The most famous of the Giles family is this pair of impregnable claws.

That's why Vlad became famous.

But when Giles I used this blow, he was more than a thousand times more powerful than navrad.


A crisp sound.

This blood claw seems to have penetrated through time and space, and appeared directly in front of Xue an.

But Xue an did not have the slightest fear color, even very leisurely said: "old man, your nails should be cut! Forget it. Help me

Said, Xue an single hand a row, a bright sword straight cut.

This is the first time that Giles's teeth have been cut off by blood.

The hapless Giles I screamed, retreated ten miles, and then looked at his hand with great pain.

To know that he in order to be able to blood claw puncture practice to the realm, usually for their fingernails but maintenance is extremely fine.

Even when sleeping, most of the blood can protect the claws.

But I didn't expect that thousands of years of hardship would be destroyed by Xue an's hand today.

Naturally, it was unacceptable to him.

But Xue an obviously did not intend to let him go.

In fact, Xue an has not refined the blood clan of the first generation.

So in Xue an's eyes, this Giles I is almost like a walking pill.

Xue an smiles, "how are your nails cut? Isn't it beautiful? Don't thank me. It's my duty to help others! "

"Die!" Giles I was blue with anger and roared.

With him as the center, a sea of blood covering thousands of miles of sky suddenly formed and completely isolated the surrounding heaven and earth.

"Terran strongman, under the cover of my endless sea of blood, you have become the abandoned son of heaven and earth, and you will not be able to obtain any strength from the outside world, and I It will be the master of this world Giles I laughed wildly and raised his hand.

A wave of blood turned into a big hand and caught Xue an in the air.

Xue an looks around the sea of blood, and her eyes are cold.

Because this sea of blood is obviously transformed by the souls of countless creatures, it can be seen that there are more than one hundred million dead in the hands of this Giles I.

"Abandoned son of heaven and earth? Can't get power? " Xue an sneered, "in order to kill you, just heaven and earth, and can Nai me?"

After that, Xue an took a step.

In one step, the void vibrates.

Lotus, the second step is full of blood.

Then Xue an raised his hand.


At an order.

The lotus flowers are in full bloom.

What a sight this is!

Originally full of blood on the sea, floating endless budding lotus.

After the lotus flower, like a sea of flowers.

But the sea of blood, which had been fierce and blocked the heaven and earth, had no resistance in front of the sea of flowers, and then disappeared into nothingness in an instant.

"How could it be?" Giles I yelled wildly. I couldn't believe what was happening.

It's a sea of blood made of hundreds of millions of souls.

Even the blood clan yuan Laoqin to, also dare not lightly grab its front.

But in the face of this young man's sea of flowers, it is nothing.

This, of course, was hard for Giles I to accept.

But he has lived countless years, at this moment, naturally understand a truth.

That is, the boy is obviously not an ordinary strong man.

He may not really be his opponent.

Therefore, in order to survive, this Giles I turned to run.

With his blood, a turn around the Kung Fu, the speed has been increased to a terrible 20 times the speed of sound.

Even in a flash, he will disappear in this place.

He's fast but.

Xue an is faster.

Just as soon as he was about to leave.

Xue an put his hand into the void and drank coldly, "do you still want to run?"

After that, Xue an suddenly pulled out.


Giles I, who had already half disappeared into the void, was dragged back by Hanson Xue.


The voice did not fall.

Xue an's hands were pressed down.


After a burst of acid fractures.

This Giles I was crushed by Xue an with his hands.

"The strong, if you act so arrogantly, are you not afraid to attract the punishment of heaven?" Giles I endured the pain and roared angrily.

"God's curse? I'm sorry, I'm the curse of your blood clan

After that, xue'an started to refine the blood clan of the first generation who had lived for countless years by force.The cry of Giles I resounded through the world.

"Terran strong man, I am willing to promise you any request, even become your blood slave, only ask you to let me go!"

Xue an was unmoved.

"Strong, I can tell you countless secrets!"

Xue safe didn't hear that.

Giles I finally felt the fear of death, which made him extremely angry and resentful, "humble people, even if you kill me, what can you do? I have two old friends who will soon wake up, and then it will be your burial day

Xue an chuckled, then pointed to the altar, "are you talking about the two old guys under the altar?"

"Don't wait for them to wake up. I'll kill them now!"

After that, Xue an's body flashed, appeared above the altar, stepped out, and then punched down.

No sound, no sound.

Not even a little bit strange.

It was as if Xue an's blow was light and without any pressure.

But before Giles I in the fire laughed.

I saw that the thousand foot altar, which was as stable as a mountain under the bombardment of blood thunder, began to shake violently.

Then the cracks began to spread from where Xue an hit.

In an instant.

And the altar broke.

Under the altar, there are two huge coffins.

It seems to be sensing changes in the outside world.

The two coffins appeared blood light, and finally Peng's sound, broken.

Then two blood shadows flew straight out.

Herran is a man and a woman, two ancient blood clans.

It was the ancestors of the ino family and the Sheila family.

I saw these two strong first generation blood clan standing in the air, looking around the blood clan underground, about to speak.

Xue an said faintly: "OK, there is no part for you!"

After that, he swept across the air. Before the two blood clans could react, he grabbed them by the neck with one hand.

The two blood clans just woke up from their deep sleep, but they didn't understand what was going on.

And he drew them straight into the flames.

The fire came, and they began to struggle and howl.

But all the struggle can not change their fate, but for a moment.

And they were made into a bead of blood.

Then Xue an turned his head and looked at Giles I, who was full of fear in his heart, and said faintly, "goodbye!"

Words fall.

The flames shot up.

Giles screamed, the blood light of body protection was finally broken, and it was also refined into a blood bead. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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