Just at this time, Ashley and hall, who had been out, came back.

Seeing this scene, Allard bent down slightly to Xue an and said, "distinguished guest, welcome to your coming. I'll leave first."

Then he said to Winnie, "let's go."

Then he turned and left.

Xue an looked at his far away back, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, showing a faint smile.

"My Lord, what do these two men do?" Hall asked suspiciously.

Xue an light way: "nothing, just come to say hello!"

Hall still has some doubts, but seeing Xue an's expression, he swallows down and dare not ask again.

Winnie, with her head down and her face full of shame, followed Allard back into the room.

"Chief, I'm sorry! But I'm really worried that these people will be sent by the three families, so I want to try it out first! "

"All right! Don't say it. " Allard said faintly.

Winnie was silent.

"Don't be so rash in the future! Otherwise it's going to be a big deal, okay? "


"Go down!"

"Well?" Winnie thought she had heard something wrong and looked up at Allard blankly.

"Well, what? Go down and have a rest Said Allard with a smile.

"But, chief, are you really not angry with me?" Winnie asked cautiously.

Allard couldn't laugh or cry, and then said, "do you really want to make me angry and happy again?"

"Oh, no! Then I'll go first! " Winnie saw that Ella was really not angry, so she put down a hanging heart, and then happily turned to leave.

Allard watched her figure disappear behind the door, then leaned back on the chair, looking up at the ceiling, dazed.

I don't know how long it took him to laugh and whisper.

"Hope It's you

As the date of blood sacrifice approaches.

The whole city of iNO is getting more and more heavily guarded.

But this still can't stop the enthusiasm of all blood clans to come here.

After all, it is a rare opportunity to witness the awakening of the three legendary blood clans.

So the whole city of iNO is becoming more and more lively.


On this day.

A large group of blood clan arrived in the city of iNO.

The spread of blood wings even covered the sky.

In the middle of the procession, there was a chariot with a strange family badge on it.

"It's the Giles!"

"The people of the Giles are coming, and the blood sacrifice will begin soon."

Many blood clans are excited.

But in the hotel, Xue an, who was sitting in the room with his knees crossed, did not open his eyes, but his mouth was filled with a cold and murderous smile.

That night.

In the castle of iNO.

A high-level private dinner is going on.

As the host, enocantin entertained the people of the Giles who came from afar.

The eldest daughter of the Sheila family, Clementine, attended as a guest of honor.

Enocantin took the lead in raising his glass and nodded at Vlad, known as the puncturer, across the long table.

"My dear Lord Vlad Giles, welcome to you!"

Vlad was dressed in a dress dyed with blood. His face was beautiful, but his evil eyes were full of rebelliousness.

As the eldest son of the Giles family, his blood is extremely noble.

But his unique and cruel hobby makes him unique among the blood clan.

The nickname of the puncturer is the best example.

Such people, even if they are as expensive as enocantin, are not willing to provoke too much.

When I saw enocantin raising his glass to himself.

The Vlad gave a smile and said in a hoarse voice, "you are very kind, sir

With that, he turned his eyes to Clementine. "Beautiful Ms. Clementine, don't I deserve your toast?"

Clementine's face turned pale, and a look of fear flashed in her eyes.

For such a pervert, even if she is the eldest daughter of the Sheila family, she has to bow her head.

"I'm sorry, Lord Vlad. I just lost my mind."

With that, Clementine raised her glass and saluted Vlad.

Vlad pulled the corners of his mouth to reveal a ferocious smile.

"I haven't seen her for decades. Ms. Clementine is more and more beautiful. I wonder if she would like to test with me whether she can give birth to a blood lineage?"

Clementine's face changed from white to red, and her eyes glowed with anger.

Just at this time, enocantin rushed out to make a comeback."Well, Lord Vlad, I know you're joking with my cousin. Let's get down to business."

"So nervous? Yes? Have you tried? And you can't give birth to blood? " Said Vlad playfully.

This sentence made enocantine and Clementine both stunned.

Clementine, in particular, had a look of panic in her eyes.

"Ha ha, I'm kidding you. What are you doing so seriously?" Vlad let out a few terrible grins and then leaned back on the chair as if he had no bones.

"Business? For this blood sacrifice, we captured all souls from 180 cages in heaven and earth, and then purchased more than one billion living creatures, enough to make up for it

Vlad held out a finger and said triumphantly, "ten billion creatures as sacrifices will be very happy when our ancestors return."

10 billion!

That's a number that makes eno cantin look pale.

The eno family only raised 5 billion yuan for this blood sacrifice.

And the most weak Sheila family has only put together two billion.

Both add up to less than the Giles.

Is this the gap in strength?

Vlad stretched a little bored, then stood up and said, "well, it's time to go to bed, and I'm on time every day! Anyway, that's the case. The rest of your families will take care of it. "

With that, Vlad yawned and walked away.

Enocantin's eyes were cold.

This Vlad's arrogance really made him uncomfortable.

But I can't help it.

As a strong blood clan who has awakened the blood of the second generation, this Vlad does have the capital to be proud.

"Order to go down, now start to prepare, tomorrow's blood sacrifice!"


At the command, the whole city of iNO was moved.

The blood sacrifice is about to start.

The next day.

The day was just beginning to shine, and the radiance of the bloody crescent moon in the sky had not faded away.

The whole city of iNO came to life.

And then the sky is full of flying blood wings.

The atmosphere began to get tense.

And in the hotel.

Hall and ash are already ready.

Especialy, she was shaking with excitement.

But Xue an is still in the house and has no movement.

Haven't you woken up yet?

The two men looked at each other and were about to enter the room to have a look.

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