It was a very large room, but it didn't seem empty at all, because there were countless huge bookshelves against the four walls.

These bookshelves are nearly 100 meters high, made of dark wood, like a silent giant standing in the dark.

In the middle of the study, there is a large desk which is almost exaggerated.

EDRA was sitting behind her desk, reading the letters that had been sent from place to place.

His speed is very fast, almost at random glance, he will write all the information on the letter in his heart, and then throw it away.

These letters turned into a streamer and flew into a bookshelf where it should appear.

And in these bookshelves, there are countless letters.

EDRA read faster and faster, a streamer of light to the desk as a starting point, extending to all the bookshelves, filled the entire study.

At this moment.

In the corner of the study, a graceful figure gradually emerged.

This is a very sweet and moving woman, with a long shawl and hair, and a good temperament.

The point is, from her eyes, this is a celebrity.

As if sensing the presence of a woman, EDRA, who was reading the letter, did not look up and chuckled, "Winnie, I hope you can bring me some good news this time! After all, none of the news I have received can make me happy these days

"Lord Allard, then I may let you down again!" Winnie said with a bitter smile.

"Well, say it, I hope it's not too bad." Allard sighed.

"Just received the news, Giles, iNO and Sheila, the three families at the same time, their respective ancestors will wake up in the near future." Said Winnie with a serious look.

On hearing this, Allard, who had been sorting the letters, suddenly stopped and his face became dignified.

"The three old monsters are going to wake up?"

Winnie nodded. "Not only that, but I've also received a secret report that the three families will hold a blood sacrifice in the near future, so that their ancestors can recover their full strength when they wake up!"

"What a farce! How much blood sacrifice are they going to have? " Allard's face was full of anger.

Winnie sighed. "It's said that the three families are going to sacrifice all the people in their respective cages, and that's not enough. They're going to buy blood slaves from other families."


Allard was so angry that he patted the table in front of him, but the table made of dark dark wood was so hard that he didn't even leave a fingerprint. Instead, his hand hurt.

Allard got up in a fit of exasperation, pacing the room, hating.

"These decadent blood clans who are on the verge of death can hardly accomplish anything but fail. They always take the lives of other nationalities for blood sacrifice. They never know how to adapt for millions of years. Don't they realize that the blood clan is becoming more and more conservative and declining now?"

No wonder this Allard is so angry.

Because he is the most famous rising star among the younger generation of blood clan in recent decades.

This is not about his blood and strength.

In fact, although Allard's blood is noble, but I don't know why, the power of his blood is imprisoned, and his strength is even inferior to that of an ordinary marquis.

The reason why he became famous was that many of the older generation's blood clan were afraid of him.

It is because he founded the blood clandestine party.

This organization, which was not favored by any blood group at the beginning, has developed and expanded in a short period of several decades.

Now the strength is quite good.

And all this is because the Allard has a nearly abnormal brain, and has a clear understanding of the status quo of blood clan.

The blood clan has a long history.

It's even older than many races in the universe.

Through reading those ancient scrolls, Allard found that the original blood clan was extremely powerful, and its power even spread all over the stars, and even could be called one of the top clans.

But in the back, with the rise of immortals and demons, practitioners were rampant.

The blood clan began to decline rapidly, so that now they can only shrink in this small blood god world.

All these perplexed Allard.

He wanted to find out why the blood clan declined so quickly, and tried to make the blood clan return to its former glory.

In the end, through various ways, he probably knew some of the secrets of that year.

Most of the blood clan made it by themselves.

Because the original blood clan, often will slaughter a planet's life to carry on the blood sacrifice.

This brutal rule will certainly arouse the resistance of countless people.

This finally let the once King blood clan fall into the altar.At that time, after being seen by the young Allard, he was also ashamed of what his ancestors had done and vowed to change all this.

But he soon found that for thousands of years, the blood clan has not changed in essence, and the cruelty and bloodiness run through all the time, even all the time.

That's why he founded the secret party and wanted to change the situation.

But I didn't expect that after decades of hard work, everything has just improved.

These old timers actually started reversing again.

This, of course, disgusted Allard.

Looking at the distressed Allard, Winnie's eyes flashed a touch of worry.

She was also a member of the secret party.

Moreover, among the secret party, there are many people like her who were blood slaves and later rescued by Allard.

So Winnie was full of love and respect for Allard.

It was for this reason that she understood how dangerous elard was now.

The development and growth of the secret party has attracted the dissatisfaction of the upper class of the blood clan.

It is difficult to say that the collective blood sacrifice of the three families was not an intentional demonstration.

"I can't do it. I have to stop it!" Allard stopped and looked determined.

Winnie sighed, and she knew that Allard would not stand idly by, but it was probably a trap set by the three families.

"Chief, this time, it's the collective action of the whole blood clan. Even I heard that there are adults from the core blood world. How do you plan to stop it?"

Core blood world!

These four words make ailed's face extremely ugly.

The blood world is divided into four layers, which are tightly packed together like onions.

The outer layer is the place where the Faulkner family, which was destroyed by Xue an, lived.

The inner layer is the place of secret party activities led by Allard.

And inside, there is the core blood world.

There, there are blood clan elders.

Although it is said that the blood god world is located in the center, few blood families have been able to enter the blood god world for thousands of years.

Therefore, many blood clans have already agreed that the core blood realm is the center of all blood families. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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