"Is that all? Too weak! "

Xue an's expression is indifferent, there is no joy or sorrow in his eyes, so he raises his hand.

It is like the palm of a hand carved with sapphire, and then the gray light line is completely grasped.

"How could it be?" Jonson, who had thought that Xue an would die, cried out in silence.

You should know that the sigh of the blood ancestor is a useless and disadvantageous killing move. Even if it is against the second generation of blood clan of the same level, you have to give up and dare not to be contaminated.

But the man held it as if nothing had happened.

It was a total reversal of Jonson's world view.

Xue an light way: "come and don't go also, return you!"

After that, Xue an suddenly raised his hand.

A mass of gray light was moving towards Jonson countless times faster than it had just been.

Jonson screamed, trying to dodge.

But it's just too fast.

He couldn't even do one side, so he was completely covered by the gray light.

After a dazzling glare.

Just like a middle-aged man, Jonson began to grow old rapidly.

The wrinkles on his face began to pile up, his eyes became dim, and his body gradually bent.

In short, he was running towards death as if he had been pressed the fast forward button.

This scene made many blood clans fear.

TORAN, in particular, was pale and shivering.

He finally understood why hall and the eldest lady had quietly retreated.

It turns out that this man is so tough.

He is so strong that even the grown-up people are not his opponents.

At this moment.

Jonson let out a roar.

Then the old body began to crumble, and a strong momentum began to emerge in the chamber.

"This is..."

Many blood clan shocked on the spot, whispered.

At the same time, two huge blood wings began to emerge, and then the floating dust dispersed, showing the body shape inside.

Johnson, who became like a young man with his wings on his back, looked at xue'an in a hurry.

"This is the body of the patriarch!" Many blood clan began to exclaim.

"Terran strong, you can force me to show my true body, which is enough to be proud of! But this is the end of the game. I will take your body as my best prize, and your soul will be forever lost Said Jonson, gnashing his teeth.

He hated Xue an very much now.

Because I just woke up from the deep sleep, but I was forced to show the noumenon.

This virtually made his origin suffer great damage.

After that, he will fall into a deep sleep again, and it will take at least a hundred years to recover.

Xue an faint smile, "as you said, the game is over!"

After that, Xue an's eyes were full of light, and a momentum of shaking heaven and earth rose.

Then around him, the red and white lotus flowers began to emerge.

And in a flash it covered the whole chamber.

This red and white lotus comes out.

Jonson, who had been aggressive, was stupid at the time.

Then his whole body began to tremble unsteadily, and his eyes were full of fear.

Because he can feel that the seemingly flat lotus contains enough energy to destroy the heaven and earth.

In particular, this energy is also in opposition to the original force of the blood clan.

Nature frightened him.

As for the other blood clans, they were all awed by the momentum, and it was impossible to even move.

At the moment, Johnson was afraid to turn around, but he could not even think of it.

But how could Xue an make him run away.

"Isn't it sweet to be harvested by me? I have to deal with so many useless struggles! "

Xue an said lightly, the light in his eyes flashed slightly.

A sword flies across the sky and directly smashes the blood gate.

"No!" Jonson cried out in despair, his wings agitated, the speed of which was increased to a hundred times the speed of sound, and he wanted to escape from here.

But he's fast. Sheran's faster.

At the moment when his body was about to disappear from its place.

Xue an appeared behind him and patted him on the shoulder.

"So dishonest, let's start with you."

Say it.

A red and white lotus appeared on Jonson's head, and the red and white flames shrouded it instantly.

"Ah, ah! My Lord, I am wrong. Please let me go

Xue an looked at qiongsen, who was struggling in the fire, and was not moved at all. At the same time, she gave a smile to the many blood clans who had been completely stupid."I'm sorry, the killing begins!"

After that, Xue an waved.

The red and white lotus flowers in the sky suddenly turned into flames, and then enveloped the whole blood clan.

Hall was so pale that he was almost stupefied.

But AISI standing beside him did not have the slightest fear color, but looked at this scene with excitement and worship.

"What beautiful fireworks

Hearing this, hall was about to cry, and cried out in horror: "my Lord! It's me! Please forgive me

Xue an glanced at both of them, and the fire in the sky escaped from their corner.

In addition, the whole hall became a raging fire.

Under the roasting and refining of the red and white flames, these blood clans can only struggle and howl, but have no ability to resist.

In an instant.


The flames dissipated.

The blood clan, which had just been standing in the hall, had disappeared.

Instead, there are beads of blood floating in the air.

One of the most dazzling is Johnson, the patriarch of the Faulkner family.

Looking at the blood beads full of stars, hall couldn't even speak.

But the brilliance in her eyes was more and more bright.

Because she finally understood what Xue an had said about harvest.

But this did not let her feel a trace of fear, on the contrary, her whole body was shaking with excitement.

"How beautiful! This is the absolute power

As soon as Xue an stretched out his hand, beads of blood gathered from the sky.

"Good harvest! But it's not enough! "

Xue an's strength now is not what it used to be, so naturally it won't let an Yan swallow blood beads like in the earth.

Xue an is ready to collect enough blood beads, and then refine a furnace of anti heaven medicine to break the seal for Yan'er.

But it was just then.

Xue an raised his head and looked at a certain direction in the void. His eyes were full of light. A sword condensed from a divine thought cut across the void.


There was a dull hum in the void, and then it seemed that something was broken and disappeared completely.

Xue an looked at it with a playful look, and said faintly: "it's very fast to run. Forget it, this time I'll let you go first, but next time, I hope you can have such good luck!"

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