Under his command, yemenggad, the sun god Frey, who was blown out, and the frost giants, including the heroic warriors, all crossed the void and surrounded xue'an.

In the face of such a fierce siege, Xue an showed no fear.

At the moment, he has only one thought in his heart.

That's killing!

Kill all the gods who helped Zhou to abuse Gan and avenge the Chinese at that time!

Therefore, Xue an's fighting spirit is like crazy, his fist is like a meteor, and he bombards these arrogant gods again and again.

Bang bang bang!

After a few muffled noises.

The sun god Frey was once again blasted out, but this time he was not so indifferent.

Because his body has shown countless deep visible bone cracks, if one more blow, he may be completely smashed.

So he looked at xue'an with astonished eyes and did not dare to come over for a while.

And the ice giant was blown to pieces half of the body, can only reluctantly stand in the void.

What's worse is yemenggad, the so-called extinct snake.

Its body was smashed into two by Xue an's fist. At the moment, it writhed like an earthworm and tried to take it back.

And Vidal, also did not just calm, at the foot of the boot will never fall off, there are cracks.

It was an artifact given to him by his father, Odin, who claimed that it would never be destroyed.

But he couldn't stand Xue an's fist.


Vidal looked at xue'an in horror.

This man is too strong.

Strong beyond his imagination.

Why is there a strong man like him in the earth which has become a Jedi?

Vidal was uncertain.

Xue an did not have the slightest tired color, but raised his hand to face Vidal, coldly said: "this is just an appetizer, next, the play begins!"

"Cause and effect!"


This rule, the direct force of death.

Vidal struggled several times, but found that he couldn't get rid of it. He was terrified.

At the same time.

Xue an light way: "reverse!"


The endless force of cause and effect directly drowned the gods.

In an instant.

The sun god Frey, the ice giant, including the extinct snake, ye mengadde, were all shocked to dust, and even the Godhead was reduced to nothingness.

Only Vidal, the son of the king of gods, is still struggling with the boots of artifact given to him by Odin.

But looking at the crack on the boot, it was obvious that it would not last long.

Vidal exclaimed in horror, "father, save me!"

The voice has just dropped.

Above Vidal's head, a spear of terror loomed, and then, in a short time, it pierced the void and pierced xue'an's face.

But just as the tip of the gun could pierce several hairs on xue'an's face, xue'an's hand lifted up at an almost impossible speed and directly held the gun.


The incomparably huge power took Xue an all to Shengsheng to fly out a hundred Zhang away, then it was barely stopped.

But even so, the spear failed to make another point.

Vidal was a little silly.

Just when the rifle just emerged.

Vidal's heart was full of ecstasy and thought that Xue an was dead.

Because this gun contains the existence of one's own father God's all-out strike.

It can even be said that it is the true projection of the supreme artifact, the eternal gun, in this world.

No one should be the opponent of the blow.

But he never thought, even so, still can't kill Xue an.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "the projection of the eternal gun? Unfortunately, if it's a real eternal gun, maybe I'll be afraid of three points. What can I do with this? "

After that, Xue an shook it.


The point of the spear was pinched by Sheng Sheng.

Then the spear whined sadly and turned into a golden light all over the sky and dissipated in the invisible.

With the smashing of the spear, Vidal shivered and finally felt the real fear of death.

But at this time, the whole world suddenly stagnated.

The clouds stopped and the wind stopped. It seemed that even time had stopped.

Then the sky trembled, and a huge God began to emerge.

This divine face, with one eye and long beard and a crown on its head, has faint signs of fragmentation within the reach of the divine power.

Seeing this scene, Vidal was stunned, and then couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Father God save me!"

Xue an stood with his hands down and looked up at the huge God's face, and said faintly, "God King Odin!"you 're right!

This one eyed God is the legendary King Odin who symbolizes war and death!

There was a flash of light in Odin's one eye.

A brilliant divine light thundered out, directly crushing the cause and effect force that enveloped Vidal.

Then he opened his mouth slowly, and his voice shook the world.

"Strong Chinese, you are so arrogant, have you not thought about the consequences?"

Within the reach of the voice, there are frequent visions of heaven and earth around us.

Xue an was not moved by it, but stood aloof in the air and said coldly: "the consequences? Did you ever think about the consequences when you betrayed the earth, turned to outsiders and slaughtered our Chinese people? "

Odin, who occupied the whole sky, snorted, "our gods have just made a correct choice. Since you are determined to do it, today, I will kill you with my own hands!"

After all, the whole core blood world was shaken, the wind was raging, and countless thunder lights were enveloping the sky.

The wrath of the king.

So terrible!

Even CAIA, the Lord of the God of blood, is now bending down to show his humility.

But in the face of all this, Xue an's eyes are more and more bright.

Then he raised his hand and pointed to Odin in the sky.

"Stop talking nonsense and fight!"


Odin held out a finger and pressed it directly to the ground.

It's just one of his fingers.

But because his divine body was too large, this finger became as frightening as a giant pillar after entering the core blood world.

Moreover, the ground collapsed and a deep pit appeared.

Xue an didn't move or flash. He just raised his fist, and then blew it out to the sky, facing Odin's burning sky finger.


After a dull sound.

A terrible shock wave exploded from the place where the two men collided.

Where I've been.

The mountain breaks and the earth shakes.

All the blood clans were awed by the prestige, retreated to the distance one after another, and then watched with horror.

Seeing the light scattered, Xue Anyi stood in the air, without any retreat.

Then Odin let out a roar of pain.

Then, the fingers will inch inch broken, into the sky.

"What? Can you resist the blow of the father? "

Vidal's eyes were staring out, because it was beyond his imagination.

"Chinese, I will tear you to pieces!" Odin roared, another hand suddenly appeared a peerless spear, and then straight down.

Where it passes, space bursts.

True artifact, eternal gun!

This world!

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