After Xue an lands.

Hall fell to his knees in awe.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Looking at Ai Xi and her face, she is just scared.

"Who are you?"

This question let hall kneel on the ground, the heart all pulled together.

This young lady is not afraid of death.

How dare you ask who the God of killing is?

Isn't it good to live?

Xue an said faintly: "me? I come to destroy your blood clan

Hear that.

Hall was shocked and then looked at xue'an in horror.

He thought that xue'an was just a feud with the Faulkner family, but he didn't expect that, judging from xue'an's words, he intended to deal with the whole blood family.

But is it possible?

You know, the Faulkner family is just the outermost layer of the blood god world.

There are at least two levels of blood in it, and the strong in each layer are extremely powerful.

Located in the center of the blood god world, there is a powerful existence that controls the origin of the blood clan.

Although this man is powerful, can he be the opponent of so many strong blood clan?

Hall was a little suspicious.

"I love that. Please let me go with you!" she said in a very excited tone

Hall:.... "

Xue an does not agree, "go to the dungeon first!"


What had happened in the chamber of assembly was unknown to the dungeon.

When Xue an enters the dungeon.

Those consanguineous soldiers in charge of the guard are drinking together.

When you see Xue an and AI Xi come together.

The soldiers of the blood clan quickly stood up and said, "Miss, you are..."

Xue an didn't want to talk nonsense with these guys. He raised his hand.

The Dao Dao sword light then covers this group of guys.

They didn't even have time to scream, they all turned into powder in an instant.

Such a scene surprised all the blood slaves in the nearby cells.

Then some people just burst into tears.

It was obvious that these jailers were always oppressing these blood slaves.

But many blood slaves looked at Xue an with frightened eyes.

Xue an looked around the audience and said, "the Faulkner family is dead. Now you are all free!"

With that, Xue an suddenly stamped his foot.

There was a violent shaking in the dungeon.

The cells used to hold them broke down.

These blood slaves couldn't believe their eyes and all looked at xue'an in a daze.

Until a moment later.

Someone came out tentatively.

Someone took the lead, and the people behind them gradually followed.


In addition to those blood slaves whose mind has collapsed, the rest all walked out of the cell and gathered together, staring at Xue an and others.

Xue an's eyes crossed these people's faces, and then said faintly, "I know what you are thinking, but those are all over. Now you can go!"

These blood slaves are still in a daze.

Hall stepped forward and said, "distinguished adults have spoken. You will leave here quickly through the transmission array! The Faulkner family doesn't exist, understand? "

These people just like a dream to wake up, some people are shed tears of excitement.

Before they become blood slaves, they may be looking forward to it.

But when they become blood slaves, they will understand what humiliation and despair are.

So when they finally got free, all of them wept with joy and knelt down to salute Xue an, and then they scattered.


The dungeon became empty, leaving only those "waste" whose mind had collapsed.

"My Lord, these people..." Hall asked cautiously, for fear of offending Xue an again.

Xue an's eyes were cold as ice. With a wave of his hand, all these people were killed.

Maybe it's an illusion.

Before they died, all of them showed a trace of relief.

Maybe, death is the real gift for them!

After all this, Xue an rose up in the air, stood over the castle of Faulkner, clenched his hands into fists, and hit him in the air.


Just listen to a loud noise.

Under Xue an's fist, the thousand year old castle, which was built by various blood clans, was like a fragile porcelain, which was smashed and completely razed to the ground.

So far, the last trace of Faulkner family's existence in this world has been eliminated.This means to see hall heart straight chilly, Xue an's attitude is more and more respectful.

It was ash, looking at it all with excitement.

"It's a good demolition. I've seen this castle for a long time. It's dark everywhere. It's like a coffin!"

In that case, it seems that it was not her house that was demolished.

Xue an smiles faintly.

"My Lord, what are we going to do next?"

"Kill all the blood clan here!"

Simple six words, but full of incomparable murderous spirit.

Hall took a hard mouthful.

And she was so excited, "what about after all this?"

Xue an pointed to the void, "go to the next world and continue to kill! Until the blood god is completely crushed

In the next few days, all the blood clans here were destroyed.

Xue an, like a bulldozer, ran rampant in the sky and earth, crushing all the blood clans and refining them into blood beads.

Among them, there are those who refuse to accept or resent and try to resist and are crushed.

There were also those who were afraid and tried to beg for mercy and save their lives, but Xue an crushed them.

Once upon a time, the head of the blood clan roared bitterly, "Why have we all surrendered, and you still want to kill us?"

In this regard, Xue an only said lightly: "the so-called King's way is to crush everything and refuse to accept it! But I'm different! "

"What I want is hegemony! And domineering Even if you have taken it, you will still run over it! "

"What's more, what you noble consanguinity have done to the human race is enough to make you die thousands of times!"

In the process of eliminating the blood clan.

Xue an saw a lot of horrible pictures again.

All this makes Xue an full of strong intention to kill these decadent and evil blood clan.

Just a few days.

The blood clan in this square heaven and earth is almost destroyed.

Only some small families that have not been stained with blood and sin are still living with fear.

And Xue an, because he was dressed in black and incomparable, was privately called the God of killing in black by these blood clans.

Even when the name was mentioned, these blood clans did not dare to raise their voices, as if they were afraid that Xue an would kill them after hearing this.

And Xue an's harvest during this period is also quite rich.

At least 20 or 30 blood beads of the second generation of blood clan, as well as hundreds of blood beads of blood dukes. The remaining blood beads of marquis are as numerous as stars, and the number is countless.

But Xue an is not satisfied with this.

Next, he looked to the deeper side of the world.

But what he didn't know was.

While he was here, he was killing.

His name has also been passed down into the inner world of blood. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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