When Xue an crossed the passage of time and space and came out from the other side.

A strong smell of rotten vegetation mixed with steaming water vapor from the hot sun. The combination of the two produces a disgusting odor that goes straight to your nostrils.

Xue an stood in the middle of the sky and looked around. The world around was covered by fog, and the four fields were silent.

And at the foot, it is the marshland with the big and colorful bubbles.

Occasionally, there will be bubbles burst lonely, to the quiet world added a few monotonous and boring background sound.

Xue an frowned slightly.

Because he found that in the swamp, his mind was greatly limited and could only cover a hundred miles.

But under this spirit, he could still feel many fierce hunters lurking in the swamp under his feet.

Now, for example, a swamp crocodile, nearly 10 meters long, suddenly leaps out of the grass and leaps to Xue an in the air.

This giant crocodile is not only dexterous in action, but also twinkles with cold light all over his body. When in the air, it opens its mouth and spits out a big breath of black gas.

This black gas gives off a pungent smell, and the air is corroded everywhere. It is obviously extremely poisonous.

Xue an's eyes are cold. He is a fierce crocodile.

Although he came through here, he has not yet done his cultivation, but with his momentum, he is not the ordinary Warcraft dare to provoke easily.

However, the giant crocodile dared to take the initiative to attack, showing its ferocity.

But that's all.

A sword light passed by, and the crocodile was split in half from the middle of its nose.

As for the black air, even xue'an's clothes were not stained at all.

The body of the crocodile fell into the swamp.

Almost in a flash, the originally calm swamp began to churn wildly.

Hundreds of crocodiles swarmed in and tore up the dead crocodile's body.

Then there are many crocodiles, staring at Xue an with blood red eyes.

Xue an snorted coldly, showing a trace of momentum.


Like a shell, the swamp at xue'an's feet suddenly sank, and then dozens of crocodile bodies floated up.

The remaining crocodiles turned their heads and ran away.

Xue an didn't chase, but chose a direction and flew forward.

Until this time, Xue an found that the fog in the swamp was highly toxic.

Of course.

The gas had no effect on xue'an.

But if you were someone else, it would not last a quarter of an hour.

A moment.

Xue an has traversed thousands of kilometers, but as far as he can see, he is still a boundless swamp.

Even the scenery has not changed much. The only difference is that the number of crocodiles in the swamp below gradually decreases, and a larger lizard appears.

Xue an frowned slightly.

The world of blood seems a little strange.

At this time, Xue an suddenly felt a strange wave in the distance.

Xue an was slightly stunned.


And from the sense of breath, one side seems to be a Terran.

Thinking in my heart, Xue an's people have already rushed past.


On the edge of this swamp.

A small team is fighting a fierce battle with a giant lizard.

I saw that this lizard has shown several scars.

But for a big man like him, these injuries are not fatal, but they stimulate his ferocity.

So when a man with a huge sword rushed up again, the lizard opened its mouth and spewed out a black flame.

This flame is vicious, the man just contaminated a little, then screamed, and then the whole body quickly dry down, become a ball of coke.


A girl moaned and then roared at the lizard: "you damn beast, my Lina will make you a barbecue today to avenge Aton!"

With that, the girl in the robe danced with her hair still, her eyes glittering with silver, and then she pushed her hands forward.

Two flashes of lightning flashed from her hands and ran straight to the lizard.

The rest of the group gathered in front of the girl.

Protect the warlock in the team at any time. This is the first rule on the battlefield.

However, these two thunder lights, which tried their best to make the lizard's skin armor intact, inspired its ferocity instead.

I saw the lizard roar, took a step and rushed towards the team.

The lizard is twenty or thirty meters long and weighs dozens of tons. This sprint makes the earth tremble.All the members of the team were disgraced.

The girl is pale, but at this time she has no time to cast other skills.

Several men holding daggers looked at each other, and then they all sneaked away, trying to stop the huge rush.

Lena exclaimed, "don't go, you are not the rival of this beast!"

But it's too late.

These thieves have rushed to the front, and then one of them escaped, then disappeared in place.

When they appear again, they have come to the lizard's side, and then the thieves raise their swords and stab them.

But they still misjudged the strength of the lizard.

The robber's blade in their hands just barely cuts off the lizard's skin armor, but this wound is not even itching for the lizard.

As for the toxin quenched on the thief's blade, it's a joke for swamp creatures known for their toxicity.

So the lizard just flicked its tail impatiently, scattered the thieves, and then continued to rush forward.

All the members of the team were already in despair.

In the face of this voracious lizard, if you turn around to escape, it will die faster.

After all, no one can beat a lizard in this poisonous fog swamp.

But at a time when these people think that they must die.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

At the same time, the lizard has also rushed forward.

Xue an stretched out his hand slowly and pressed forward.

"No!" Lina screamed at the sight.

Although she didn't know who the man was, it was just like looking for death.

But it was too late.

This giant lizard has already rushed forward.

Lena couldn't bear to close her eyes and thought that the man would die.

But just then, there was a dull sound.

The high-speed rushing lizard is like hitting a mountain peak. Xue an doesn't even shake his body.

But the lizard stopped.

Then, starting from its head, its whole body is torn by strong inertia.

The lizard howled miserably, and the sound shook the whole field.

This made everyone in the team look silly.

Especially Lina, she opened her eyes, did not expect that this man could fight against this greedy lizard with flesh and blood.

At the same time.

Xue an slightly frowned, "what is your name? Do you have bad breath?"

With that, Xue an pressed down.

Xue an pressed the head of this lizard onto the ground with one hand, and its power was so strong that it directly crushed the lizard's head.

The smell of the brain is mixed with the foul smell of the blood of the lizard, which makes the nose sour.

But all the members of the team forgot to cover their noses and looked at Xue an with dull eyes.

One hand to burst the head of the lizard, this Is it still human?

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