Rosalind looked at all this stupidly, full of fear that she could not even speak.

At this time, Xue an's voice sounded in her ear.

"When you go back, remember to tell the other elders. Next It's your turn to the core blood world! "

Rosalind was shaking and about to speak.

Xue an flicks a finger.

The shadow of her body was broken.

And now. In the whole city of iNO, the only people who can stand are Allard and aisihole.

The rest is the floating beads of blood.

The blood clan of the whole inner blood world was almost destroyed by Xue an, and all of them were refined into blood beads.

Xue an waved.

Mustard ring will show a huge opening, endless blood crazy influx.

After a while, the whole field will be harvested.

After all this, Xue an released hundreds of light balls in Fubao's small building.

What is trapped in this is hundreds of millions of creatures captured by blood clan with secret arts.

Xue an released these creatures directly back to their respective secret places.

Because all the blood clans that controlled them have been destroyed by Xue an, these secret places will become independent individuals in the future, and will not be slaughtered at will.

After finishing all this, Xue an falls to the ground and says lightly to everyone.

"Be ready to march into the core blood world in a few days!"

Then Xue an turned and left.

Allard was also awakened from the shock.

He knew from the beginning that Xue an might be the one who slaughtered the outer world of blood.

After confirming his conjecture later, he wanted Xue an to stop the blood sacrifice.

But he never thought that Xue an would play so much.

He even washed the inner blood world with blood.

So at the moment, he was absolutely shocked.

When he heard Xue an's words, his eyes could not help but show a deep sadness.

Because what Xue an is doing now will certainly offend the Senate.

At that time, those elders who have existed since the birth of the blood clan will definitely do so.

It's going to get out of hand.

It seems to have sensed Allard's anxiety.

Hall on one side slapped Allard on the shoulder.

"Well, don't worry about adults. I was like you before. I thought that adults' words were just like Arabian Nights, and could not be realized! But now my face is going to be swollen! So never try to guess the adult's intention, what he thinks is not what we can understand! We just need to follow the adults honestly

Allard heard the speech, deeply looked at Xue an's back, and finally lowered his head.

Next, Allard led the secret party to deal with the aftermath.

Because there are almost 90% less blood families in the whole inner blood world.

So the whole world is empty.

What's more, those who are slaughtered by xue'an are cruel blood clan whose hands are covered with blood.

All this time, the secret party met with little resistance.

Soon the remaining blood clans in the inner blood world were united together.

And it was on Allard's side that the world was being reorganized.

In the core blood world, an ancient castle in the mountains.

Rosalind opened her eyes suddenly, her face full of horror.

She was smashed by Xue an's finger, but the pictures she saw were transmitted back intact.

Rosalind was naturally shocked.

He even threatened to enter the core blood world in the end.

If such a person is not blocked, it will definitely become a big problem for the blood clan.

So Rosalind, after a moment's meditation, got up immediately and disappeared into the castle.

And so on.

She has come to a magnificent hall in the center of the core blood world.

The core blood world is not the same as the two outer blood realms.

First of all, the area is much smaller.

But it's full of blood energy.

And can survive in this, the lowest is more than two generations of powerful blood.

But it is the Senate in the center of the core blood circle that can really hold the highest power of the whole blood clan.

We should know that although the blood clan has declined to the extreme, there are still hundreds of billions of large groups.

But only a dozen people can become blood elders.

It can be said that these blood elders are the highest decision makers of the blood clan when the blood god world is hidden.

When Rosalind's figure appeared in this chamber of Parliament.The blood clan on duty hastily saluted.

"Dear elder Rosa, what can I do for you?"

Rosalind's face was grim, "ring the assembly bell!"

This on duty blood clan hears speech to be astonished, "what?"

"Ring the assembly bell and call all the blood elders to come to the meeting!"


The blood clan on duty still hesitated.

Because this collection clock is not a random knock, it can only ring when there is a vital event for the blood clan.

In fact, from the establishment of this assembly clock to now, a total of only a few rings.

But then Rosalind's last bit of patience was wiped out, and she frowned and waved.

This has been the peak of the second generation of blood clan was blown out.

Then she took a deep breath and went forward to pick up the hammer, which weighed ten thousand jin, and aimed at the assembly clock which was hundreds of Zhang high and had countless magic runes engraved on it.


A roar of metal reverberated in all directions.

Sound waves vibrate the void at a speed visible to the naked eye and propagate through space the entire core blood realm.

And then just a few breaths.

The hall of Parliament is full of blood and shining.

More than a dozen blood clan elders appeared.

"Why ring the assembly bell?" exclaimed the elder

Why do you meet rosald? What happened? "

Rosalind looked around and said coldly, "one of my avatars has just been destroyed in the inner world of blood."

These words let many yuan old faces look at each other, and then a ferocious old man sneered.

"Rosalind, are you bringing us all together for such a small matter?"

Rosalind gave the old man a cold look and said, "Lambert, if you dare to interrupt me again, I will let you understand what it means to offend an old man!"

"You..." Lambert was angry and ready to speak.

One of the elders said in a deep voice, "well, Lambert, don't talk! Rosalind, what happened that made you so cautious? "

Rosalind took a deep breath and said with a trace of fear, "someone Kill all the internal and external blood realms , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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