There was a slight commotion in the dungeon.

In particular, Su Hao's heart sank and his hatred flashed in his eyes.

Because what he was most worried about happened.

At this time, a jailer opened the door of the prison. Xue an stood up slowly and walked out of the room.

Ashey looked at Xue an with great interest.

Because she had never seen such a quiet "blood slave" as Xue an.

In the past, the young people who were chosen by themselves often looked happy, and some even cried with excitement.

Even those who performed well, just like this Su Hao, kept calm on the surface, but the twinkling joy in their eyes still betrayed their true ideas.

But this boy with black eyes and black hair is not the same.

He seemed to be indifferent to everything, and his expression was extremely calm.

The other eyes were as deep as a pool.

This naturally makes ashey curious about it.

But such a scene, but let not far away Toland face sink like water.

He did not expect that the young lady, who always liked to be tender, would suddenly change her appetite and choose this man.

Hall, on the other side, couldn't help but sneer: "TORAN, it seems that the eldest lady is more important to the people I bring in!"

This made Tolan hate in his heart. He couldn't help but wink at Su Hao.

This Su Hao understood, nodded slightly, and then looked at Xue an's eyes, and then took a trace of cold killing intent.

Tolan had high hopes for the SOHO.

Moreover, the origin of SOHO also made Tolan treat him differently, so before he came, Tolan told him a lot of matters needing attention.

One of the most important is.

Fighting is allowed between blood slaves.

Even the blood clan will intentionally or unintentionally encourage their blood slaves to fight for favor and kill each other.

Because only in this way can we avoid the unity of these blood slaves.

So just now Tolan's eyes are clear.

Find a chance to kill this black haired boy!

Su Hao was very sensitive to this idea, but on the surface, he was still delicate.

And to all this, hall naturally also saw in the eye.

The corners of his mouth began to rise with a strange smile.

Ha ha, Tolan, this time you have made a wrong calculation!

After ashey chose the right man, she left first.

A special person led Xue an and Su Hao out of the dungeon and came to a luxurious room.

"You two take a good bath here. Remember, there is no dirt at all, otherwise it will cause the young lady's disgust, don't say I didn't remind you!" Said a middle-aged woman with a frosty face.

Xue an is not sure.

However, Su Hao said with a smile: "dear lady, when will miss come?"

The middle-aged woman glanced at Su Hao coldly and said, "when will miss come here? Can people of your status inquire about it? Besides, don't show off your disgusting tricks in front of me, or I'll give you a taste of punishment now

Su Hao's face turned red and white, but he could only listen to it honestly.

"You two listen, I don't care what you are outside, but when you get here, your only mission is to serve the young lady, otherwise, I will make you like the waste in the dungeon forever!"

The middle-aged woman said and turned away.

People who have been waiting for her have gone.

Only then did Su Hao breathe.

Then he glanced at Xue an, his face full of warm smile, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, nice to meet you!"

Xue an has been sensing the surroundings with his mind ever since he broke the dungeon.

He didn't even take a look at this sweet mouthed Su Hao.

So he just glanced at Su Hao's outstretched hand and turned away without expression.

The remaining Su Hao was alone there, until a moment later, Su Hao's eyes showed a look of incomparable resentment.

"How dare you ignore me? Good, I will let you know that the people who offended me, Su Hao, have never come to a good end! " The SOHO gnawed his teeth.

Then he turned and left.

It has to be said that these blood clans are very particular about their personal enjoyment.

It can be seen from the bathroom arranged for Xue an.

It may not be so splendid, but all kinds of details still show the details here.

However, these things bluff ordinary people, to Xue an, they have no effect at all.

But now that she's here, Xue an simply takes a bath and changes into a bathrobe.He now has a general idea of everything here.

As hall said.

Although the Faulkner family is located in the outermost layer of the blood world, its strength is very good.

In the light of what xue'an's mind knows.

There were no less than twenty or thirty Marquises in this family, and several Dukes were in charge.

If you put it in front of you, Xue an might have started to harvest the blood beads directly.

But on the way from the dungeon to here, xue'an found that the servants of the whole castle were preparing something.

From the words of these people, Xue an pieced together a piece of news.

It's not just ash who's coming out of sleep this time.

The patriarch of the Faulkner family will also wake up from sleep tonight.

So tonight, the whole blood of the Faulkner family will come together.

This discovery let Xue an suppress the killing intention in the heart.

Now that you have this chance, let's wait until the evening to harvest together!

Meanwhile, in another bathroom.

Su Hao looked at the flowery boy in the mirror and showed a proud smile.

"You want to compete with me? You're not qualified! " Su Hao whispered in a cold voice.


After about an hour or so later.

The middle-aged woman came in and said in a cold voice, "get ready quickly. The lady will be here soon."

Hearing this, Su Hao was the first to rush out of the bathroom and looked at the door without blinking.

Xue an stood silent behind, without any excitement or expectation.

The middle-aged woman can't help but look at Xue an in surprise, but now the sound of footsteps has come to the door.

In order not to disturb the young lady's interest, the middle-aged woman stepped back and disappeared into the air.

The door was gently pushed open.

Aisi, who had changed into a skirt, came in.

This is really amazing.

At least, Su Hao's eyes were shining. Then he rushed forward and knelt down like a little woman who saw her husband's return

But this Essy just glanced at him, and then focused all her attention on Xue an, who was not far away.

At the moment, Xue an is dressed in a black bathrobe with half dry hair. Although he is thin, his muscular lines are like those carved by a knife and axe, full of explosive power.

This strong male charm makes the eyes of this ashy a little confused. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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