The light faded away.

The first thing to see was a very spacious room.

On the ground, there are magic circles carved with scarlet blood.

Even in the air, there was a sickening smell of blood.

"The outer world, Lord Faulkner, is the most important place Hall whispered.

Xue an nodded slightly.

In his divinity perception, within a hundred miles, the blood family breath is as dense as stars, among which there is a very strong breath.

This makes Xue an very happy, can not help but also emerge a faint smile.

After all, in his opinion, these blood clans can represent blood beads.

However, his smile in Hall's eyes, the meaning is different.

Because in Hall's view, Xue an's smile now is simply full of evil gas, so that his brutal nature can not help but shiver in his heart.

Who is the devil? Holzer silently make complaints about his mind.

At this time, I saw a wave of magic array nearby, and then two figures came out of the light.

Walking in the front is a blood clan with a strange face and some tusks on the corner of his mouth.

And behind him, is a beautiful and unusual, like a woman's youth.

At the sight of the two, Hall's face became a little ugly. "My Lord, the guy walking in front is called TORAN. He's a very annoying guy!"

I'm talking.

This TORAN had noticed hall and Xue an Er Ren, first a Leng, then showed a trace of banter smile.

"Isn't that hall? Yes? Did you find such a thing in the blood prison? " The blood clan named TORAN looked up and down at xue'an as he spoke. His eyes were full of criticism.

Xue an said nothing.

Hall couldn't help gnashing his teeth. "TORAN, don't be so wild in front of me."

"Hehe, rampant? Hall, the eldest lady said, as long as I can find a satisfactory prey for her this time, she will help me break into a marquis. At that time, you will have to kneel down to salute me when you see me! How dare you say I'm crazy? " Said TORAN, with a satisfied look on his face.

Hall a Leng, "big miss?"

"Oh, hall, don't say you don't know, otherwise how could you choose a male blood slave?"

Hall is still a bit of a fool.

This TORAN gave Xue an contemptuous glance. "But what I want to say is that your eyes are not so good. Don't you know that our eldest lady's favorite is a beautiful man? Like me! "

TORAN pointed to the boy behind him.

The boy's face turned a little red, and then he bowed his head shyly.

Every move, it seems that there are ten thousand kinds of amorous feelings.

At least hall was a little silly.

Seeing this, Tolan was more and more proud, "see? Hall, you want to fight me, you're still young

With that, TORAN turned triumphantly and led the boy away.

In the moment of turning around, the young man looked at Xue an with a cold light, and his heart also moved slightly.

According to Lord TORAN, is this man his own competitor?

Although he looks handsome, he is far less beautiful than himself!

Hum, it seems that I am sure to win this time.

Thinking of this, the young man also followed with a proud face.

Until their backs had disappeared.

This hall just a bit difficult to swallow a mouthful of saliva, "the Lord..."

Xue an stood there and said faintly, "what's the big lady you just mentioned?"

Hall said with a wry smile: "the first lady's name is AISI. She is the eldest daughter of our patriarch. Now she is a strong bloodline at the top of marquis. However, she is loose and likes young blood slaves who are as beautiful as women. However, in recent years, she has been sleeping because of her breakthrough. Unexpectedly, she has awakened this time!"

In saying this, hall has been peeping at xue'an for fear that xue'an will suddenly run away again.

After all, he has now found out some of Xue an's temperaments.

To his surprise.

After hearing all this, Xue an not only did not get angry, but also laughed.

"Interesting! I'd like to see what this lady looks like

"Well?" Hall thought he heard it wrong.

Xue an turned to look at him, "didn't you hear me?"

"Ah Yes, I hear you Hall nodded quickly.

"But your honor..." If you want to go to jail, Miss Hall wants to go up first and wait

"Then go to the dungeon."

"However, there are places where blood slaves of all parties are held, and the environment is very messy..."Hall still has some concerns.

Xue an light way: "nothing, I just want to see these!"

"Good All right

Hall made a cold sweat.

Although the contact time with Xue an was very short.

But the man, who was as powerful as a fan, gave hall a great shock.

In particular, Xue an's unconventional way of doing things, but also let hall full of fear.

He was afraid that Xue an would kill himself because of some small things.

After all, now his life can be pinched between Xue an's thoughts.

In the heart murmured bitterly, but hall did not dare to have the slightest defiance, respectfully led Xue an to the Faulkner family dungeon.

As he said, all the blood slaves are held here.

Among them, there are new people like Xue an who are ready to be "presented".

There are also "waste products" that have been tortured to the point of losing their senses.

All in all, this is a place of extreme disorder and disorder.

When hall led xue'an into here with trembling, the blood soldiers who guarded the dungeon came forward.

"It's Lord hall! Yes? Is there any fresh delivery? " The guard said with a smile.

Hall's back has been soaked in cold sweat, but still forced to smile: "yes, yes!"

"Just now, Lord Toland and and some other adults have just brought their blood slaves, and they are all dedicated to the eldest lady. Let's lock them together!" Said the soldier.

Hall quickly secretly looks at Xue an.

She didn't have any expression.

Just a little difficult nodded, "good, good!"

As he said this, hall didn't find the way out.

"Lord hall, there are more and more blood slaves in our dungeon, and even the cells are not enough. Please have a chance to talk to some elders and throw all the waste out to make room for it!"

Hearing the blue veins on his forehead, hall wanted to rush up and strangle the soldier with broken mouth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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