According to the genealogy, this Susan is going to call her cousin.

But Susan had never called that before.

This is the first time.

So AISI couldn't help being a little stunned, but she responded with a smile, "didn't I fall asleep?"

There are thorns in the language.

Susan, however, did not realize it. She gazed greedily at Xue an, and then pretended to be careless and said, "this must be the blood slave that my cousin found this time?"

A little moved in her heart, and she understood what was going on. She couldn't help but say, "it's true."

Susan reached out her hand and gave Xue an a smile. "Hello, my name is Susan. Amy is my cousin. Nice to meet you."

She didn't move. She just looked at it with a good eye.

Sure enough.

Xue an looked quietly, without any movement.

Susan's hands were hanging in the air, and the smile on her face solidified.

Then Xue an turned away without saying a word.

The rest of Susan stood awkwardly, her eyelids beating wildly.

That's why ashey couldn't help laughing.

Laughter was like a fuse, so that Susan would be full of anger at her, "cousin, I really admire you! They even connived at their own blood slaves, who had no dignity or inferiority

Ashey shrugged. "No way, I like it! What's the matter? "

Susan stares at Xue Anyuan's back, gnashing her teeth and saying, "what's his name? From what cage? "

"Sorry, no comment! What's more, I would advise you not to provoke my blood slave With that, she walked away with a smile.

But her words, to Susan's ears, were all mockery.

A humble blood slave, dare to ignore their own existence, even let me less to provoke.

Susan was so angry that she felt that her dignity as a blood race had been completely trampled on.

If it's not because it's the ceremony to greet the awakening of the patriarch.

She really wanted to attack now, and directly arrested the young man in black. After a good abuse, she would let him fall forever.

At the same time.

"My Lord, you are so handsome just now. You haven't seen that Susan is so angry with you that I want to laugh now!" she said with a smile

Xue an didn't agree and didn't pay any attention to what she said.

Because he is now looking at these blood clans in the assembly hall with great interest.

For him, they are all blood beads!

As for Susan, he didn't care at all.

And in the far corner.

The TORAN looked at Xue an and ash in the field.

Because he found that Su Hao, who was given high hopes by himself, did not appear here.

Instead, Hall's guy was brought by the first lady.

Toland, of course, knew what it meant.

That's the candidate that you've worked hard to find, but it turns out to be spoiled by this guy?

It filled his heart with reluctance and resentment.

Then he noticed what happened between Susan and ashey. He was stunned, and his eyes brightened.

He crept up to him and saluted Susan, who was still angry.

"Miss Susan!"

In this Faulkner family, Susan's status is higher than that of him, so we should add the honorific title.

Susan turned her head and saw that it was TORAN and snorted from her nostrils.

"What's the matter?"

TORAN stepped forward and whispered, "Miss Susan, I saw what just happened!"

"Well? What do you mean? See my jokes? " Susan's face grew more gloomy.

TORAN said quickly, "no, no, no, Miss Susan, you misunderstood me. How dare I see your joke? I just want to tell you something useful! "

With that, TORAN reached Susan's ear and whispered something.

Susan's eyes grew brighter and brighter, and she finally nodded.

"Well, I see! Step back

Tolan said with a smile, "yes!"

Then he retreated.

But the heart is full of joy.

Because he felt that he played this move very skillfully. Now, Xue an would have to take off his skin even if he didn't die!

At this moment, the whole chamber suddenly shook violently, the floor in the middle fell down suddenly, and then a huge coffin began to rise slowly.

Everyone was silent about it.

When the coffin rose into the air, the coffin was suddenly erected, and then the lid of the coffin was lifted, revealing a haggard old man inside.As soon as the old man came into contact with the air, his already shriveled cheeks began to swell up.

The wrinkles all over the face are beginning to plump as if they were blowing.

In a flash, the old man became a middle-aged man who described dignity.

Then he slowly opened his eyes.

Two fine lights flash, as if to pierce the space in general.

Many blood clans knelt down to the ground.

"Yes, my Lord!"

That's right.

This revived old man is Jonson Faulkner, the patriarch of the Faulkner family, a second-generation blood clan with strong blood!

Jonson looked around and nodded slightly.

"All my descendants, rise up!"

The crowd rose to their feet.

His face was full of excitement and joy.

Because they found that their patriarchs had made great progress after a long sleep.

In the blood clan, the progeny will also get a lot of benefits if the cultivation of blood ancestors increases.

So of course they're all happy.

But just then, a scream came.

"Bloody slave, how dare you touch me?"

All of them were stunned and then looked sideways.

I saw Susan's face full of anger at the side of Xue an roared.

When the eyes of all the people are focused.

This Susan is very aggrieved a finger Xue an, "this lowly blood slave, from the very beginning, tried to get close to me, because he is the person of cousin ashey, I have repeatedly tolerated, did not expect that he actually pushed forward, secretly touched me?"

The remark caused an uproar.

Some blood clan full face angry roar: "kill him!"

"Yes, make a specimen of this despicable blood slave as an example."

For them, a blood slave is just like a mole ant.

It is intolerable that he dares to molest the women in the family.

Even that ashy could not help changing her face.

Susan's a great hand.

Because now it is in front of the patriarch!

Sure enough.

The patriarch qiongsen's face sank and he snorted, "a blood slave dare to be so presumptuous and die!"

With his words, a blood color came straight to xue'an.

Toland and and Susan both smile triumphantly, and think that Xue an is doomed to die.

But at this time, Xue an waved and smashed the blood light.

Then he looked at Susan and said in a playful tone.

"You say I'll touch you secretly?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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