At the moment, Su Hao was like an angry Beast, pacing back and forth in the room with his eyes red.

This guy, when he comes out, I will try my best to kill him first.

Su Hao thought with envy.

At this moment.

The bedroom door creaked open.

Xue an came out.

Su Hao was slightly stunned.

Immediately there was a burst of ecstasy in my heart.

Come out so soon?

This guy looks very tough, but it turns out to be a silver wax gun head.

This will certainly annoy the eldest lady.

Maybe you don't have to do it yourself, the eldest lady will kill him!

Su Hao is proud of himself.

Then she came out and stood obediently behind xue'an.

It was like a maid.

Such a scene made Su Hao almost stupid.

Then, what AISI said made the Su Hao feel shocked.

"My Lord, what about this fellow?"

Big adult? Did you hear me right? Miss Ashley calls this guy an adult?

This Su Hao couldn't believe his ears.

But he couldn't help but disbelieve it.

Because at this time, Xue an raised his eyes and swept him lightly.

The power of this glance made Su Hao's face pale.

"Kill it!"

Xue an didn't like this suhao, and he had all kinds of calculations about himself from the beginning.

It is also a disaster to keep such people.

The voice has just dropped.

Su Hao was startled and turned to run away.

But he just took a step.

From the foot he stepped out, his body began to crumble.

"No I'm wrong, and I'll never dare! "

The threat of death made the Su Hao cry.

It was not until this time that SOHO realized how stupid he was.

I've been trying to figure this man over and over again.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

However, in the blink of an eye, Su Hao changed from a big living man to a full of vermicelli.

But such a scene, but let AISI extremely appreciate the praise: "it is a picture full of beauty! This is the art of killing. Compared with you, the means of our blood clan are simply stupid and explosive. You can easily expose your teeth and bite your blood vessels. If you encounter someone who doesn't like washing your neck, it will be a disaster! "

"Shut up!"

"Yes! My Lord

Night fell.

This Faulkner family castle is becoming more and more lively.

In the sky, there are blood wings crossing.

That's the blood clan sent by the Faulkner family to carry out the task outside, and they are coming back.

In a word, the whole Faulkner family gathered in the old assembly hall to greet the awakening of the patriarch.

At this time, the petty bourgeoisie sentiment of the blood clan was once again displayed incisively and vividly.

The old palace is decorated like a banquet hall.

All kinds of delicacies are listed in the cup and plate. These blood people are dressed in costumes and holding the blood wine carefully prepared. They are talking and laughing in groups.

For them, it was a rare family gathering.

In the middle of the party, many people focused their discussion on Axi, who woke up almost at the same time as the patriarch.

"Why hasn't our lady Elsie appeared yet?" Said the blood clan.

"Hehe, do you know why? After such a long sleep, the first thing after waking up is naturally to relieve her desire There is a kinship to say.

"I heard that this time she chose two teenagers to be blood slaves. Tut Tut, her appetite is really not small!"

These male blood race all face strange smile.

And the words of those female blood clan are not so polite.

"Well, this ashy is a wolf who doesn't know how to control himself!" A woman in a full dress said with disdain.

"Oh, Susan, you just can't stand her any more. She's the first lady of the Faulkner family!" Another woman persuades.

"I just can't stand it. What does she have? Isn't it just relying on the lineage and the preference of the patriarch? It's a shame for us to do all these things all day long! " Susan was still a little angry.

But her words, but let a lot of women who listen to some disapproval.

Some people even sneer in their hearts.

It's like you're a white lotus.

Actually, this Susan doesn't play any better than Addison.

It's just that because of her higher status than she is, Susan plays on the subject and pretends not to like it."And what I hate most is the beauty of this ashy. It's interesting to find some so-called beautiful men who make themselves look like women's chirps all day long, isn't it interesting?" Susan sneered.

What she said attracted a lot of people's approval.

After all, this young lady AISI has long been famous for her unique aesthetics.

"Well, just say less! Look at the time. Ashy should be here in a minute

"What if she comes? I just want to see what she's looking for again this time Susan said with a disdainful look on her face.

At this moment.

A respectful cry came from outside the assembly hall.


"Here you are, miss!"

There was a slight commotion in the chamber at the sound of these shouts.

All eyes turned to the door.

Then I saw the door points around, and AISI came in.

Many people bowed down to salute her.

"Yes, miss!"

Amy smiles and nods.

This elegant manner, let a lot of blood race men show a touch of amazing color.

But Susan snorted a little coldly.

"What are you pretending to be? I want to see what kind of blood slave you found this time!"

The voice has just dropped.

See AI Xi slightly a side, seem to be waiting for someone's arrival.

Then a young man in black with black eyes and black hair came in slowly.

As soon as the boy appeared.

There was an irrepressible commotion.

"Is this the new blood slave the eldest lady is looking for?"

"No mistake! But isn't our eldest lady most fond of beautiful men? Why has the style changed this time? "

"Although it has changed, the boy is really good! In particular, if you don't say that you are a blood slave, you will surely be regarded as a great man! "

In these comments.

Susan's look is getting strange.

She had thought that this time she would find another girl to be a blood slave.

But I didn't expect to be such a proud young man in black.

This is exactly what Susan likes best.

So Susan's soul will be hanged when she sees xue'an.

After several hesitations, she finally couldn't restrain her inner desire. She went up and covered her mouth with a delicate smile: "cousin ashy, I'm surprised that I woke up so soon from this deep sleep." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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