In the evening.

In the whole palace, the lights are bright, and countless maids decorate the spotless and exquisite tableware.

The parking lot in front of the palace gate was filled with carriages of the city's dignitaries who came to dinner early.

These well-dressed men and women chatted in small groups about the dinner party tonight.

"It is said that his majesty and his majesty Li Zun went to the border to meet an important guest."

"I have heard of the news, but I don't know what kind of guests can make his Majesty the king and the martial saint of Zhenguo make such an impact?"

"Is it the king of another country that has visited?"

"I don't think so! Even the most noble king can't make our majesty so nervous! "

"Well, we can't guess one or two or three for a long time. We'd better wait for your majesty to come back, and then the answer will be clear."


Everyone nodded.

Then a man said with a smile, "but there is a rare thing today. I don't know if you have heard of it! Our princess Lena has killed a greedy lizard in the poisonous fog swamp and completed her rite of passage

Many people who are not so well informed are stunned at their words.

"I haven't heard of it, but it's not surprising that Princess Lina can become a warlock who controls the mysterious power at a young age. It's not too surprising to complete this rite of passage."

"This is the second, the key is that our princess Lena also picked up a powerful warrior from the poisonous fog swamp!" The middle-aged man, with his meticulous greasy hair and a tuxedo, said in a sarcastic tone.

"Bring back a mighty warrior?" The people around were all a little surprised.

"Yes! I have heard that when he first came back, the so-called powerful warrior met with Lord Yager, and then he made a lot of remarks in front of him, saying that the martial saint was not even worthy to lift his shoes! "

As soon as this sentence comes out.

All the people around were stunned and then laughed.

"What a big voice!"

"That's right. It's only those bumpkin who have never seen the world dare to say it!"

"It's really looking for death to talk like this in front of the master of Wu Sheng Li Zun's AIDU Yage!"

"What's wrong with the back?" Someone asked.

, in smart clothes, the middle-aged nobleman sneered, "if you don't arrive in time, your majesty will teach this so-called warrior to be a man!"

Everyone nodded, and then someone couldn't help sighing.

"We Princess Lena is good at everything, but sometimes it is too simple! It must have been bluffing by some people with ulterior motives! "

"Yes! Compared to the royal highness of Princess Lena, our princess is still too young.

People are sighing.

Lena, who had changed into an evening dress, appeared in the banquet hall.

Her appearance immediately caused a slight disturbance in the field.

The young men all showed a trace of excitement, and then came forward to kiss their hands.

But today's Lina, but declined to meet the etiquette, and then slightly side, as if waiting for someone to appear.

All the nobles could not help but gather their eyes.


See soft curtain a pick, a very strange style of clothes, black pupil, black hair, extraordinary pianpianpian youth, stepped in.

The appearance of this young man made the whole audience dumbfounded.

In this capital city, there are so many 200 or 300 people who can enter the banquet hall, so they are already familiar with each other.

But the young man's face is very strange.

At this time, there was a quick reaction in the heart of the people, probably guess Xue an's identity, and then began to talk quietly.

"This is the strong Warrior Princess Lena brought back from outside."

"No mistake! It should be him

"Tut Tut, he looks really good. Unfortunately, judging from his momentum and physique, he can't be a powerful warrior." Someone said, shaking his head in disdain.

"Well, don't you see that? Our princess Lena has finished the rite of passage. It's just when the girl is in the spring. The boy is very good. Maybe he is a little lover from outside Some people said with a narrow face.

At that time, there were all kinds of discussions.

But no one thought Xue an would be a strong warrior.

Lena said to Xue an in a low voice of apology: "Mr. Xue, I'm sorry. These people are like this. Don't take it to heart!"

Xue an smiles faintly.

Of course he would not take these people's comments seriously.

In fact, in Xue an's opinion, the so-called aristocracy is a complete joke.It's nothing but a bunch of rubbish who rely on power and status to make a living.

Not to mention these people, they are the ancient families that have been handed down for thousands of years in the deep of the stars, or the aristocratic families with ancient blood inheritance. Xue an has never paid attention to them.

In his opinion, what kind of nobility can catch my fist first.

However, this kind of "whisper" between Lina and xue'an confirmed the conjecture of these boring nobles.

A lot of people started pointing at Xue an.

But the aristocratic young masters who had been in love with Lina for a long time were all livid.

Princess Lina is a noble rose to these noble young masters who rely on their own identities.

But the flower belongs to only one of them, not cheated by a guy of unknown origin.

So soon, a young man with golden hair came forward, saluted Lena gracefully, and then said in their unique aristocratic tone.

"Princess highness, congratulations on your completion of your adult ceremony first, but what I want to say is that the man is close to you. You must have another picture. Please be sure not to be deceived!"

"Thanks for the warning of Baron bish, but this Mr. Xue is my most respected friend. I don't allow you to slander him like that!"

"but your highness, this is for your good wishes."

"No need!"

The Baron bish was speechless and his eyelids began to beat wildly.

In his opinion, Princess Lina, who has always been famous for her tenderness, has become like this because of Xue an.

So in this shame and anger, he suddenly took off the white glove of his left hand and threw it in front of xue'an.

"Man, I will fight you!"

This also attracted the attention of all the audience.

And a lot of people in see the white gloves thrown on the ground, is a slight change in color.

For in this kingdom of Dirk, it is a great shame to throw the left glove in front of each other.

Once you do this, it means there will be a duel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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