It was the gods in the Nordic mythology.

It was Frey, the sun god in Nordic mythology, who carried the sword of victory and rode the boar.

Next to him was the frost giant of the giants.

And the first sea snake is the famous extinct snake yemenggad.

And sitting on the head of the snake is Vidal, the son of the Nordic God King.

Vidal looked at xue'an with playful eyes, and then said faintly, "I'm very curious. Isn't that place a Jedi? How come you are such a strong man again? Or is it that the inheritance of the original Chinese has not been cut off

Xue an did not answer his words, but coldly looked at the son of the king of God.

"No wonder all of your Nordic gods disappeared after dusk! They have already fled to heaven

Vidal laughed. "The gods are at dusk? That's just a statement to the outside! "

"So, in the original earth war, you Nordic gods also participated in the killing of the Chinese people, or Have you become the running dogs of those foreigners Xue an eyes light gradually cold, kill the idea of awe inspiring asked.

From the first sight of these Nordic gods, Xue an suddenly understood a lot of things.

For example, why did CAIA, the Lord of the blood god, collude with the Nordic God court.

For example, why do these guys join hands to set up a bureau to deal with themselves!

And all of a sudden, the Nordic gods disappeared. Only the forest goddess, crolis, escaped by a fluke, but her spirit was broken. She had no choice but to enter the night elf territory and become the Mother God of the night elves in London.

The root cause of all this must have something to do with the earth war ten thousand years ago.

And the only reasonable explanation is that these gods turned to those empty families and became the running dogs of the outside world.

Sure enough.

After hearing Xue an's words, the smile of Vidal, the son of the God King, was gradually restrained.

"It seems that we really despise you, xue'an. You are right. At the beginning, our Nordic God court was a man who shocked the whole world."

Xue an nodded, and his eyes were burning with murderous intent. "Very good! Because of your frankness, I will give you a good time later

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Xue an, you are really arrogant Vidal laughed up, then suddenly raised his eyes and gazed at xue'an.

"But do you know why we are waiting for you here?"

"It's because the Lord has orders that we closely monitor you Chinese people to see if there will be new born strong people. If there is any discovery, we will kill them!"

"To tell you the truth, over the past ten thousand years, many powerful Chinese have died in our hands! Some of them are even more arrogant than you! But in the end, their bodies turned into powder, and their spirits became the best prize of our God court


Xue an's space around him suddenly shows a crack.

The extremely cold killing intention, let the whole world all send out the unbearable groan.

Xue an said with cold words: "very good! There is no need for your Nordic shrine to exist! "

Vidal disdained to smile, "xue'an, do you really think we are still the kind of weak indigenous gods on earth before?"

"After following the adults, our strength has increased by more than 10000 times!"

"Xue'an, for the sake of you and I who have lived in that world, surrender obediently and bind our spirits. Maybe there is a chance of life! Otherwise, if you insist on exploring the great war ten thousand years ago, ha ha, no one can protect you! "

"Ha ha!" Xue an lowered his head, and his hair covered his eyes, which made his eyes a little blurred. Then he gave out a cold laugh that seemed to come from hell.

"No matter who the other party is, since he has committed a heinous crime against the Chinese people, it is necessary to pay back with ten times the blood!"

"You..." Vidal's face sank and he was about to speak.

Endless floating in the sky, the sword is full of light.

Xue an stood at the top of everything, overlooking the gods, and said faintly, "and you are the interest of this blood debt!"


With Xue an's voice.

Endless swords fall like rain.

At the moment, Xue an's intention to kill is like blazing fire.

The sword is extremely fierce.

In an instant.

Most of the weakest blood group died and injured.

Only a few blood elders and blood god generals can barely protect themselves under this sword.

However, such a strong and unmatched sword will not kill these Nordic Protoss.

Only those God armour soldiers are broken by the sword, but in a moment, these God armour soldiers will be reunited again.

As for Vidal and other high-level gods, they were only slightly hurt.

Vidal sneered: "Xue an, your sword sense is good, if in the outside world, maybe I am not your opponent! But do you know why we are here waiting for you? "With Vidal's voice, the divine patterns appeared above the sky of the core blood world, and even covered the whole sky.

Then Xue an felt that his whole body was stiff. It seemed that the world around him was against him, and even his movements became slow.

Xue an's eyes were full of light, "Kingdom of God!"

Vidal looked at it perfectly, but when he heard what Xue an said, his eyes flashed with surprise, "yes, it's the kingdom of God! Xue an, you know so much! I even suspect that you are a descendant of a star family

Xue an snorted coldly and fought against the pressure of the whole world.

Vidal grinned grimly. "It's useless, xue'an. No one can survive under our kingdom! Because people You can't defeat God

Then Vidal laughed.

Laughter is full of fun with prey.

But at this time, Xue an's indifferent voice came from behind him.

"Is it? Today, I will Kill the gods

After that, Xue an punched out.

Vidal was shocked and speechless. He didn't even have time to resist. He could only watch the blow.

Fortunately, Frei Leng, the Sun God beside him, gave a drink, raised his sword and rushed to him. He blocked Xue an's fist, which made Vidal avoid the blow.

But Frey, the sun god, just took a few breaths and was blown away hundreds of miles by Xue an's supreme fist.

Then the victory sword in his hand was smashed and cracks appeared on the body.

Frey, known as the God of the sun, didn't even get a punch from xue'an.

Such a scene, let this Vidal also can't help but be shocked.

At the moment, Xue an raised his eyes and gave Vidal a cold smile.

"Next, you won't be as lucky as you just were!"

Vidal trembled all over, and felt that Xue an's smile made his heart tremble.

It also made him extremely angry.

He was the son of the supreme king of gods. He was frightened by a human being.

So he roared, "give it all to me! Kill him , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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