Then he sneered and said, "I'm really more and more curious. What's your origin? You know so much!"

Xue an is comfortable to lean on the chair, but did not answer his words, but looked at Rosalina on one side, "is that why you try your best to delay time?"

Rosalinna snorted coldly, "Xue an, you are so arrogant when you die."

The voice did not fall.

Xue an waves his hand.

The glass in her hand disappeared in an instant, and then reappeared. It had already rushed to Rosalina in front of her, and smashed the bridge of her nose in a short time.

Although as a powerful blood elder, this injury is not serious.

But Xue an's hand is still too hard.

The bridge of the nose was smashed in.

This kind of sharp pain let Rosalina cover her nose, then pain roar.

But seeing Xue an dare to teach his blood race in front of his own face, Gaia still can't bear the anger in his heart.

"Xue an, don't be too arrogant! I am the Lord of the God of blood. Even if you are powerful, you also need to maintain due respect for my existence! "

Xue an smiles, and then holds out three fingers.

"I'm here for only three purposes. When I'm done, I'll leave!"

"First of all, although your divinity is incomplete, you are also the ancestor of blood clan at all. So you must know who participated in the earth war before Wanzai, which must be told to me!"

"Second, you and your men will destroy themselves. I will condense them into blood beads, and I will release your spirits!"

"Third, you have made a great oath to Hong Gu at the cost of gods and souls, and we will not slaughter any living creature at will in the future."

"Do these three things, I can let you go!"


"Looking for death!"

As soon as Xue an's voice fell, the rebukes rang through the hall.

God's Lord Gaia was even more angry and laughed, "xue'an, I finally understand what you are

"You're actually from that place. If I'm right, you should be a Chinese."

Xue an replied correctly, "it's a pity that there is no reward for nodding!"

"Hum!" Gaia snorted coldly, and then said sadly, "xue'an, I admit your strength is really good, even enough to threaten my existence! But if you want to investigate the matter ten thousand years ago, I advise you to save your mind! "

"Because the people who put their hands on them are the existence that no one in the universe can afford to provoke!"

Speaking of this, Gaia's tone can not help but take a few deep fear.

Xue an smelt speech but laughed, "who can't be provoked? Ha ha, in my eyes, there is no one can not afford! Because no one is better than me

This speech caused a low sneer that Xue an was just blowing the air.

Gaia sneered: "Xue an, sometimes I really admire your courage, but sometimes courage does not mean strength!"

"Well said!" Xue an clapped his hands and then said faintly, "so, you don't agree with any of the three points I said?"

Gaia hasn't spoken yet.

Qian Zhe, the first one behind him, couldn't help it. She said in a cold voice: "Xue an, you've all died. You don't know that you dare to ask for these requirements. It's really a smile!"


The voice has just dropped.

Xue'an, who was sitting there, suddenly disappeared, and then xue'an's body appeared behind the thousand stings, with a blow.

Directly explode the body of the thousand stings into a blood mist.

But Xue an said faintly: "since I don't agree, let me harvest them one by one."

"Kill him!"

Gaia roared.

The gods and generals, as well as all the blood clans, used their strongest killing moves.

That is Gaia, who also tried his best to blow out a blood claw.

But as xue'an said, how could he be the opponent of xue'an, who has been a half step real immortal?

In the face of these fierce bombardment.

Xue an's face was cold, and without any tricks, he directly held his hand into a fist and blew out one after another.

Bang bang bang.

Under Xue an's iron fist, these blood clans began to burst one by one.

In an instant.

Xue Ansheng blasted all the blood gods and elders.

Even if these blood clans can be reborn, such injuries, but also at least a cup of tea, can be recovered.

Then Xue an looks at Gaia standing in the distance, trembling, and smiles.

"The game has just begun. Since you don't say it, I'll call you to say it!"

After that, Xue an's body was in a flash, and he immediately appeared in front of Gaia. He lifted his fist and blew.The God Gaia was scared to death by Xue an's speed, but he was also a God, so he managed to avoid the key.

But it's as powerful as it can be.

Or just blew up half of his body.

Gaia screamed, then hissed. "You don't show up yet. Do you want to wait until I'm killed by him?"

"Help?" Xue an slightly a Zheng, but still licked the lips, slightly with a trace of excitement said.

At this moment.

Then the dome of the Council hall collapsed and turned into nothingness.

And then from the top of the sky.

A bright light directly projected down, shining on the sky.

And then.

In this light, a strong and desperate momentum began to emerge.

As soon as the momentum came out.

Even the space can not bear, began to crack.

Xue an couldn't help but look.

This kind of prestige, is it.

It seems to be aware of Xue an's doubts, this Gaia arrogant laugh.

"Xue an, do you really think I don't know your strength? The reason why I drag you here is to wait for the arrival of the gods in heaven

The gods of heaven.

This simple four words, but represents the immeasurable strength.

Even Xue an could not help but look colder.

Just then.

Only a voice with a few lazy voices came from the light.

"Xue an, even I have heard of your recent deeds. You can be proud to let me deal with you in person."

With the voice.

From the light.

A team began to emerge.

A topless blond man was riding a huge wild boar with a golden mane, holding a sword of victory.

Next to him, there was an ice giant who was as tall as a mountain.

Not only that, behind the ranks, there were countless warriors wearing Roman armor and holding spears.

But at the front of the line is a huge sea snake.

On the top of the sea snake, there was a very handsome man.

The man was wearing only one boot, and his face was arrogant.

Xue an gazed at the group, and after a moment, she breathed softly.

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