"What?" These blood clan elders were all shocked at their words.

"Rosalind, are you true?" he asked in a deep voice

Rosalind said with a wry smile, "how dare I joke about such a thing?"

"Who is this man? Is it from heaven? " A blood elder said in a deep voice.

His words made all the elders pale.

Rosalind shook her head. "It's not the heaven, it's a human youth."

"Terran youth?"

These blood elders looked at each other with disbelief on their faces.

In particular, Lambert, who had always been at odds with Rosalind, sneered at the moment: "Rosalind, you should not be frightened by something! A lowly Terran teenager can frighten you into this appearance... "

The voice has just dropped.

Rosalind's eyes were full of chills, and a bloody shadow rushed to Lambert, which directly knocked him out.

Lambert did not stop until he touched the walls of the assembly hall.

"Rosalind, what do you want to do?" Lambert was furious.

Rosalind said faintly, "Lambert, what I just used is my power of separation. Even if you are caught off guard, you will suffer losses. But the Terran youth just one finger, and then broke my body. And I saw him burn the sky with immortal fireworks, refining the whole inner blood world! Hearing that, you Do you dare to be so arrogant? "

Lambert's face was cloudy after hearing Rosalind's words, but he did not dare to talk nonsense any more.

Then Rosalind looked around the audience and said coldly, "and this person has made it clear. Next, he is going to deal with our core blood world!"


"If he really dares to come, I will let him come back and never come back!"

All of these blood elders were angry.

But Rosalind always felt heavy in her heart.

In the inner world of blood, Xue an's behavior shocked her too much.

As a result, she had great doubts about whether the core blood world could be maintained.

If All of us are not his opponents!

Thinking of this, Rosalind couldn't help shivering.

That whole blood clan, can be regarded as having suffered the disaster of annihilation.

However, Rosalind was deeply worried about the future of the blood clan.

In the center of the conference hall, the tower that connects the sky gradually glows with blood.

All the blood clan elders present noticed this scene. First, they were stunned, and then all of them showed the color of ecstasy and excitement.

"The tower has moved!"

"My God, the world of blood god, which has been silent for thousands of years, has finally got a response."

Some blood clan elders even cried with joy.

This group of blood elders will be so excited, and even into a state of madness.

It's just because they've been waiting too long for this moment.

The tower of Tongtian is the ladder connecting the core blood realm and the blood god world.

Thousands of years ago, the blood gods of the blood god world came through this tower.

And many elders of the core blood world can also enter the blood god world through this tower.

But just a thousand years ago, the blood god world suddenly closed down.

No matter how the elders of the core blood world prayed, the blood god world did not respond.

This has been going on for thousands of years.

Even these blood elders are gradually despairing that the blood gods have abandoned the blood clan.

But I didn't expect that today, the Tongtian tower miraculously showed blood light.

This is a sign before the blood god comes.

It's when these old men are so excited.

A fierce blood shadow suddenly appeared in the air.

As powerful as they could, these proud blood elders were crawling on the ground, shaking all over and shouting: "welcome the Lord of blood god!"

There was a silence in the blood shadow, and then a cold voice came out.

"Sting me

This group of blood clan elders were shocked, and then their faces all showed a look of incomparable excitement.

It's a thousand stinging blood god!

This is the top ten powerful generals in the blood god world!

I didn't expect that he came in person this time.

"Great master qianzhe, what's the oracle of your coming here?" There is a blood clan veteran respectfully yelled.

"A strong enemy is coming, and the blood clan is in danger. This time I come here, all for this matter!"

A strong enemy is coming, it is in danger!

These words made the faces of the whole blood clan turn pale.

How powerful is the enemy that qianzhe adults call them and even threaten the existence of the whole blood clan?At this time, qianzhe looked at Rosalind kneeling on the ground, "elder Rosa, are the two outer blood circles slaughtered by one person?"

Rosalind was shocked. "Yes

At this time, all the blood elders understood.

Isn't it true that the Terran youth is the strong enemy that the God general said?

"What else did he say?"

"Back to qianzhe, he once said that the next step is to deal with our core blood world!"

"Good! This matter is not trivial, even if I can't solve it alone. You should obey my orders and have no slightest slightness and arrogance! Do you understand? " Thousand stings cold voice drinks a way.

Qi qiyilin, the elder of the blood clan, said, "yes!"


The whole core blood world boils.

All the blood clans are arranged according to the order of qianzhe.

And qianzhe, sitting on the throne in the main hall of the Council, flashed the image of xue'an in his mind.

Then there was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Xue an, you are too arrogant. Guiyi xuewang mountain was destroyed by you. Even my younger martial brother duankong blood God died in your hands!"

"You dare to come to my blood world, kill me and kill the blood clan, but you didn't expect that the next thing waiting for you will be a fatal one!"

"Because the gods are coming, the Lord will wake up! I'd like to see how big a storm you can make in such a situation

Speaking of this, the thousand stings Yin pity's strange smile.

It seems that in response to his laughter, the blood light is also trembling on the tower.

Just as the atmosphere of the whole core blood world gradually becomes strange and dignified.

Xue an is counting the harvest of this period of time with an Yan.

Looking at the blood bead that occupied almost half of mustard seed ring space, an Yan can't help but wonder: "husband, how did you get so many blood beads?"

Since she came to the blood world, because xue'an was worried about Yan'er's safety, she and her two daughters had been staying in Fubao building. Until now, the situation was stable, Xue an didn't let her out.

"Haha, almost all the blood clans in the two levels of blood are here, and the natural number is considerable!" Xue an smiles faintly.

Anyan was worried, "but there are so many blood beads When shall I have to eat it

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