"No Impure? " The king asked in amazement.

The blood made a nod, and then said with some disgust, "what I hate most is this polluted smell!"

"But..." What else does King Dirk want to say.

The bloody emissary shook his head, "don't say it!"

Then he pointed to Luo Ya who was not far away, and said faintly, "the woman you recommended to me is not perfect. Even today, there has been some hesitation. Of course, I can't take such goods!"

As soon as the words came out, the face of the eldest princess turned pale at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In any case, she did not expect that she would stand a clean blooded envoy.

You know, in the past legend, the blood envoy never paid attention to these things.

What's more, in this kingdom of Dirk, the people are open-minded, especially these noble ladies are pursuing stimulation.

In this case, this Luoya is not immune.

But I didn't expect that this would be the reason why I was rejected.

Just when she was full of remorse and pain.

The blood made Lena standing not far away from her hand.

"This woman is very good. She is not only a perfect woman, but also very spiritual. I'll choose her this time."

As soon as this sentence came out, all eyes of the audience were focused on Lina.

The eyes of the aristocratic ladies were blue.

And Luo Ya is shivering all over, and then stares at her sister Lina.

Jealousy is going crazy.

She absolutely can't accept that a younger sister who has been beaten over by herself since childhood can be appreciated by adults with blood.

But even though she was full of jealousy, she could only watch.

For the speaker is a man of noble blood.

No matter how dissatisfied she was, she could only hold it in her heart.

However, King Dirk saw that the choice of the adults was his little daughter, and he could not help but breathe.

Anyway, as long as it's my Duke.

So he smiles at Lina. "Lina, don't you thank the blood for your appreciation?"

Under all eyes, Lina was pale and obviously nervous.

When she heard her father's words, she trembled all over her body and looked up at her head at a loss.

"What are you doing? Thank you, sir Said King Decker softly.

Now this time can be good to their little daughter, after all, the kingdom of Dirk will depend on her!

There were sweat on Lina's forehead, and then she said with great difficulty, "but father, I don't want to be a blood slave!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the whole audience was shocked.

The king of Dirk was shocked, then his eyes widened in disbelief,

"what do you say?"

Lina stammered, "father, I have already got the foundation of the technique now, so I want to continue to study the technique carefully!"

Hearing this, the blood sitting there hissed.

King Dirk said in a stern voice. "It's really childish and ridiculous. All the skills you've been studying are handed down by noble blood clan adults. If you want to study, you should be a slave to adults!"

Lina was roared to the ground and her face was full of struggle and hesitation.

But at this time, a hand patted Lena on the shoulder, and then someone chuckled and said, "what a big face! How dare you say that the skill you have already had is your own credit!"

The audience was shocked.

All of you look together.

The speaker has a long body and a faint smile on his face.

It's Xue an.

At the same time.

The Deke King's face suddenly darkened.

"Who are you?"

Xue an smiles, "me You should be your daughter's friend

"Friend?" King Dirk's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip.

"Yes, it's a friend!" Said Xue an, squeezing Lena's eyes.

This Lina was full of fear, but somehow, when she saw Xue an's smile and heard his voice, her heart suddenly settled down.

King Dirk looked cold. "Lena, don't you even listen to my father?"

Lena shivered, but stammered, "father Father, I I really don't want to be a blood slave! Please... "

She wanted to beg for the father who had always loved her, but before she finished, King Decker said impatiently, "arrest her!"


The Yager answered, and the first one rushed forward.Baron bish had just been struck unconscious by Xue an, and he had already heard of it, and his heart was filled with anger.

Now that there are opportunities to take advantage of, naturally, we should take the lead in launching difficulties.

What's more, it's obvious that the meaning of the blood envoy just now is that the eldest princess Luo Ya was not selected, but the princess Lina was selected.

This made Yager a little disappointed.

So when he saw this opportunity, he was the first to jump out and try to confuse the water.

"Princess highness, this is your Majesty's command, but don't blame me!" This Yage laughs and walks forward.

Xue an steps forward, blocks Lina in the back, and then smiles at this Yager.

"This Lena is my friend. Since she doesn't want to, nobody can force her!"

This Yager had been very angry with Xue an for a long time.

So when he heard this, his face was full of murderous intent.

"Boy, you haven't settled the account just now, but you even come up to me to die. Don't blame me..."

The voice did not fall.

Xue an reached out and flicked his finger.

This Adam felt that a powerful force which could not be resisted came upon him, so that he had no chance to resist, so he was directly blasted out, smashed a wall, and just could stop.

"I'm tired of hearing so much nonsense!" Xue an said lightly.

The martial Saint Li Zun, who had been standing behind King Dirk and watched everything around him coldly, snorted angrily when he saw that his beloved disciple had been beaten. Then he flashed out and came to the field.

"Young man, your strength is good, but your attack is too cruel. Today I'm going to let you know what it is to have someone out of people, and there is a heaven out of heaven!" Li Zun said haughtily and stamped his foot.

A huge flexible force like a wave passed through the ground to Xue an's feet, trying to knock Xue an to the ground.

This is also Li Zun's unique skill.

But it was such a hopeless and disadvantageous killing skill that didn't work for Xue an at all.

Xue an was standing on the undulating ground, his feet seemed to have taken root, so firm.

Then he smiles at the opposite Li Zun.

"As I said, you martial saints are not worthy to lift my shoes!"

"The upright son is arrogant!" This force Zun roars, still want to attack.

Xue an suddenly stamped his foot, "give it back to you!"

Li Zun sneered.

To deal with me in this way, this man is simply wishful thinking. You know, I have practiced leg and foot Kung Fu for hundreds of years, and my footwall is so strong that no one can beat me down.

This force Zun is full of complacent thinking, feel suddenly under the feet of a huge force, and then was shaken out, and in the air will spit out a large mouthful of blood.

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