Just when these people are full of consternation.

Xue an turned to look at the team.

The men were all dressed in medieval European warrior armour.

The girl who was surrounded was wearing a scarlet robe with a strange wave.

It looks like an adventurer team in the game.

And as soon as Xue an looked at them.

Lena is also looking at Xue an.

She found that the man was young, with black pupils and black hair. He had a handsome appearance and was dressed in a well cut and extremely neat dress.

It was like going to a party, in sharp contrast to the muddy poisonous fog swamp.

What's more, judging from the direction of the man's rush, he seems to have come from the depths of the swamp?

Lena thought, with a respectful look on her face. Then she stepped forward, put her hands on her shoulders, and gently bent down to give Xue an the highest etiquette of a warlock.

"Mighty warrior, thank you for your help

Xue an's eyes sparkled, and soon learned the language of the world from this short sentence, and then nodded gently.

"I happened to pass by. You're welcome! Why are you here? "

"My name is Lena and I'm from the nearby kingdom of dirk. As for why I came here... "

Lena's face showed a bitter smile, "because I'm going to kill a lizard to complete my rite of passage!"

The kingdom of dirk.

It looks like medieval Europe.

Xue an is thinking.

Lena looked at xue'an quietly, and then said in a low voice, "Dear warrior, what's your name? Where did you come from? "

Xue an said faintly: "my name is Xue an, come from the deep swamp!"

There was a slight commotion in the team when Xue an said so.

You should know that this poisonous fog swamp covers an extremely wide area. In addition to the ubiquitous poisonous miasma, there are also numerous ferocious poisonous animals in it, which can be said to be very dangerous.

Therefore, few people can go deep into the swamp and retreat.

It is the elite adventurers of these kingdoms who dare to wander on the edge of the swamp.

In this way, he was almost killed by a greedy lizard.

And the man said that he was from the depths of the swamp, which sounds strange.

Especially when it comes to his clothes, it doesn't seem real.

All these people have doubts.

But Lina is in the heart one Lin, the tone more respect.

"Mr. Xue, in order to thank you for saving me, if you don't mind, please follow me back to the kingdom of dirk. My father will certainly thank you!"

"Father?" Xue an said lightly.

Lena smiles. "I didn't introduce you just now. I'm the princess of Dirk kingdom."

Xue an thought a little.

Now the world is full of quirks.

Because in xue'an's mind, there was no blood race.

Why don't you follow this woman to the kingdom of Dirk.

Thinking of this, Xue an nodded, "OK!"

Lina was overjoyed, and immediately turned to order the men named teammates, actually guards, to take away the body of the swordsman who had just died in the fire of the dragon lizard.

Then a guard came forward and cut off a claw on the body of the lizard.

It could go back to Lena's rite of passage.

As Lena said.

The kingdom of Dirk is not far from here.

After a few horses, they arrived at the capital of the kingdom in a day.

"Mr. Xue, this is the capital of our kingdom of Dirk!" Lena is quite proud of the introduction.

Xue an looked at this towering in the valley, only ten miles round, the walls are made of stone simple city, suddenly some want to laugh.

Is it such a small town that it is the capital of a kingdom?

But that's not surprising.

If the kingdom of Dirk is really powerful, then how could Lena go all the way to poison fog swamp, but she can't even defeat a lizard.

When you enter the capital city.

On both sides of the street are low houses, the road is also very muddy, there is still dirty rain in the mud pit after a horned horse, the air is filled with a bad smell.

But from Lena's exultant and proud appearance, it was obvious that there was nothing wrong with the capital.

In fact, in this world, under such productive conditions, the existence of such a medium-sized capital has proved that the kingdom of Dirk is quite good.

The capital of some kingdoms even has one village.

When Lena's carriage was walking on the streets of the capital, the residents on the roadside would respectfully step aside and give a chest salute to the motorcade.It can be seen that Lina has a good reputation among the people.

In this way, after crossing another street, the carriage turned and walked onto a road paved with bluestones.

The houses and decorations here are much better than just now.

In the distance, a spired castle began to reveal itself.

"Mr. Xue, that is my father's palace! At this time, he should be in the palace. I have just sent someone to deliver the letter. Someone should come to meet him soon! "

Just as he was saying this, he saw a silver Unicorn galloping forward. He pulled the reins suddenly in front of the motorcade. The unicorn turned sideways and could stop in front of the motorcade.

These chariot stallions are frightened and almost uncontrollable front hooves stand up.

Fortunately, the driver's skill is good, and he can barely control it.

Lena's face turned ugly at the sight of the silver unicorn.

"Yage! What do you mean

Then I heard a lazy and arrogant voice coming from the silver unicorn.

, I'm sorry, your highness, my UNICORN has just had some fun. I hope I didn't frighten you. I heard that your gift for the rite of passage is ready, and you have brought back a powerful warrior? "

Sitting on a unicorn horse, a young man in silver armor and evil looks said faintly.

When it comes to the word "mighty warrior", the tone is a little bit heavier and full of sarcasm.

Lina took a deep breath. "Yes, this is Mr. Xue who saved me! Can my father be in the palace

"His majesty just went to the palace on the border yesterday and hasn't come back yet!" Yage said carelessly, but his eyes have been wandering on Xue an's body.

When he saw that Xue an's face was handsome, but he was only a teenager at most, his face began to darken.

"Warrior from the depths of the swamp? Hehe, it's funny. Even the martial sage dare not go deep into the poisonous fog swamp alone. What are you? "

"And In this area of thousands of miles, there are only a few strong people. I still know all of them. So the question is, which martial arts sage are you? "

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