Winnie and EDRA also looked through the crack in the door.

Two men and a woman came.

It was the woman who had just spoken.

She was tall and beautiful, but she was dressed in a rustic manner.

The two men, one old and one young.

Young people look just a teenager, standing there silent, a pair of eyes also hidden in the dark.

The elder is a timid young man.

Such a combination, however, seems to be a small aristocrat from some small places.

So a lot of people are breathing.

Only Winnie, out of a woman's keen intuition, always felt that these three people were strange, but could not say where they were.

At the same time, the man in charge of the hotel went out to greet the three men.

"Oh, there are people. I thought they were dead!" The woman's face bossy said, will be a little cultured noble girl show incisively and vividly.

"I'm really sorry. The shopkeeper just asked us to discuss things in the back. Is this the hotel?" The guy said with a smile.

The woman still wants to talk.

Young light way: "yes!"

"Good! Please follow me

Soon, the man arranged for them to live.

When you get out of the middle of the room, you're three.

The middle-aged man just let out a breath.

"Do you see, my lord?"

That's right.

These three are, of course, Xue an and holly Essy.

Xue an nodded slightly, "this hotel It's not easy! "

"What? Why didn't I see anything? " She asked, blinking.

Hall laughed bitterly. "I also happened to see a strange mark on the man's waist. Although the mark was very subtle, it was the badge of the secret party."

Secret party?

Ashey was a little stunned, and then she was a little surprised.

"Is it the secret party whose duty is to overthrow the upper blood clan?"

Hall was surprised. "Miss, you should keep your voice down. Don't let people hear you!"

Xue an said faintly: "it's OK. I've arranged a shielding array in this room. People outside can't hear it!"

As hall said, when he was just in the hall, he sensed through his mind that there was something strange about it.

However, because there is a Dharma array which can block the mind, he can not know exactly what is inside.

But through Hall.

Xue an can be sure that this hotel should be known as a secret party stronghold.

And wait for a closer look at what the secret party does.

Xue an could not help but be surprised.

It seems that the secret party is quite progressive.

Hall said with a wry smile: "it is for this reason that the secret party is not tolerated by those upper blood clans, even to the point where water and fire can not tolerate it. And the secret party will certainly make some moves in this blood sacrifice ceremony!"

Xue an nodded irrefutably.

At the same time.

In a hidden house in the hotel.

Winnie was listening to the man's report with a solemn face.

"Monsieur Winnie, we have just overheard that room in various ways, but we have all failed!"


"Yes! Even the eavesdropping array arranged in the room has failed! "

Winnie's eyes grew colder as she heard it.

These three people are not ordinary people.

Is it the killer sent by the three families? Are you here to wait for an opportunity to deal with the leader?

No, all dangers must be nipped in the cradle.

Thinking of this, Winnie stood up and said, "I'm going to try it out."

"But Lord Winnie..."

"Don't tell the leader about it!"

Then Winnie went out of the room and went straight to the house where the three of them lived.

But just as she was about to knock, the door opened.

Xue an stands in front of the door and smiles at the woman who changes the pupil color with secret arts, but still can't cover up the fact that she is a celebrity.

"What can I do for you?"

"Ah It's nothing. I'm the manager of this hotel. I just waited for a few people. I feel very sorry. I came here to apologize! "

I don't know why, when she saw Xue an's smile, she felt cold all over her body. If she had just thought about it on the road, she immediately forgot it and had to make an excuse temporarily.

Xue an a smile, "shopkeeper's too polite, please come in and sit down."

Xue an leaned aside and gave way to the road behind the door.

Winnie swallowed her mouth, but she didn't show any sign on her face. She said with a smile, "in that case, I'll bother you!"She walked into the room.

The layout inside is as usual, without any change.

But there was no figure of that man and a woman, only Xue an.

"Well, I remember you have two companions. What have they done?"

"Oh! They feel bored, so they go to the street and buy something by the way. " Xue an leaned against the door frame and said faintly.

Winnie laughed, then said a few words, and then very naturally said, "I'd like to ask you, I don't know what they're going to do here in ino city."

Xue an didn't speak. She just looked at Winnie quietly.

Winnie felt that her palms were getting wet and her heart beat faster, but she still looked at Xue an with a smile.

Until Winnie felt her smile was going to be stiff, Xue an lowered her eyes and said, "I'm here to meet some friends and deal with some things."

"Oh? Isn't it because of the blood sacrifice ceremony? " Winnie made a surprise attack.

She believed that if these people were really members of three big families, they would certainly show their weakness under their sudden inquiry.

But she was wrong.

Xue an didn't even move her eyelids. She just looked at Winnie with a smile.

"You know about the blood sacrifice, too?"

Winnie forced a smile and said, "ha ha, who doesn't know the blood sacrifice in a few days' time?"

Just then, there was a knock outside the door.

Then came a cool boy.

Excuse me, is my cousin in this room

Hear that.

Winnie, who had wanted to ask, got up in a hurry and opened the door.

"Watch Cousin, why are you here? " Winnie looked at Allard behind the door and forced a smile.

Allard smiles. "I heard the guys say you came here to apologize to a few guests, and naturally you came along."

"Well, it's all right now! I've already apologized and all the guests have forgiven me. Let's go Winnie wanted to leave.

At this time, Allard raised his head and looked at Xue an, who was not far away, leaning on the doorframe with his shoulder in his arms.


Xue an also laughed and nodded slightly.

"You're good too!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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