In an instant.

The ancestor of the three families, the strong and noble blood group of the early generation, was refined into blood beads by Xue Ansheng, and the spirits were all destroyed.

There was a dead silence.

All the blood clan are staring at Xue an standing in the sky.


His stature is even bigger than the mountains, which makes these blood clans who have always been arrogant have to be in awe.

Especially Winnie.

She looked at this scene with astonishment, and finally realized that the leader, Allard, would have such respect for this young man.

How strong does he have to be when he cuts down three blood clans of the first generation?

But it was just then.

Xue an raised his eyes and looked at the distant sky. He said faintly, "after enduring so long, is he willing to show up at last?"

With Xue an's voice, a sigh came from the sky.

"You are really powerful, even the strongest man I have ever seen. You can be forgiven. Now that you have harvested these three blood clans of the first generation, what else can you do?"

Xue an sneered, "should I forgive you? It's really ironic to say that from your blood group's mouth

At the same time.

In the void, a blood shadow gradually emerged. In the blood shadow, we could barely see that it was a woman, but the shadow was vivid, which was not very real.

"Terran strong, you are strong enough to win respect, so the death of these three early blood clans should let you vent your anger. As long as you stop, our Senate will no longer investigate. What do you think?"


These four words come out.

All the blood clans were shocked.

Even Rudd's face was heavy at the moment.

Because in the blood god world has not been opened for thousands of years, the Senate of the core blood world has been the highest decision-making body of the blood clan.

That is the highest center of the whole blood group, the supreme existence.

I didn't expect to be here today.

Then the identity of the blood shadow will be revealed.

In the Senate, the most famous and the youngest, is known as the bloody rose.

Rosalind Carter.

But Xue an was not sure about it. He said quietly, "I'm only curious about one thing. Are the three families preparing to sacrifice ten billion living creatures for blood sacrifice? Is it from the consent of the blood clan elders?"

"Blood sacrifice?" Rosalind was stunned by the blood.

"Of course, the Senate knows about this, but does it have anything to do with what we are talking about?"

Rosalind really doesn't know why.

In her opinion, it must be the blood family of the three families who offended the strong man of the human race in some things, which led to the destruction.

From the beginning to the end, she did not think that it was because of the blood sacrifice.

Because in her eyes, those who were sacrificed by blood are a symbolic existence, with no value worthy of attention.

On the ground, Allard shook his head and sighed, "blood clan It is because of these stupid and decadent upper class nobles that they have been reduced to the present appearance! And it's time to see the situation? "

Sure enough.

Xue an smiles, but the smile is full of cold and killing intention.

"Of course it does, because all I have to do is to wipe out all of you arrogant guys!"

Rosalind is not a fool. When she turns her mind, she also knows what's going on. She can't help but cry out.

"Are you for the living creatures of the blood sacrifice?"

"To be exact, it's for the blood debt that your blood family has owed for thousands of years!"

Rosalind was shocked in her heart, but her pride as a blood clan still made her sneer: "Terran strong, you have killed the outer blood world, do you still want to eliminate the inner blood world?"

The tone was full of sarcasm and disbelief.

Because it is different from the outer blood world, the inner blood world is not only much larger, but also the blood clan is much stronger than the outside.

Although Xue an destroyed the ancestors of the three families, it does not mean that he can be the rival of the whole inner blood world.

Xue an smelt speech but laughed, and then raised her eyes to see Rosalind in the blood shadow. She said coldly: "this is a virtual shadow of your body!"

With Rosalind's strength, it is not necessary for noumenon to come to this inner blood world. Sending a virtual image of the body directly can solve most of the problems.

So Rosalind said faintly, "yes

"Well, don't you believe it? Then I'll let you see with your own eyes how I destroyed your heaven and earth! "

Say it.

Xue an step out, two pupil suddenly emerged in the red and white flame.

Rosalind didn't care at first. She even thought Xue an was just talking big. She was about to make a sarcastic remark. But when she saw the red and white flames burning in Xue an's eyes, she couldn't help crying."No way! How could you have such a flame? "

Xue an sneered, "why not?"

Rosalind was shaking at the moment.

No wonder she was so frightened. It was because xue'an had these two flames that were so amazing.

Even if it's just a spirit, Rosalind can still feel the powerful deterrent of the fire.

At this time, Xue an looked around the audience and said, "the dust returns to the dust, and it's time for you to repay the sins you owe for thousands of years! Today, I will refine the world by fire and wash the heaven and earth with blood! "

After that, the red and white flames burst out of Xue an's eyes and turned into an endless sea of fire, covering the whole sky.

Under such prestige.

All the blood clans roared with fear.


"Run, this is a devil!"

"Forgive me, my Lord. I have not killed any innocent creatures."

Beg for mercy, hysterical fury, and crying mixed together, let this city of iNO thoroughly boil.

Secret party leader Allard also looked at this scene with some dullness, "this Is that your real strength? "

Rosalind couldn't believe her eyes at the moment, and then roared angrily, "Terran strongman, what's the difference between your doing this and killing other ethnic groups by our blood clan?"

"No difference!" Xue an said lightly.

"But in my opinion, if you want to control evil, it must be worse than evil! For to be a good man will not live long in the world of heaven and earth! "

After that, Xue an stood in the sea of fire and pointed out, "blood washing this world!"

At an order.

The sky was full of fire and rain.

Those usually ferocious and powerful blood clan, at this moment, all become lambs to be slaughtered.

The flame is like the maggot of tarsal bones. It infects these blood clans and turns them into blood beads in their struggle and scream.

But those who have not been contaminated with blood, however, are undamaged.

But the number of these blood clan is too small.

There are only a few secret parties headed by Allard.

In an instant, the city of iNO disappeared.

Then the sea of fire became a prairie fire and spread at a very fast speed.

However, in the blink of an eye, this inner blood world is completely turned into a sea of fire. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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