Winnie, on one side, looked blank.

What do you mean?

What do you owe me?

And why did the leader have such respect for this young man?

But hall on the side of the room heard this, but his face changed greatly. Then he lowered his head deeply, and his eyes were full of awe.

At this moment.

Froude on the altar grinned grimly and was about to start.

A sword flash across the sky, directly cut off his hand with wrist.

Blood splashed everywhere.

Vlad growled. "Who is it?"

"What's the roar? Do you have a loud voice?" Xue an said lightly.

Then step out, and then come to the height of thousands of feet.

There was silence, and then there was an uproar.

"Who is this boy?"

"I don't know? But it looks like an ordinary blood clan! "

"Isn't this for death?"

In the comments.

Winnie looked silly.

What is he going to do?

Is it this young man.

Winnie shivered all over.

No, it can't be!

He seems to be just an ordinary blood clan. How can he be the rival of the three families?

But it was just then.

She heard the almost excited cry of Ashley standing on one side.

"Lord, kill them all!"

Even hall could not help but whisper, "my Lord is about to start harvesting!"

"Harvest? What do you mean Winnie could not restrain her doubts and asked softly.

Hall laughs. "Hold your tongue and watch it!"

Winnie looked up blankly.

It's not just her.

At this moment, all the eyes of the audience are focused on Xue an standing in the void.

There was a disgusting wriggle on Vlad's severed wrist, and a novice was born again.

Then Vlad looked at xue'an with a murderous face. "Who are you?"

Xue an faint smile, "me? Do you believe that I came here to destroy your blood clan? "

As soon as this was said, the whole audience was silent.

Then came the sound of laughter.

"To destroy the blood clan? What a big voice

"I wonder if this guy's brain is sick!"

"I haven't laughed like this in years. I'll give you a good laugh later on with this joke," he said

Said, he reaches out a finger Xue an, light way: "kill him!"

At an order.

After Vlad's death, a dozen blood lights burst into the sky and went straight to xue'an.

"Thirteen blood lodgings of the Giles family!"

"He came here with such powerful guards. This young man will surely die!"

Shisanhuasu is a well-known escort team in the whole inner blood world, belonging to the Giles family. It is the elite among the elite.

Each of these 13 blood clans, each of them, is a strong and powerful blood clan above the prince and under the age of two generations.

And when they form a small team, their strength has increased by more than 100 times.

Because they are good at a kind of combatant skill handed down from ancient times.

Once it is put into practice, even the first generation of strong people have to give up.

The thirteen blood sleepers had already rushed to Xue an at the moment, and the thirteen people seemed to be a whole, and all of them gave a blow.

All Xue an's front, back, left and right are blocked by Taoist blood claws.

The terror of the Qi even made the blood clan across the distance pale and retreated one after another.

But in the face of such a blow, Xue an seemed not to see the same, so quietly standing, no action.

Seeing the blood claw, you will come to your body.

Winnie couldn't help exclaiming, "chief..."

"Don't worry, it may not even be an appetizer for him!" he said

Although I don't know why Allard was so confident in xue'an, Winnie looked up in fear.

Sure enough.

At the moment when the blood claw can touch xue'an.

The light in Xue an's eyes flashed slightly, but he didn't move.

The thirteen blood cubes were blown out like a kite with broken string.

Seeing this scene, the whole audience burst into a low exclamation.

But there was no expression on Vlad's face, and he could still watch.

The thirteen blood sleeps together and hums, and then turns back. In an instant, they rush to xue'an and stand in a strange position.


A little noise.

Daodao Xuemang will these 13 people together, forming a magic array full of evil breath."Thirteen blood stars! My God, it's thirteen blood stars Someone exclaimed.

Many people are even more depressed.

This thirteen blood stars is a terrible combo array, and it is also the famous unique skill of the thirteen blood stars.

Now, it is estimated that the boy will have a big problem.

Sure enough.

In the center of the thirteen blood stars, a terrible breath is emerging.

Then we can see a virtual image of 13 hands on the back, each holding a strange weapon.

This is a virtual image of the blood devil formed by the blood of the thirteen blood stasis.

It can be said that they have gathered all the abilities of their thirteen blood beings.

In fact, we can imagine the horror of power.

This blood demon looks at Xue an coldly, and then gives a blow.

Thirteen blood awns converged into a column of light that was redder than blood, which penetrated space and time in an instant, and fell directly on Xue an's body.

Vlad saw it, gave a cold smile, and then turned to leave.

Because in his opinion, this guy will surely die if he is hit by his own thirteen bloody nights.

It's not even necessary to see it.

But it was just then.

Just listen to a voice with a trace of fun spread throughout the audience.

"Good power, but not enough!"


Vlad turned.

Xue an stood in the void undamaged, even his posture did not change.

Vlad's color changed.

He asked himself that it was impossible for him to confront the attack of thirteen xuesu in such a calm manner.

Who is this boy?

At the same time, Xue an said lightly: "next, it's my turn!"

After that, Xue an's body flashed and appeared on the virtual image of the blood devil. Then he put out two hands carved like sapphire and pressed them directly on the head of the virtual blood demon.

What is he going to do?

All of them were suspicious.

At this time, Xue an's arms waved, exhaled and said, "open for me!"


A crisp sound.

The virtual image of the blood demon roared with pain and was torn apart by Xue an.

At the same time, the thirteen blood sleepers spit blood at the same time, and their momentum dropped sharply. Then they turned around and wanted to escape.

Xue an's fingers continued to play, and his swords interweaved the heaven and earth. In a flash, he completely trapped the thirteen blood sleepers.

Then Xue an suddenly clenched his fist.

The swords were suddenly tightened together.


Under this sword, the bodies of xuesu are not much stronger than tofu, and they are directly cut into pieces.

Even so, with the strong recovery ability of the blood clan, it can be recovered.

But these pieces of blood were struggling several times, trying to reunite, but just about to touch, there was a flash of sword.

After a few times.

These fragments will gradually wither, turn into black blood, flutter and fall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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