At the same time, many people began to talk quietly.

"This Baron bish looks confident."

Of course you didn't hear that? This Baron bish has recently become a member of Lord Yager's house. It is said that both swordsmanship and boxing have made great progress. "

"It's going to be bad luck for this boy! It's up to him to take up the challenge! "

"Hehe, if he doesn't dare to fight, then he won't be able to stay in this banquet hall any more!"

The crowd was talking.

Xue an looks at bish across the street and laughs.

"You You want to fight me? "

"Yes, and it's the one that never dies!" Said bish, sullen.

Xue an smiles and says nothing.

This reaction made many people misunderstand that Xue an was afraid.

"Of course, if you are afraid, you can give up now, but only if you leave Princess Lina immediately and get out of Dirk's kingdom!" he said

"No, no, no, I think you misunderstood me!" Xue an's voice with uncontrollable smile, "I just want to laugh suddenly!"

"And if you want to fight me, I'll play with you!"

Beas's eyes grew colder. "Well, that's what you want. Don't blame me for being hurt or dead."

Xue an laughed more and more chicken thief, but still nodded, "of course, if I lose, you don't need to say, I will strangle myself first, how about?"

There was a commotion.

Lina was a little nervous, "Mr. Xue..."

Xue an waved his hand and said faintly, "don't worry, I have discretion."

And Beas snorted coldly at this time! In order to convince you, I'll let you choose this time. Do you want to compete with me in swordsmanship or boxing? "

Xue an's eyes were bent with a smile

"Well? What do you mean? I tell you, this is a duel, and the loser will pay the price of his life, so I hope you will be more serious, understand? " Bish couldn't hold back his anger and cried in a deep voice.

Xue an laughed so much that she saw her teeth, "I was very serious! I do. You can choose whatever you like. You can use whatever you like! If you don't want to fight, you can do it together! "

This remark completely angered the Baron bish.

You know, he's different from the average nobility.

He was born in the army. He fought real battles in the battlefield. He also worshipped under Yage's door and practiced swordsmanship and boxing.

Now his strength is not only second to none among the young nobles in the capital, but also the best.

That's why he was so confident that he would fight against xue'an.

But I didn't expect that Xue an had a funny face all the time, as if he didn't take this seriously.

This naturally made him angry.

"It's your own death. You can't blame anyone else!" Bish said, gnashing his teeth.

Then he pulled the sword straight from his waist.

This saber is a sharp blade that has been fighting with him for many years. As soon as it comes out of the scabbard, the whole banquet hall is covered with murderous air.

The aristocratic ladies began to shriek with affectation.

Some of them are about to faint.

And those noble young masters, though they may have more fights at ordinary times, are still United at this time, and all stand up for bish.

After all, Xue an is not a member of their circle. Naturally, this group of noble young masters and young ladies have a feeling of common hatred against the enemy.

So the whole ballroom resounded with exclamations and exclamations.

"Brother bish is so handsome!"

"Baron, let this arrogant boy suffer a little before he dies, and let him know how powerful we are

These flags and shouts made bish look proud. Then he held his sword in one hand and raised his chin arrogantly at xue'an.

"Man, pull out your sword!"

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "No! If I draw my sword against you, I might as well wipe my neck! "

As soon as this was said, the audience was silent.

Because this sentence is no longer a simple contempt or insult, it is simply naked to ignore ah!

This is even more angry than blue veins on his forehead.

And Xue an followed by a sentence is to let him completely crazy.

Xue an put his hands on his back and said, "not only don't draw the sword, I don't even need two hands, but as long as you can shake me with one sword, even if I lose, what do you think?"

Even Lina couldn't help it. "Mr. Xue, you..."

She wanted to say don't be too careless. This bish is not comparable to ordinary nobles.

But it's too late.

This bish suddenly calmed down, then gave a cold smile, "good, I'll let you know what it's like to die today."With that, bish held the sword in both hands, changed his pace, and rushed up quickly. Then he aimed at xue'an, and it was a sword that covered his face.

The sword fell with the roar of the wind. The strength of the sword made all the nobles around him pale.

But Xue an seemed not to see the sword, still standing there, even blinking his eyelids.

He was very happy in his heart and thought that Xue an was scared to be silly.

I just pretended to be bluffing, but I couldn't hide my sword.

Many people even shook their heads secretly, believing that Xue an would surely lose this time.

But it was just when the sword could reach xue'an's forehead and was about to be chopped by one finger.

Xue an suddenly yawned bored.

"You know, I haven't seen such a slow sword. I'm almost asleep when I wait!"

Then, with the yawn of xue'an, the sword in bish's hand turned into dust and spread.

"What the hell?"

Many of the nobles who watched were shocked.

And this BIS is even lower head to look at the hand of the only remaining sword jaw, a face of ignorant force.

"This What's going on? What kind of magic did you use? " 'cried bish in a trembling voice.

Xue an sighed helplessly.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know, but I think it's your sword that is so fragile that it was shattered by my yawn."

"You're lying! I don't believe it Then, some of the fists were thrown away by Ehrlich.

It has to be said that the boxing skill of this BIS is slightly better than that of the sword, so it is lost.

At least it's a good shot.

But in front of Xue an, both the strong and the weak have lost their meaning.

Xue an just drooped his eyes and said a little.

"Well, it seems that the people have arrived. I won't play with you any more!"

Words fall.

As if he had been hit head-on by a mammoth, he was blasted out directly, and then plumped down to the ground and passed out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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