
A dull sound.

Li Zun, who is known as the martial saint of Zhenguo, fell to the ground heavily and even struggled for several times. He could not stand up. Finally, he could only lie on the ground with no trace of blood on his face.

It's just a stomp.

The martial saint of Zhenguo was knocked down to the ground, and there was no possibility of fighting back.

This time, the whole audience was shocked.

In particular, Yage, who had just climbed out of the ruins, was shocked and called out in disbelief, "master!"

In his mind, his master was an incomparable strong man. Unless he met such a person as the blood envoy, he was invincible.

That's why he was so arrogant before.

But I didn't expect that today, my master was defeated by a boy who didn't know where.

Such contrast, let him full of shock, the brain is a blank.

At this time, Xue an gave him a smile. "I wanted to see how powerful your martial saint is. But did your master have this skill?"

Looking at Xue an's smile, this Yage is cold, and his heart is full of fear.

Because he finally understood that what the man had said was not arrogant.

It's the real strength.

At the same time, the king of DEK woke up from the shock and looked at xue'an with a complicated look.

"Strong man, what is the purpose of your coming here?"

As a man in charge of a kingdom, he would not believe that a warrior as powerful as Xue an would come here just because he was a friend with his little daughter.

Even when Lina heard her father's question, she also looked at xue'an in a daze.

She knew that Xue an was powerful, but she didn't expect to be so powerful. Even the martial saint of Zhenguo in her own country was not the enemy of one move.

And such a peerless strong man, really just passing through the swamp, so as to save themselves?

What other purposes did he come here for?

These thoughts were in Lina's mind.

Xue an laughed and said, "I thought it was fun, so I came along to have a look, but now I've changed my mind! As for what you said... "

Xue an raised his hand and pointed to the bloody emissary who was on the throne.

"Because of him!"

As soon as this is said.

There was a dead silence.

Even King Dirk didn't expect Xue an to say so, so he looked at xue'an in amazement.

Because of blood?

What did he do with the blood?

And at this time, this blood uses the tone of playfulness light way.

"Because of me? I'm curious. What do you want to do

"Very simple, kill you, and then find the blood behind you!"


Xue an's words caused a great stir.

"I Am I right? How dare this man talk to the bloody adult like that Someone said in horror.

"You are still too young. Do you really think that if you can defeat master Lizun, you can fight against the protoss?" Some people shake their heads and sigh.

But Yage and Luo Ya and others are all showing a trace of joy.

Especially Yager.

He wanted to laugh three times now.

Because this man dares to provoke the blood clan, is it unknown that he wants to die?

And this blood makes the eye light also gradually cool down, and then stand up, overlooking Xue an from a commanding position.

"Young man, I admire your courage to say that! Unfortunately, for thousands of years, there are too many people like you! "

"You ants who think they have mastered their power will always lose their awe. Well, today I will let you know that the majesty of the protoss can not be denigrated!"

With that, a stream of blood light from the bloody emissary.

The whole palace was trembling.

Under such prestige, all the people who were close to me all turned back in fear.

Xue an, however, took a good look at the blood light around him and said, "it seems that only the count has the strength, but it is more powerful than those hybrids on earth!"

The words were not loud, but they were like thunder in the ears of the bloody emissary.

How can he know the internal strength division of our blood clan and accurately state my strength?

I'm just starting to wonder.

Xue an some boring said: "well, this game should also end!"

After that, Xue an's eyes flashed, and a tremendous momentum rose from him.

Xue an will have been suppressing the strength of a thorough release.

The supreme power of banbu Zhenxian makes the whole palace, the whole capital and even the whole continent tremble.

Those martial saints or strong men scattered all over the continent were on their knees, even afraid to lift their heads.Because the prestige is beyond their understanding.

As for all the people in the banquet hall, they were completely petrified on the spot.

This is because Xue an tried to suppress the momentum.

If you let go completely.

Then all the people in this ballroom will turn into fly ash in an instant.

Even so, it's enough for these people.

Plop, plop.

Countless people began to fall to their knees.

Even King Dirk, the king of that country, was on his knees with a pale face.

As for the bloody emissary who had just been arrogant, at the moment, his whole body was trembling and his eyes were full of panic.

The stronger you are, the more you can feel Xue an's strength.

Even he felt that the power was countless times stronger than those Grand Dukes he had seen.

At this time, Xue an looked at him indifferently.

As far as I can see.

A huge invisible force suddenly added to the body and directly knelt down on the ground.


Because the strength was too great, the blood broke the knee at that time.

But under this kind of intense pain, he did not even dare to scream. He could only shiver and say, "big adult! Spare your life

In the face of the strong, kowtow and even sell dignity, this is the way of survival of blood clan.

And hear just still high above the blood makes the adult unexpectedly in a twinkling of an eye they surrender to beg for mercy.

There is a sense of infinite absurdity in many people's minds.

In particular, Yage, who had repeatedly provoked xue'an, wanted to plunge his head into the ground for fear that xue'an would think of himself again.

But Xue an looked at him casually.

The power of the real immortal crushed him completely.

As a result, the young man, who had just been so powerful, became a group of flesh and blood without even humming.

Such a scene also made the blood tremble and could hardly speak.

At this time, Xue an turned to him and gave him a smile. "Don't be afraid. As long as you cooperate well, I can save your life for the time being."

"It is Yes This blood makes the road difficult.

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