Vlad was stupid.

He has been following himself for many years and is known as one of the elite members of the Giles family?

As for Winnie and others, they were stunned.

Allard laughed, as if he had expected it.

But at this time, Xue an patted the forehead and said with some chagrin: "Oh! Forget to turn them into blood beads! What a waste! Forget it, but there are still you

With that, Xue an turned to laugh at Vlad and others.

The cold and murderous intention contained in the smile makes Vlad, who is famous for his cruelty, unconsciously step back.

But immediately, he realized that he was afraid of xue'an, and his face turned blue.

"Boy, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant. You really have two sons, but do you think that's enough? Today, I'll show you what real power is

Before the last word was uttered, xue'an's figure did not know when it appeared behind Vlad, and then hit him on the shoulder.


When giant force attacked, Vlad didn't respond to it, so he was directly blasted out and rolled several somersaults in the air.

"By real power, do you mean being beaten?" Xue an said lightly.

There was a trace of fear in Vlad's eyes.

At the moment, half of his body has been completely smashed by Xue an's fist. Although the blood clan's recovery ability is amazing, such a serious injury still costs a lot of energy.

Vlad didn't react from the beginning to the end.

We can see how much speed Xue an has.

In the same way, this scene also shocked inocondon and Clementine, who had been watching the war nearby.

You know, Vlad is a peak blood clan who has awakened the blood of the second generation.

The boy was kicked out.

It's just incredible.

This idea is also the common exclamation in the hearts of all blood clans who saw this scene.

But next, Xue an's words, but let these blood clan more shake.

"It's boring to come one by one. You can go together. I'm in a hurry!"


As soon as this remark was made, the whole audience was shocked.

Enocantin's face gradually darkened, and his eyes twinkled with cold cold.

"Young man, your tone is really big. Do you really think that you can deal with so many blood clans with your strength?"

Xue an faint smile, "your honor is..."

"The eldest son of the ino family, the second generation of blood, Prince inocantin!" Said enocantin with pride.

Xue an nodded. "Don't tell me about those useless titles. I can't remember them! And I can tell you the answer now. Others may not, but for me, it's easy to kill you! "

Enocantin laughed angrily and was about to speak.

Xue an slowly closed her eyes.

A heavy weight came to the audience, which made everyone breathless.

"Is this your real strength?" he said

At the moment, half of Vlad's body has recovered.

He looked at enocantin on the altar.

Both sides are very tacit understanding at the same time.

"Be careful!" Winnie called out.

The voice has just dropped.

Enocantin and Vlad have already rushed to xue'an. The faces of the two blood clans are covered with ferocious colors, and the killers are in pain.

But this is the moment.

Xue an suddenly opened her eyes.

In front of Xue an, enocantin was stunned.

Because at that moment, he even had an illusion.

That is to say, what you are facing is not a person, but a supreme God in the heaven and the world.

Especially Xue an's eyes.

Deep as a sea.

And it was this amazing Kung Fu that Xue an made a fist with one hand.


It's like a meteor falling.

It contains enough power to blow everything in front of it into powder.

Even the so-called second-generation blood clan enocantin couldn't bear the blow. After struggling for a moment, he was directly blasted in the air and turned into blood mist.

By this time, however, Vlad's blood claws could touch xue'an's back.

You know, Vlad is called the puncturer because his blood claws can penetrate everything.

As long as a little forward, the boy's back can be torn apart, and then his internal organs will be crushed.

At the thought of this, the saliva in Vlad's excited mouth was madly secreted.But his excitement can only last until now.

Because the next moment, Vlad was shocked to find that his own blood claws could no longer be stored.

Because Xue an's hands are on his own blood claws.

It is this pair of hands that looks very weak and slender, but it is like a mountain, unable to shake it.

It's in Vlad's stupor.

Xue an said lightly: "there are at least hundreds of millions of creatures dead under your bloody claws! And today, I'm going to give you a taste of pain! "

With that, Xue an shook his hands.


After a sour crackle.

Vlad let out a thunderous roar.

Then look at his blood claw which can pierce everything. Under xue'an's grip, it has been seriously distorted and turned into waste.

And at this time, in the blood mist.

Enocantin's body began to recover.

But this time he was no longer arrogant, but staring at Xue an with a pair of frightened eyes.

Although he could be reborn, the feeling of being driven into the abyss of death was too bad.

Xue an chuckled at him, "waste is a very bad behavior, so this time, I will harvest all of you!"

Harvest again?

What do these two words mean?

Winnie, on the ground, thought with some consternation.

But soon.

Xue an told her with practical actions what harvest is!

In xue'an's eyes, there was a great deal of light, and the red and white lotus covered the whole scene, and then the two blood clans in front of and behind him were completely covered.

"Ah, ah! What the hell is this? What do you want to do? If you dare to kill me, wait for the endless pursuit of the Giles family! " Vlad, enveloped in red and white flames, exclaimed in horror.

As for ino contin, he began to beg for mercy crazily, "my Lord, don't kill me! You can say whatever you want, and the ino family will help you do it! "

"Oh? What if I want your life? "

The two blood clans were stunned.

The flames rose abruptly.

They both screamed a few times, and then the sound stopped.

Then two beads of blood the size of an egg float in the air.

Xue an took it and looked at it for a moment, then he couldn't help admiring it.

"It's really a superior blood clan. Even the condensed blood beads are so beautiful!"

But now no one dares to laugh.

All the blood clan are cold looking at Xue an, who kills the two blood clans. His heart is full of fear.

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