The news that Xue an changed the world by means of connecting heaven and earth, turning the mainland of the eastern regions into a paradise of heaven and earth was like a giant nuclear bomb, which instantly caused a sensation of the whole unification.

All practitioners were shocked when they heard the words.

"The eastern region has become a blessed land. If we can't settle in it, we will be left far behind by other colleagues if we can't stay in it for a hundred years at most." There is a high-level elder of the great school of aristocratic families with a dignified face.

"What shall we do?"

"Now the only way for us to save ourselves is to try our best to enter the eastern regions."

Everyone nodded.

And such a scene is being staged in turn among the major sects.

For a time, countless families, scattered practitioners and even some non human practitioners rushed to the eastern regions.

When they really set foot on the land of the eastern regions, they were shocked.

Because the situation here is stronger than the rumor.

However, within a few days, because of the rising aura, the roadside groves began to breed spiritual herbs.

And all kinds of spirit animals began to appear.

What will this be like in time?

Therefore, when the group arrived at Sihua City, they were no longer proud and wanted to enter the eastern region at all costs.

It would be better if we could get in touch with Xue an or the top management of Sihua city!

Can wait until here a look, these people can't help but some silly eyes.

Because at the moment, Sihua city is already very busy.

Almost all the monastic sects came.

No one will make any concession on this kind of thing.

For a while, these sects began to fight openly and secretly, in order to get in touch with the people of Sihua city.

As a result, the people of Sihua city are also rising. Even if an ordinary disciple goes out of the gate, he will attract numerous followers.

But then, Fu Xinyan, the city's master, began to renovate the interior of Sihua city with great vigour.

Those who were still complaining after entering the city were naturally the first to be cleaned up.

But now even a fool can see that Sihua city will soar in the future.

Under such circumstances, the mood of these aristocratic families can be imagined.

At least a lot of people, after being driven out, kneel in front of the gate and cry.

Including the families behind them, they all came here, trying to integrate.

But Fu Xinyan didn't even see these people.

Xue an made it clear to her.

Now Sihua city has mastered the best resources, but to become a real Xianmen school, the first thing is to strictly manage the interior.

Otherwise, a mouse excrement can destroy a pot of porridge.

Inspired by Xue an, Fu Xinyan ignored any courtship. Those who were mediocre in talent and envious of talents were forced out of the house and replaced with young people who were loyal to Sihua city and had outstanding talents.

For a while, the whole Sihua city was completely new and vigorous.

At the same time, Xue an issued several decrees.

In order to enter this land, the monks of the rest of the territory had to go through several examinations.

The assessment will be held every three years.

And those who perform well in the examination will be eligible to enter Sihua city for practice.

As soon as these laws are promulgated.

All those who came here were shocked by it.

A lot of smart people are impressed.

Because Xue an's hand is very beautiful, which is equivalent to strangling the throat of all those who want to enter the eastern region.

And after layers of screening, the talents will continue to supply fresh blood for Sihua city.

Under this ebb and flow, Sihua city will become more and more powerful.

Many people are naturally dissatisfied with such a law.

But now, they can only be full of gloomy looking, can not do any resistance to the action.

After all, Sihua city is qualified to do so.

As for the local practitioners of the eastern regions, they were not too early to be happy.

Soon there was a decree coming out of xue'an.

All clans will be held once every ten years, and the last ten sects will be removed from the eastern region.

As a result, these clans also felt a deep pressure.

At the time of Xue an's bold promulgation of the law.

According to the news from Zhongyu, He Wenbin had just returned to Wansheng hall. Before he could have a meal, he was attacked by his elders and killed on the spot.

This news makes a lot of people agitate, at the same time, they dare not to despise and disobey Xue an any more.

A brave man is like a sharp sword in the hands of ordinary people. It seems to be incomparable but not powerful.

And the one who is both brave and resourceful is the magic weapon in the hand of the peerless swordsman, which is daunting.A month later.

The whole unification gradually calmed down.

But the situation is different.

The eastern region has become the first place in the world.

Numerous schools dream of entering here to practice.

At the same time, under various laws and regulations, all the patriarchal clans were riveted to win over each other.

In this case, the status of Sihua city is more and more detached.

And Xue an took advantage of this period of time to teach several shenjue Gong FA to Fu Xinyan and other people.

Under the careful guidance of Xue an, these people's accomplishments have made great progress.

Finally, everything was almost done.

On this day, Xue an personally came to the main hall of Sihua city.

In this hall, the spirit of Lu Yiyue is worshipped.

Xue an picked up three incense sticks and looked up at the statue.

After a long time, Xue an sighed.

"Master, I have destroyed this Shizong gate which was seriously injured by you, and according to your request, I will turn this Sihua city into a paradise of heaven and earth! You can rest assured

With that, Xue an bowed and turned away.

When we get out of the hall.

Fu Xinyan and Su Xiaomu are waiting at the door.

When I saw him, I couldn't help but kneel down.

"My Lord! Are you going? "

Xue an nodded slightly.

Two people all over a shudder, Su Xiaomu choked and said: "brother Xue an, do you still come back?"

"Come back, of course!" Xue an smiles, and then waves his hand, "get up! I'll give it to you! But remember, don't be arrogant and complacent! Otherwise I will not let you go

Fu Xinyan and others were awe inspiring, "yes! Please rest assured, my Lord! I think the city is absolutely in accordance with your orders, not to cause trouble, but also not afraid of things! "

Xue an nods.

The reason why he said this is because he has seen too many things about the young dragon butcher turning into a dragon.

In the face of power and power, few people can not lose their heart.

I hope Fu Xinyan can do what they say.

After all this, Xue an returned to the back house.

An Yan asked: "husband, do we have to shuttle the stars again?"

Xue an a smile, "no, and I have returned to the star boat outside the one star!"

"How are we going to get there?"

Xue an spread out his hands, hands are a group of red light.

"This is the blood abyss used by xuewangshan to punish criminals, and through this, we can directly enter the blood god world!"

After that, Xue an lets an Yan and his two daughters enter the Fubao building for a while.

And he jerked his hand.

The blood abyss suddenly turned into a huge blood color portal.

Xue an stepped into it and disappeared into the returning star. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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