Xue an was dumbfounded and patted an Yan's head. "Little fool, before, because there was no way, you could swallow blood beads. Now of course, you will not do that again. After the blood clan is completely eradicated, I will refine a pill to change your life against heaven, so as to break the seal for you!"


Then Allard came in.

"My Lord, this world has been dealt with!"

Xue an nodded and said, "OK, I know! You go down first

Allard stopped talking, but finally bowed his head and said, "yes!"

Then he turned and left.

At this time, Xue an turned to smile at Anyan. "Yan'er, you can go back to Fubao building, and you can come out when I kill all the blood clan!"

"But I don't trust you..." An Yan some worried said.

This is not to say that we simply dealt with a certain sect or an enemy before.

Now we are dealing with an entire ethnic group, even the whole world!

Xue an faint smile, gently pinched the face of an Yan, "well, I will be careful, you can rest assured!"

An Yan wants to say but stops, but looks at Xue an that one face firm and resolute look, she still obediently nodded, "mm-hmm!"

After that, an Yan returned to Fubao building.

Xue an got up and went outside.

Allard, ash, hall, and Winnie were all outside waiting for him.

When they saw Xue an come out, they all bowed down, "my Lord!"

Xue an nodded, "you are good at health care in this world, the core blood world, I can go alone!"

This words let already rub one's hands, prepare to follow Xue an to fight a battle the public all stunned.

Especially Allard, who was a little surprised and said, "my lord..."

Xue an waved his hand. "I know what you want to say, but even if you follow me to the core blood world, you can't help. On the contrary, it's better to do business here and wait for me to return!"

Allard saw that Xue an's face was calm. Knowing that persuasion was useless, he sighed and bowed his head.

After this period of contact, Allard has a profound understanding of Xue an's personality.

If he recognized the thing, even if it is the collapse of the earth will complete.

Therefore, persuasion is useless at all.

On the other side, AISI was disappointed.

This has always been lawless blood Miss Xue an is a morbid worship.

If it wasn't for an Yan in the back, she really wanted to peel herself clean and take the initiative to send it up.

But I didn't expect that after so long preparation, Xue an actually let her watch the house.

But although she was not afraid of the weather and the earth, she did not dare to disobey Xue an's words, and she could only look down with disappointment.

Xue an looked around and said with a faint smile, "wait here, I'll go back."

After that, Xue an stepped out and cut the void with his hand as his sword.

A huge portal took shape.

Xue an enters with pride and steps into it.

In a flash.

The space-time recovery, the heaven and earth are empty, there is no trace of Xue an.

Allard and others looked at each other, and at last Allard said in a deep voice: "order to go on, obey your Lord's orders and wait for his return here!"


And in the core blood world.

The void rippled.

Then Xue an's figure emerged.

At the beginning of this world, the strong blood in the air can make Xue an all slightly raise eyebrows.

As expected, it is the highest level of blood clan.

The blood energy contained here is enough to be proud of all blood families.

Then Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly.

The powerful mind suddenly unfolds to detect the surrounding heaven and earth.

But then.

Xue an then issued a light Yi.

"Why! What the hell are these guys doing? "

Because in Xue an's mind, more than a dozen powerful blood lights are coming here.

My nose is very smart. As soon as I got here, did you find it?

Xue an thought in his heart, there was no panic, but he stood waiting in the air.

A moment later.

See more than a dozen blood light flying in the air, waiting to stand after the body shape.

It's the blood elders.

And who is the woman standing in the front, not Rosalina?

Xue an looked at the group coldly, without sadness or joy, but he was ready for a war in his heart.

Can be followed by, this gang of blood clan elder people's action actually lets Xue an can't help but be a little surprised.

With Rosalina at the head, the gang of blood elders all bow to Xue Anyi."Dear strong man, you are here at last. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xue Anxin read electricity turn, eyes slightly narrowed, a strong and incomparable murderous spirit hidden but not hair, cold voice: "what do you mean?"

Rosalina came forward respectfully and said, "strong, you don't have to be surprised. We have no malice! This is the case! "

"After you slaughtered the two blood realms and smashed all my parts, I had intended to revenge! But when we got back to the conference hall, we received the oracle. "

"The Lord blood God said that all this is the fault of our blood family, and you have done nothing too much. We must be respectful to you, otherwise the whole blood family will be in danger of capsizing!"

"We are shocked by what the Lord blood God said! So I have been waiting for your arrival, and I want to apologize to you face to face! "

Speaking of this, Rosalina knelt down respectfully.

As soon as she knelt down, the blood elders behind her all knelt down.

"Respect the strong, please forgive me!"

This scene is a little unexpected.

But immediately, Xue an's expression became colder and colder and said, "do you think it's OK to apologize? Hehe, what you think is too simple

Xue an certainly won't be swayed by a few apologies from these guys.

If only a few apologies can forgive these guys, who should those unjust souls who are killed by blood clan explain to them?

Hearing Xue an's words, Rosa Lina raised her head with a wry smile on her face.

"Dear strong man, we certainly don't want to get your forgiveness just by a few apologies! But this is a sincerity that we express! What's more, it's very clear in the oracle that when we see you, we must apologize first, and then let you wait here for a while, because the Lord of blood will come soon, and then the Lord of blood will explain everything to you in person

"Blood god?" Xue an's heart moved.

"Yes! To be honest, our core blood world has not contacted the blood god Lord for thousands of years. We didn't expect that this time the Lord blood god gave the Oracle himself. Naturally, we dare not disobey it! "

With that, Rosalina looked at xue'an with all her hopes on her face. "Respect the strong one, what we say is true. If you don't believe it, you can follow us to the conference hall and have a look."

Xue an glanced at this group of blood clan elders, a burst of sneer in his heart.

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