"You come in with me!" Ashey gives Xue an a hook and walks to the bedroom.

Su Hao was slightly stunned, and his envious eyes were about to explode.

Why is he?

By what?

In his heart, he screamed wildly.

But things didn't change by his will.

She walked into the bedroom, then turned around and gave Xue an a smile.

"Come on

Xue an didn't have any expression and walked into the bedroom.

Su Hao looked at this scene, his facial features were twisted together by his crazy jealousy.

He crept up to the bedroom door, trying to eavesdrop on what was going on inside.

But then he was surprised to find that there was a dead silence inside.

What's going on?

Why is there no sound at all?

Su Hao was puzzled.

But he did not know that when Xue an entered the room, he arranged a Dharma array to isolate everything, and no sound could be heard from it.

And when Xue an steps into this bedroom.

The light inside is very dim.

At the same time, there is a faint sweet smell in the air.

The smell goes straight to your nostrils and starts to stir up your desire.

If a little less determined people, they may have lost themselves at that time.

But Xue an was not moved at all, but stood there, watching quietly.

At this time, in the dark, a fiery body like a snake came up, trying to bind xue'an.

At the same time, there was AISI's light laugh. "I'm more and more surprised to be able to stay awake under my carefully mixed fragrance!"

But at this time, Xue an suddenly raised his hand. Although the light was dim and incomparable, she still grasped AISI's neck accurately, and then said faintly, "don't move!"

"It's very emotional, but the more you are, the more I like it!"

But the next moment, her smile is all frozen in her face.

Because she saw Xue an's eyes.

What kind of look is that.

There was a chilling calm and indifference, as if a supreme god were examining his people.

Ashy began to tremble.

She only felt that under the cold gaze of her eyes, she was like a clown who did something wrong, and even the last trace of camouflage was uncovered mercilessly.

"If you don't want me to twist your neck into a twist, be honest and obedient, understand?" Xue an said lightly.

She nodded hard, but there was no fear on her face. Even her eyes were full of morbid excitement.

"Don't worry, I will never move, but I want to know what you want to do with me? Kidnap me? Or against our family? "

Xue an frowned slightly.

It seems that the blood clan is not afraid at all, and even very excited.

"Shut up, and then I'll ask you. If I don't feel satisfied with your answer, I'll let you die now!"

Said, Xue an's double pupil burns a red and a white two regiment flame.

An incomparably powerful power directly fell on the eldest daughter of the blood clan.

And those two flames are the blood of AISI, instinctively feel from the soul of awe.

"It's so powerful," said AISI, almost groaning! I love that feeling! "

There were black lines on Xue an's forehead.

These kindred Sure enough, few of them are normal.

For example, this one is like a masochist.

Xue an was too lazy to pay attention to her nonsense, and asked directly, "is it because someone called you this time, or is it something else? Why did even the head of your family wake up almost at the same time

"How do you know the patriarch is going to wake up

The strong fingers of aian's neck are holding fast to death.

Although as a blood clan, she can survive without breathing, but xue'an's momentum is like a raging wave, which suppresses her to death and makes her unable to exert her blood clan's ability.

So for a moment, the whole body of AISI trembled and her hands and feet began to twitch.

At this time, Xue an just suddenly released his hand.

She began to breathe violently.

Xue an said coldly: "if you don't answer the question again, I will directly cut your neck!"

As she gasped, she giggled nervously.

"Yes, that's the feeling. Please pinch me a little more next time. I can still hold on to it!"

Xue an:.... "Finally.

"I don't know why I suddenly woke up. I have to sleep for at least 10 years, and our patriarch will wake up after a hundred years' sleep! When I woke up, I felt as if there was a voice calling me from the depths of my blood! "

Xue an's eyes twinkled and his heart gave a cold smile.

Sure enough!

Aisi's words proved a conjecture in Xue an's mind.

Just then, ash asked, "are you going to kill me?"

"You look forward to it!"

"Haha, I'm not looking forward to it. I just think there should be no difference between death and deep sleep! And you're not in this world, are you? What do you want to do in the world of blood god

Xue an gave her a cold look.

Ashy swallowed all the questions.

Then Xue an song started.

The eldest daughter of the blood clan fell to the ground with a plop.

Xue an light way: "I don't kill you, but you want to help me finish one thing!"

"Is it to take you to the awakening ceremony of our patriarch?" She asked, blinking.

Xue an nodded.

Don't you laugh at me? After all, it's the head of our family

Xue an flicked a finger, a divine thought then suddenly printed into AISI's eyebrow, and then said faintly: "thank you for reminding me, now you just want to betray it is impossible!"

As soon as she was shocked, she felt that there was something more in the sea of knowledge.

"Is that how you got hall under control? Tut Tut, it's an amazing means

If it is the other blood clan, after feeling this seal engraved on the spirit of the mantra, it will certainly feel sad.

But this AISI looks surprised and feels the change of spirit with great interest.

Xue an couldn't laugh or cry.

He felt that this big girl of blood clan was just like a fool. Her brain circuit was simply wonderful.

However, judging from the divinity just detected, this AI Xi didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

At least the blood slaves she chose ended up pretty well.

"You don't seem to be afraid at all!" Xue an Dao.

"Afraid? Why be afraid? "

"I have come to destroy your family! Shouldn't you be afraid? "

"Well, destroy! Hurry up, I'm tired

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