If this matter really has the core blood world's elder blood clan's hand, then really troublesome.

"Anyway, it must be stopped! In fact, after becoming a blood clan above the Duke, they don't have to suck blood to enhance their strength. All this comes from the decadent and disgusting so-called aristocratic tradition! " Allard said this with a helpless look on his face.

Winnie looked at Allard with a sad face and said seriously, "chief, you are in charge of everything here, and I will handle the rest, OK?"

Allard hears the speech, looks at his graceful and graceful subordinate one eye, and then shakes his head with a smile.

"Well, Winnie, I know you're worried about me, but have you forgotten the principles of our secret party?"

Winnie was silent for a moment and said in a harsh voice, "everything is equal."

Now that Winnie's back on the shoulder, how can I pat her on the shoulder

"But..." Winnie was in a hurry.

Allard waved his hand and sighed, "even if it turns out to be a trap, I'll have to make a break, or The principles of our secret party have become empty words! "

Winnie looked down in silence.

Allard raised his head, looked at the huge star map hanging on the dome of his study, and said faintly, "Winnie, do you know why I have worked so hard to change the blood clan?"

"Because if the blood clan wants to go out and occupy a place in the world of the powerful, it must start from changing themselves! Otherwise, everything will be empty talk! And this is the only chance for our blood clan. If not, even our blood clan will be completely destroyed! "

Winnie looked up at the sky in surprise. "Chief, why do you say that?"

Allard's eyes twinkled and whispered: "after all, over the past ten thousand years, the blood debt owed by the blood clan has been too much. If there is a peerless strong one in front of the blood clan, it will be the disaster of extinction!"

Winnie's eyes suddenly soured as she looked at the lonely man looking up at the stars.

How much responsibility does his shoulder carry?

It is a pity that even his people do not understand or even hate him.

What a satire!

When there was silence in the study.


A piece of paper with twelve blood flashes appeared in the air and flew rapidly to Allard.

Allard's mind was shaking.

Because the twelve blood lights sealed on it represent that this is a letter of the highest level.

According to Allard, only when earth shaking events occur can such an urgent secret be used.

Allard took the letter and opened it.

One side of Winnie's face became solemn.

Of course, she knew the importance of this urgent note.

What happened?

Is there a return of blood clan elders?

Winnie was in a state of uncertainty.

Allard had finished reading the letter, then closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Winnie didn't dare to disturb, so she could only watch quietly.

Until after a long time.

Allard opened her eyes with a wry smile and handed the letter to Winnie.

"Take a look at it!"

Winnie took it.

Of course, she didn't have Allard's powerful and abnormal reading ability, so she could only read slowly.

The message on the letter was simple, but as she read it, her face turned pale.

After reading it, Winnie asked in dismay, "this Is that true? "

Allard sighed. "It's all the information from the secret party who planted it in the outer blood world. It's absolutely reliable!"

"But..." Winnie swallowed her mouth and said with difficulty, "can anyone really wipe out all the families in the outer blood world in just a few days?"

The reason why she was so disrespectful was that the facts stated on the letter were a little too bizarre.

A young man in black of unknown origin destroyed the first Faulkner family in the world of outer blood as soon as he was born.

And then in the next few days, the boy rampaged, one after another of the blood clan stepped into powder.

In the whole process, no one can stop it.

Although the outer layer of blood is not inferior to the inner world, it is not easy to know.

How could Winnie not be shocked when she was overthrown by one person?

Allard's eyes twinkled, his head lowered and he began to pace back and forth.

Winnie knew that when he was thinking about things, he would act like this, so he didn't even dare to breathe in the atmosphere.

All of a sudden, Allard looked up with a look of sadness and joy on his face.

"If I guess correctly This will be a tragic transformation of the blood clan! Just hope we can get through it Allard whispered.Winnie didn't hear, and she couldn't help asking, "chief, what are you talking about?"

"Oh! it 's nothing! Let's get things ready. We'll get to these three families before the blood sacrifice ceremony! "


At this time, Allard had regained his composure, and even a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Besides, spread the news and remember how to blow it

Although she didn't understand why Allard did this, Winnie said obediently, "I understand!"

She turned to prepare.

Allard stood there, his eyes flickering.

"You arrogant and decadent upper class blood clan, after hearing this news certainly won't believe! Let me guess, when you know that the news is spread from our secret party, do you laugh scornfully and don't bother to deal with it? "

At this point, Allard sneered, turned back to his desk and wrote a line on today's page of the calendar.

"Immortal by faith, redeemed by return!"

Soon, what happened in the outer blood world quickly spread throughout the world with the deliberate spread of the secret party.

Because the secret party in the dissemination of information, things have changed into countless versions.

There are even rumors that a young man in black came riding a dragon and destroyed the whole outer blood world with one blow.

This kind of rumor naturally makes many families despise, think all is nonsense.

The three leading families in the inner blood world did not respond to this incident.

Because they don't even think it's worth seeing.

Castle ino.

"I admire the imagination of these people in the secret party to make up such a vivid story! Unfortunately, does Allard really think we will believe it? "

As the eldest son of the ino family, it is easy to find out the source of these rumors.

As a result, he soon realized that the disseminators behind the rumors were from secret parties, which made him laugh so happily.

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