Even in front of Xue an, isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

But to his surprise, Xue an still did not have any expression, just strolled along in idle court.

Hall's heart was just a little relieved.

He didn't find out.

In Xue an's eyes, there is more and more killing intention.

Because all along the way, Xue an witnessed the cruelty beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The little girl who has been tortured is lying on the ground dying, even her mind has completely collapsed.

But they can't die.

Because they have become the "noble" blood slaves of many people.

This kind of blood confinement, let them linger on living, can never extricate themselves.

It's even more cruel than hell.

But in the mouth of these blood clans.

However, there are only two words of "waste" that are understated.

This makes Xue an's killing intention gradually rise, but on the surface it does not show the slightest bit, still following hall and others.


They turned a few corners and came to a cell where the environment was much better than outside.

There are all blood slaves candidates who have not been submitted.

These people have men and women, all look around curiously, and talk to each other in a low voice, looking very excited.

And when hall and his party came in, they all cast their eyes.

Then they all came to Xue an who walked behind.

"Isn't this man dedicated to the noble eldest lady of blood family?"

"I'm pretty handsome, but I'm not soft enough. I don't think you like it!"

"Well, another competitor!"

The voices of these comments rise and fall.

Including the teenager who was brought back by TORAN.

He looked at xue'an with disdain and hostility in his eyes.

He was a man in another blood prison of the Faulkner family, and his status was very high.

He was the prince of the largest country in the world. His name was su Hao.

It is also for this reason that he first contacted Tolan, who came to select blood slaves, and obtained a lot of information through Tolan.

In particular, the eldest daughter of the family, AISI, who just woke up from her deep sleep, made Su Hao yearn for her.

For them, TORAN, as a blood giver, was already a very noble existence.

But she was the eldest lady of the family.

If we can keep up with such existence, we will not only have power and status at hand, but also have endless life and powerful power.

Therefore, this SOHO is sure to win the election.

And after entering the dungeon, he analyzed in detail those who were also ready to dedicate to the eldest lady.

Then his heart settled down that no one could pose a threat to himself.

But he didn't expect that Xue an appeared again.

Although this man is not so "soft and beautiful" as his own, he is also very elegant and extraordinary.

The key is that his cool and noble temperament made him feel a great threat.

So he didn't like Xue an at all.


So xue'an was put into the dungeon.

When hall was about to leave, he looked at Xue an hesitantly.

Xue an nodded slightly.

This hall just left full of entanglement.

After even the blood soldiers of the guard have left.

Someone came up.

"Hi, brother, where?"

Xue an turned his head and looked at the man. Then he walked into the corner without saying a word. He sat down cross legged and began to meditate with his eyes closed.

Xue an's behavior made these people look at each other.

The one who just chatted up was even more embarrassed, and then he began to talk quietly.

"What are you doing? Come here and meditate? "

"Who said no? Don't they all want to be a blood slave, and then have a strong power and a long life? "

With all the sarcasm.

Su Hao's heart also gradually slowed down. It seemed that he was nothing more than a bumpkin who had never seen the world.

Then he used the eloquence that he had developed as a prince's son. After a while, he became one with these people, and then intentionally or unintentionally isolated Xue an completely.

For these small movements, Xue an is not at all indifferent.

Elephants never pay attention to the resentment between ants.

Time goes by like this minute by second.


There was a clear sound of footsteps outside the door.Then a woman in a tight leather dress with a slim figure stepped in.

Behind her.

They are the dedicated soldiers of the blood family, as well as hall, Tolan and others.

This situation, naturally let these people understand.

This woman is the first lady, aisie.

See this young lady not only the figure is spurting blood, even the appearance is gorgeous startle four.

These people's hearts can not help but more eager.

If this can be selected, it will not only become the guest of such a beautiful woman, but also obtain endless benefits. It is a good thing to make a fortune!

So these people start acting crazy.

There were iron bars leaning against the dungeon, and they were staring at AISI with lovely eyes.

There are also steps and walk, full of coquettish color, try to show their "charming" appearance.

It's ok if these people look good.

The key is that although some people are beautiful, they are strong and full of masculinity.

So when they are pinching their voices, they can give people goose bumps.

Compared to all this dancing.

Su Hao is too bright.

I saw him standing there very naturally, thin and weak, with a trace of fear in his expression, just like a frightened elf boy.

This kind of picture makes the corner of Tolan's mouth show a touch of satisfaction.

Because he felt that he would win this time.

Sure enough.

When she saw Su Hao, she couldn't help but shine in front of her eyes, and then she put out her hand.


Immediately, a soldier of the blood race came forward and opened the door.

Su Hao suppressed the joy in his heart and cleverly stood behind AI Xi.

She took another look at the people who were looking at her eagerly. She did not find anyone else she liked, so she turned to leave.

This is a satirical remark from hall.

But just then, the light from the corner of her eye caught Xue an, who was sitting cross legged in the corner.

Then she froze.

The black haired boy sat there silently, and his face was obscured at the junction of darkness and light. It was vague, but full of a mysterious and thrilling beauty.

It's like a God who has passed through the ages, which makes people afraid of blasphemy.

It's silly for ashey.

Meanwhile, Xue an slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as the black and deep eyes appeared, she said without hesitation.

"And him

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