The audience was quiet.

A lot of people look at Xue an in surprise.

How could he smash the blood of the patriarch?

What is the origin of this blood slave?

And this Susan is even more stunned, spin even if furious.

Because she found that she had just been intimidated by this "blood slave".

This discovery made the self respecting Susan hardly accept it, so she said in a cold voice, "you mean thing, do you really think what it's like to cling to ashey? If I let you die now, you must die! "

With that, Susan's eyes turned scarlet like blood, and her mouth showed ferocious fangs. She raised her hand and clapped it.

The palm turned into a sharp claw in the air, tearing the air and crashing down toward xue'an's pocket.

It's so powerful that if you get hit, even if this guy's body is made of the hardest metal, it will have to be chopped.

In Susan's eyes, the blood was burning more and more, and there was a sneer in her heart.

But her pride did not last long, and it all turned into consternation.

Because Xue an faced the blow of the hand, just like the breeze on his face, he was not moved at all. Until the blood came to his body, he took a deep breath, and then suddenly exhaled.

"Go away!"


A sound wave went straight through.

This blood light is like ice and snow under the scorching sun, rapidly melting and disappearing into the invisible.

There was an uproar.

Because even if it is a stupid blood clan, now can also see that Xue an is not ordinary people.

This Susan was even more in a state of shock.

How could this man be so tough?

Then she noticed the faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

A shock in her heart, she realized why she had just said, "don't provoke this blood slave.".

But as a blood pride, Susan could not accept that she was defeated by a blood slave. Therefore, her eyes narrowed slightly, her body swayed, and her speed directly broke through ten times the speed of sound. In an instant, she came to Xue an, and then raised her hand to blow out a blow.

It seems that even space can be pierced by the power of the fist.

In the blood clan, the strength is not divided into men and women, but only in blood.

As long as your blood is strong, you can have incomparably strong power.

This Susan is an offshoot of the Faulkner family, though not as lineal as AISI, but also quite extraordinary.

Therefore, the power of this fist is that the general Marquis of blood clan can hardly block its front.

A lot of people turn pale.

Even Johnson, the patriarch who lived above, could not help but nod.

This Susan's strength is the best among the younger generation.

But it was such a punch that Xue an chuckled.

"Is this the strength of pure blood? Too slow! "

With that, Xue an slowly raised his hand, but later to the first, and in no time, directly blocked Susan's punch.

Susan's face changed wildly. "No, it can't be!"

With that, the blood gushed wildly, trying to shatter Xue an's hands.

Xue An Sen ran a smile, "in this world, nothing is impossible!"

Say, Xue an suddenly pull.


One of Susan's arms was broken.

In the pain, Susan turned and tried to run away.

Xue an was standing with his hands down. He didn't see how he moved. He came to Susan's head and stepped down.


A golden light flashed by.

Before Susan could react, she was directly trampled down from the sky by Xue an.

The whole chamber was trembling.

On the hard granite ground, huge pits appear directly.

And at the bottom of the pit.

This Susan didn't even hum, so she was crushed to pieces.

Xue an was suspended in the air and looked around at all the blood people with astonishment on their faces, revealing a mouth of white teeth and a forest smile.

"Everyone is here! If it's all here, I'll harvest it! "

Many blood clans were shocked.

"He is not a blood slave!"

"Kill him!"

There was a lot of shouting and drinking.

Dozens of blood clan soared into the air and killed Xue an directly.

For a time, the blood shadow was heavy and the light was bright.

All kinds of strong momentum filled the whole conference hall.

But there is only one goal, that is Xue an standing in the air.

TORAN also woke up from the shock of Susan being crushed by her foot and gazed at the besieged xue'an in the sky, her face clouded and uncertain.

The guy's toughness was beyond his expectation.But now it's all over.

Because no one can torture and kill a noble blood lady in front of so many strong people in the Faulkner family.

But when he thinks so.

Suddenly found hall not far away is quietly back.

Along with her, there was the eldest lady, Amy.

What's going on?

How could the two of them not advance but retreat?

Especially ashey.

This man is so defiant and disobedient, but how can she not look surprised, but full of excitement?

This TORAN couldn't understand.

But it was just then.

"Don't worry, today, none of you can run away!" Xue an said

Said, Xue an stretched out his hand, palm up.

Those who hit the blood light then suddenly turn the direction, to the palm of the hand convergence.

In the twinkling of an eye, there was a bloody light in Xue an's hand.

Although it is not big, the powerful power contained in it makes many blood clans tremble.

What shocked them even more was Xue an's method of turning attacks into invisible ones.

"Enough!" I heard a majestic male voice.

Many blood clans step back one after another and stand with their hands down.

For it is their most supreme patriarch who speaks.

Jonson stood up slowly and gazed at xue'an.

"Terran strong man, I wonder why you have such strong confidence and dare to come to my Faulkner family alone! But I believe it must be your stupidest decision

Xue an casually weighed the blood cells in his hand, "is it? But I don't think so. Do you know what you are in my eyes? "

"What is it?"

Xue an smile, "you are like the rice growing in the field, and I am responsible for harvesting you!"

That made Jonson look livid.

Although he didn't know what rice was.

But the insult of the word harvest still made this Jonson furious.

"Looking for death!"

With that, the blood in Jonson's eyes flashed, and the whole person broke through the sound barrier in an instant, came to Xue an, and then raised his hand.

"In my name, aging!"

A gray light came straight to Xue an.

Seeing this, many blood clans retreated back fearlessly for fear of being infected with a trace.

Because this is the famous stunt of clan leader Jonson.

The sigh of blood ancestor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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