At this moment.

Xue an pushes the door and comes out.

"My Lord! Shall we go now? " Ashey asked excitedly.

Xue an looked at the blood clan flying all over the sky outside and said faintly, "good!"

With that, the three of them would go out.

But I just walked down the stairs.

Allard and Winnie were sitting in the hall eating breakfast.

When he saw Xue an, Allard put down his knife and fork and gave him a smile. "Dear Sir, you haven't had breakfast yet. Let's have some together?"

Xue an looked at the prepared tableware and laughed.


Said, he very naturally sat on the seat, picked up a knife and fork and cut off a large piece of steak.

Such a scene makes Winnie and hall look confused.

What's going on?

It was ashey who, with a smile, sat aside with a shy face and began to eat.

"How does it taste?" Allard asked with a smile.

Xue an nodded. "It's not bad at all."

"Ha ha, this is what I thought about all night before I made it. I eat well, but it's a little bit harsh!"

"Tooth cutting? I didn't eat it. Maybe my mouth is better! " Xue an said lightly.

Allard's eyes narrowed with laughter.

Winnie didn't even see her leader smile like that.

Then Allard picked up the glass and touched it on the glass that she had put on the table.

Thank you very much

Xue an sighed slightly, "to tell you the truth, are you not afraid at all?"

Allard shook his head! Even for the sake of the innocent, I will not be afraid

Xue an gazed at Allard. After a long time, she raised her glass and drank the wine. Then she sighed: "your meal is really expensive! But the taste is OK! "

Allard's smile grew brighter.

Listening to the dialogue between the two people, they were all confused.

What's going on here?

Only Hall's eyes flashed a little light, and then he lowered his head deeply, not daring to show the slightest difference.

After this strange breakfast.

The party gathered at one place and began to go to the place where the blood sacrifice was to be held.


The altar, which had been built for a long time, was finally removed from its disguise and showed its true colors.

This is a high platform with thousands of feet high and carved with countless evil magic circles.

Even if it is standing there quietly, the blood in the world can be stirred.


There have been countless blood clans around to watch.

The appearance of Xue an and his party did not attract anyone's attention.

And the voice of discussion is one after another.

"Tut Tut, it's said that this time the Giles family is ten billion creatures. It's really a huge sum of money!"

"The three families must have nearly 20 billion creatures. I don't know how spectacular this blood sacrifice will be

"Well, do you think that this time, Allard, the leader of the secret party, will appear?"

"Ha ha, I think it's very hard. This is the collective action of the three families and the whole upper class aristocrats. The fool also knows that to come here is to seek death!"

"Hehe, if he doesn't come, the secret party will be finished!"

"I have said for a long time that there is no good fruit to fight against these nobles! If you don't believe it, when the ancestors of the three families wake up, those waiting for the secret party will be doomed. "

These comments are endless.

Allard seems not to say the same as he, and even has the mood to talk with the blood clan next to him.

"Sir, I think what you have just said is absolutely right. That secret party leader, Allard, is a coward and a coward. He will not dare to come this time!"

The blood clan looked at Allard at the smell of speech, and saw that he was just a common blood clan, at most a marquis, so he gave a proud smile.

"Boy, you're right to think so. What makes me wonder is that this Allard also promotes equality among all nationalities and forbids blood sucking."

"It sounds like a joke. If our blood clan doesn't suck blood, what kind of blood clan is it? Do we have tusks to look good? It's wishful thinking and nonsense This blood clan began to make complaints about Arad, but he did not know that Arad stood before him.

The secret party leader nodded frequently and echoed from time to time.

In such a scene, Winnie already had a lot of secret party members who secretly protected Allard.

I don't know when I can change my bad taste.

At this moment.

In the sky, there were hundreds of strong Jue blood lights flying by.In a flash, it appeared on the altar.

And standing at the front are the people who talk about the affairs of the three families.

Enocantin was the first to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today, in order to welcome the awakening of the ancestor of the ino family, we hold a blood sacrifice to show the power of our blood clan!"

After that, he came up to a few white haired blood elders.

These people are carrying a huge box in their hands.

When opened.

There were dozens of bright and incomparable light clusters in the air.

At the same time.

Both Vlad and Clementine opened their boxes.

At this point, there is a gap.

In Clementine's box, there were only thirty or forty balls of light.

On Vlad's side, there are hundreds.

These clouds of light float in the sky, reflecting half of the sky.

What are these light masses?

A lot of blood clan some surprised thought.

At this time, a blood clan exclaimed: "look at the light group!"

People watched.

There was something moving in the light floating in the air.

At the same time, a faint cry came.

Take a closer look.

The whole room couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

For among those light masses, there are all living beings.

At least tens of millions of creatures must be crowded into each light mass.

This cloud of light is at least ten billion creatures.

Such a scene, let a lot of blood race face of gentle disposition all white.

But there are many blood clans are excited to shout.

"Good! Good means

"I once heard my grandfather say that when our blood race galloped around the world, we used this method to sacrifice a whole galaxy directly! This is the real big deal

These exclamations and exclamations and fears combined to form a surge of sound.

Enocantin looked at Vlad and Clementine.

They're all waiting.

Wait for Allard to show up.

But up to now, nothing has been achieved.

At this time, the famous brute piercer Vlad stepped forward, looked around the audience, and then said with a grim smile: "Allard, I know you should be in the field, but do you think hiding behind can solve the problem?"

"And don't you always claim that the secret party loves equality? Why don't you dare to come out? "

The audience was in awe.

Many blood clans are looking around to find out the legendary character Allard.

But nothing.

"What's the matter?" said Vlad with a sneer? Scared? Don't you dare to come out? Well, I'll crush a piece of light in front of you. There are tens of millions of creatures in it

As soon as Vlad reached out, a ball of light flew into his hand.

Vlad weighed the light up and down.

The creatures in the light began to cry and beg for mercy.

The voice is faint, spread all over the world, people can't bear to hear.

"Not yet?" Vlad's face was getting cold, and then he put his finger on it.

At this time, Xue an pointed to the side of Allard light way: "a meal is a bit of a loss, remember you owe me!"

Allard nodded. "As you wish, my Lord!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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