"But how can I always feel that this thing is full of conspiracy? You know, this Allard is not an oil saver Said one of the aristocratic ladies sitting opposite enocantin, frowning.

"Oh, my dear cousin Clementine, what can happen even if it is a plot made by Allard? In the face of absolute power, all intrigues are nothing. " Said ino contin confidently.

Although Clementine, who came from the Sheila family, still felt a little inappropriate, she finally acquiesced.

After all, it's also true that this ino contin says.

"And soon we won't have to worry about this Allard any more trouble for us!" Enocantin said lightly.

"Oh? Why do you say that? What if he doesn't show up during the blood sacrifice? "

"Hehe, no matter whether he appears or not, he will die! For if Allard did not appear, the secret party he had founded would collapse at once, for their secret party upholds the ridiculous principles of equality and universal love. "

"Under this principle, if Allard, as the leader, does not appear to stop the blood sacrifice, then these principles will all become jokes."

"And if he shows up..." Enocantin showed two white tusks and sneered, "I'll screw his head off myself, and then I'll see what's different with this brain, which is called the most intelligent brain of blood clan in the past 100 years!"

Clementine sighed slightly, "how can this Allard be regarded as an upper class blood clan? I really don't understand why he wants to create a secret party to fight against us?"

"It doesn't matter. What's important is that what he has done has made my father's generation very tired and afraid, so he must die!"

Clementine nodded.

And then, my dear sister, how do you prepare for the blood sacrifice

Clementine said: "we've driven together hundreds of blood slaves in our cages, probably There are more than a billion souls! Just waiting for the last blood sacrifice

"Good! We, the ino family, are almost ready. Just wait until the Giles are ready, and then we can start the blood sacrifice and welcome our ancestors back This enocantin is obviously very excited.

This Clementine, however, always felt a haze in her heart.

Is this really going to be so smooth?

In the whole inner blood world because of this kind of thing and make a lot of noise.

In some remote and uninhabited suburb.

There was a violent vibration in the void.

And then the body shapes of Xue an, as well as AISI and hall, are revealed.

"Is this the inner world of blood?" Xue an looks around the world and feels the strong blood energy in the air.

"Yes, look at the eternal blood color crescent moon in the sky, which is the difference between the inner and outer blood realms. I even heard that in the core blood world, the blood moon is a full moon shape." Said Amy excitedly, pointing to the sky.

Hall looked around in horror.

He didn't want to come with Xue an.

But I can't help it.

Aiwest Africa wanted to follow, so he had to follow.

But what he didn't expect was that Xue an would be so domineering.

They did not even pass through the path connecting the inner and outer blood realms, but directly smashed the space and came through.

This kind of strength makes hall feel a little confused. Can he really wipe out all the blood clans in this blood world?

"My Lord, what shall we do next?" Hall asked.

Xue an light way: "this layer of blood, which family is the most powerful?"

"I know that in this inner blood world, there are three families juxtaposed, known as the three giants! Say iNO, Sheila, and Giles

"Well, let's start with these three families."

Half a day later.

Somewhere in a blood town.

When Xue an heard about the upcoming ceremony of blood sacrifice, he could not help but flash a touch of cold killing in his eyes.

"My Lord!" Hall gave a cry of horror.

Xue an's eyes were gradually restrained, "let's go! Go to iNO first

Eno City, the main altar of this blood sacrifice is there.

Just as the three of them went to iNO city.

Allard and Winnie are on their way to iNO.

Because of Allard's special identity, he could not be too swaggering along the way. He walked quietly and dressed up as a small aristocrat who went to meet with iNO city.

There are many blood clans like this, so the soldiers who are investigating don't care much.

Finally, on this day.

Allard and Winnie arrived in ino city and entered a hotel run by the secret party.

"My Lord!" The secret party here was very excited to see Allard coming in person and saluted one after another.Allard said with a smile, "well, since you are a member of the secret party, you are brothers. Why are you so polite? Get up!"


"What's going on in ino recently

"Head Hui, now enocantin, the eldest son of the ino family, is sitting in the town in person, and Clementine, the eldest daughter of the Sheila family, is also here. All forces are operating and preparing for the blood sacrifice in a few days!"

Allard's eyes were cold and he nodded, "I see!"

"Chief, shall we do it now? Otherwise, it will be even more difficult for the three families to mobilize their hands and then try to destroy them! " Said Winnie.

Allard shook his head. "No way! Because those who are going to be sacrificed by blood are all the people in the cage of the three families. Only they know where they are. We can do it now, and we can't intervene at all! "

Winnie stopped talking, but her eyes grew more worried.

Because the strength of the three families is so terrible that if we wait until the ceremony of blood sacrifice, the possibility of success will be even more remote.

But I don't know why he decided to do so. Didn't he realize that?

Winnie's heart was heavy.

The rest of the secret party in the house were all somewhat silent.

Naturally, they can see what's going on.

However, since he became a member of the secret party, he had already made adequate preparations for sacrifice, so he did not have too much fear.

It was EDRA, with a calm look on her face, about to say something.

Just then, I heard the sound coming from the hall in front of me.

"Anybody? Why doesn't this hotel have a guy? "

All the people who were discussing things in the back room were surprised.

Because now the city of iNO is heavily guarded. Did it leak out that there are three families coming?

A few blood clans with high level of cultivation made a vertical cross and rushed to the front of the door, observed through the crack of the door, and then sighed with relief.

"It's OK. It seems that there are three blood clans from a small place. They should come to live in the shop."

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