger." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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