There was a dead silence.

Many people can't believe their eyes.

Because from the beginning to the end, Xue an didn't even move.

But bish was defeated twice in a row, and in the end, without any reason, flew backward, unconscious.

Even if he can do magic, there must be traces to follow.

It's like magic.

This time, many people look at Xue an's eyes have changed, become awe with a trace of fear.

Even Lina looked at xue'an in surprise.

Xue an shook his head and sighed, "it's too hard to fight! I've tried my best to control it, but you still haven't dodged! "

Then Xue an looked up at the aristocrats.

No one dares to look at Xue an. As far as they can see, these people have lowered their heads.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise at the door.

Then someone exclaimed in surprise, "it's your majesty. His majesty is back!"

Originally some dignified atmosphere was ignited.

These nobles rushed to the door and stood in awe.

First came the eldest princess Loya and the Yager.

When the two of them came in, they also stood on both sides of the road.

Then I saw a middle-aged man with a dignified face coming in.

The appearance of this man, let the whole audience a slight commotion.

"Lord Li Zun is back!"

"Ha ha, there's a good show to watch now!"

Many people did not prohibit gloating at the side of Xue an.

Xue an is not moved at all, just quietly watching.

When these people came in.

After listening to a burst of music and drums, some people flattered and said with a smile: "the blood makes the adult, the small national strength is inferior, the wealth is sparse, there is not a good reception, please forgive me more!"

There was a slight commotion.

Because the voice is full of flattery. Isn't it his majesty who is high above the throne?

What is the origin of this guest?

Then he listened to a voice full of pride and said, "well, anyway, I'm not here for your little country of DEK!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

With the voice, a group of people came in.

Walking in front of the team, bowing and bowing to guide, is a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes, with a well groomed moustache and a fat middle-aged man.

Behind him, a young man in a bloody robe with morbid white complexion and a strange face was standing behind him.

After seeing this man, many well-informed aristocrats were shocked, and then they lowered their heads in fear, even daring to peek at them.

Because they finally understand why his majesty is so humble and flattering.

Because this comer is the blood envoy who can determine the rise and fall of a country in one word!

It can be said that compared with the blood envoy, all kings and nobles are just mole ants.

So the atmosphere in the field suddenly became dignified and solemn.

The king Dirk carefully guided the blood to the seat on the high platform for the most distinguished guests.

But he was so immortal that bish, who had been blown out by xue'an, was lying on their way.

The Duke's face darkened at the sight.

In order to meet this time, he spent countless efforts for fear that there would be another mistake, which would make the blood envoy angry.

In that case, the whole kingdom of Dirk might be destroyed.

But I didn't expect this episode to suddenly appear at this time.

King Dirk was naturally angry.

At this time, the martial Saint Li Zun of Zhenguo stepped forward and waved his hand. The unconscious bish was lifted up by a soft force, and then flew to the corner and fell down quietly.

There was no sound in the whole process, and the movement was natural and beautiful, as if it were natural.

Many onlookers can't help but wonder.

As expected, he is indeed a master of martial arts, and his hand is amazing.

King Dirk's face looked better, and then he made the adults flatter and smile at the blood.

"Blood envoy, please take your seat!"

The young man snorted from his nostrils, and stepped on the high platform and sat on the throne.

From the beginning to the end, Xue an looked at the blood envoy with great interest, and his face was always smiling, as if he were very happy.

But the Lina beside him was not in such a good mood.

She was tottering and frightened.

"Xue Mr. Xue, though disrespectful, I think it's better for you to leave here as soon as possible! " Lena lowered her voice to the lowest level and said, trembling."Oh? Why? " Xue an said lightly.

"Because They will not be the real Messenger, because they will not come to God! You'd better go! Otherwise, you may not be able to leave soon! "

Xue an laughed, "angel of God, well, I'd like to see it!"

Lina's heart was full of despair.

Because she noticed.

Someone had just whispered a few words in the ear of Yage and his sister loa.

Then the Yage looked at this side with a gloomy look.

The eyes were full of gloom and killing.

It made Lina understand.

Now it's impossible for Xue an to leave.

That bish was Yage's apprentice, and Yage was the disciple of the martial saint of Zhenguo.

In this way, the whole situation became more and more unfavorable to Mr. Xue.

Just when Lena was out of her wits.

Innumerable aristocratic ladies are actually two eyes to shine at that high blood to make the adult.

"My God, is this the God's messenger that can keep people young forever?"

"He's here, isn't he here to screen blood slaves?"

"I'm going to faint because I'm so weird!"

These noble ladies were eager to get into the arms of the blood envoy.

That burning eyes let the blood make a self satisfied smile, the heart is very disapproval.

What a bunch of stupid pariah.

At the same time, the banquet officially began.

Good wine and delicious food are presented like water.

And when it was brought up on the high platform, the blood envoy in front of him was a cup of dark red liquid.

The king of Deke said with flattery: "blood emissary, I don't know what kind of taste you like, so I'll find a group of young girls in their twenties and eighties, and take out the blood of each of them. It took 50 people to form such a cup. Have a taste of it!"

This words let this blood make very useful, "you pour is the heart!"

The king of Dirk trembled with excitement, "this is what we should do!"

The blood made me take a sip from the cup, and then taste it with intoxication.

But immediately, his brow will gradually wrinkle, and then spit out the blood in his mouth.

"Blood What's the matter, sir The king asked in horror.

This blood makes some disgust say: "the breath is impure, at least half of the women have been impure!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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