In particular, Clementine, the eldest daughter of the Sheila family, was shaking with fear.

The two extremely strong blood clans who were just alive and kicking around themselves were suddenly refined by this young student.

How could she not feel fear.

At this time, Xue an lifted her eyes and looked at her lightly.

Clementine was shocked and trembled: "Rao Spare your life

She has a lot of self-knowledge.

Even the existence of the puncturer Vlad is not Xue an's opponent. With his own strength, we should not insult ourselves. It is better to ask for mercy.

Xue an a smile, "don't be silly, I don't kill women!"

Clementine breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you for your life. I I'm gone

Say, turn around to leave.

Xue an suddenly stopped her, "Hey, you wait first!"

Clementine stood trembling. "What else, my lord?"

Xue An Sen ran a smile, "sorry, I just remembered that you are not a woman!"

See this smile, Clementine heart alarm bell, without hesitation to expand the blood wing, show the body, then want to escape.

But how could Xue an let her go.

Countless swords cut across the world, blocking all the retreat of Clementine.

"My Lord, do you have to kill them all?" Exclaimed Clementine in despair.

"Speak these words to those who are sacrificed by you."

Xue an light said, a flick of fingers, a flame directly from the feet of Clementine.

In an instant, the eldest lady of the Sheila family was also refined into a blood bead.

Xue an took it and put it in the mustard ring.

There was a dead silence.

All the blood clan people all raise their head to look at stupidly.

No one could have expected such a reversal.

Especially Winnie.

At the moment, she finally understood what is harvest.

Looking at these blood clans who are always high and mighty, they are slaughtered in front of xue'an like a weak lamb.

There was an indescribable joy in Winnie's heart.

Because she thought of her painful experiences.

She would not forgive or sympathize with the blood people who sacrificed their families in front of her.

But this is the moment.

Winnie suddenly felt a chill on her face, as if something had fallen from the sky. She touched it with her hand and was shocked to find that it was blood.

At this time, all the blood clans in the audience have already noticed the difference.

I saw the clear sky, now has been covered by thick blood fog layer by layer.

Among them, there is a faint color of blood. The thunderbolt is roaring, and the whole world is covered with a layer of terrible blood.

The whole world is crying as if the end had come.

Such a terrible scene makes many blood race shudder.

Even Allard, the leader of the secret party, who was smiling, could not help but look dignified at the moment.


A huge blood thunder with a width of 100 Zhang fell from the sky and went straight to the altar.

Xue an snorted and waved.

The hundreds of light balls that originally floated in the heaven and earth were all collected into Fubao building.

At the same time.

The blood thunder has already exploded.

After being struck by thunder and lightning, the magic pattern carved on the altar began to light up layer by layer.

There was a strong wind and thunder and lightning.

Countless blood thunder came, all of them thundered on the altar.

The strength of its power shocked the audience.

"This is..." There are old blood race face crazy change.


the magic array on the altar was completely lit up.

Then there was a ray of blood rushing into the sky.

An incomparably terrifying and powerful momentum was overwhelming the whole audience.

When the momentum came, the whole blood clan knelt down on the ground, shaking all over.

Because this is the superior to the common blood clan's blood suppression.

Then we can see that a figure is gradually emerging in the bloody light column.

This is an old man with pale complexion. He is wearing a simple and simple robe with his eyes closed. The surging blood from him can make the world tremble.

"The father of the Giles family!" Some blood clan exclaimed.

Many blood clans were all happy when they heard the speech.

Because this ancestor of the Giles family is the supreme first blood race. His awakening means that this young man will pay the price of his life.Sure enough.

The Giles ancestor slowly opened his eyes.

A pair of scarlet pupils in a flash, heaven and earth seem to be one of the stagnation.

Then he looked around the audience and said in a very ancient voice: "I, Giles I, have returned! Who just slaughtered my bloodline? "

The sound shook the world.

Many blood clans all turned their eyes to Xue an.

In such a public attention, Xue an has no sorrow or joy, and says lightly: "I did it. What's the matter?"

"You?" The Giles I turned his eyes to xue'an. After a moment's study, a sneer appeared on his face.

"Terran, you are powerful indeed! But I don't understand, what do you rely on to make you dare to come to the blood kingdom to kill my blood descendants and people? "

"Don't you know that this is the world of my blood clan?"

The last question, with a burst of anger, shocked all directions. Some ordinary blood clans were even directly shocked into blood mist by this roar.

Xue an took out her ears and said helplessly, "can you speak well? What are you yelling at so loud

"And of course I know this is the world of your blood clan, but I think it will not be soon!"

The Giles I didn't know whether he was short circuited by sleeping too long, or he wasn't very smart.


Xue an said with a faint smile, "because I'm going to step down your blood world

Giles I was stunned at first, then furious, "arrogant! If you want to kill my blood, you dare to talk nonsense. Today, I will... "

Before the words fell, ripples appeared in the void on his side, and a fist hit him directly on his head.


The arrogant face of Giles I was directly blasted away for dozens of miles before he could be regarded as standing still.

Xue an took back his fist, gently blew his breath, and said faintly, "how about you?"

The fist is heavy or light.

At least half of Giles I's shoulder was smashed.

Although in a flash, the injury recovered as before.

But Giles I, who consciously lost his face, was still furious, his eyes scarlet as blood, and then stormed out a claw. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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