The momentum is within reach.

Xue an's clothes are hunting, and the space around her body is beginning to disintegrate.

But Xue an did not have the slightest fear, the light in his eyes soared, and then rose to the sky, directly shook the eternal gun's unique blow.


Where the two sides hit each other, space is crushed by life, showing a terrible black hole.

Then the spear was repulsed by Sheng Sheng.

But Xue an also hums a, can't help but back dozens of Zhang.

There was a dead silence.

No one thought that Xue an would be so fierce that he would dare to shake the eternal gun and succeed.

At this time, Vidal suddenly pointed to Xue an, "he is injured!"

Many eyes converge.

Sure enough.

A wisp of blood ran down Xue an's wrist.

Even so.

The audience was still terrified.

After all, it was a blow with Odin's fury!

It's just amazing that Xue an broke it like this.

Xue an slowly raised his hand and looked at the broken wound in his hand, and then he laughed.

"Good, I haven't felt the hurt for a long time!"

Although Xue an is laughing.

But it fell in the eyes of the gods and demons, which made them shiver in their hearts.

Even Odin, the king of God, can't help turning pale at the moment.

In fact, the one that just hit me.

He didn't feel good.

The hand holding the gun of eternity is still numb.

This makes him as the king of northern Europe for fear.

What is the origin of this boy?

Why is it so tough?

At this moment.

Xue an said lightly: "in order to commemorate my injury this time, I will make your divinity into a badge and give it to Yan'er!"

Odin was slightly stunned, just about to speak.

Xue an stepped forward, and his momentum soared. Then he said in a cold voice, "I use my blood Lian Shuanglian


The blood from xue'an's hands turned into red lotus flowers, which were full of red and white flames.

Then, the lotus flowers condensed by Xue an's blood rushed to the sky.

Bang bang bang.

A succession of muffled sounds sounded.

These twin lotus are like a bomb, which explodes after hitting Odin's incomparably huge body.

The power is so strong that every blow will make Odin roar for it.

"Ah, ah! Chinese, I want to put your spirit into the abyss, so that you can bear endless pain, but never die

Odin uttered a deafening curse.

Xue an had no sorrow or joy, but raised his foot and appeared in front of Odin. He said faintly, "the game is over!"

After that, Xue an raises his fist, strides and blows out.


The power of this blow is so powerful that if it is hit, it will make Odin fall completely.

But in this moment.

In Odin's forehead, a terrible idea suddenly appeared.

Then I heard a cold girl voice coming from it.

"Go against heaven and earth, turn reincarnation! Seal it

With this sentence, this divine idea came suddenly and completely enveloped xue'an.

Then, Xue an's momentum began to fall madly.

Xue an's face sank and he said in a cold voice, "big seal? It seems that you are really ready to block everything

The words were full of anger.

Because Xue an knew that this great seal technique was a very vicious and powerful seal method.

Once put into practice, the sealed person will be knocked out of all accomplishments and rejoin the samsara.

No matter how strong the foundation of Tao body you have, it will be destroyed in time.

But this great seal technique also has very high requirements for the caster. At least it has to be a strong one to use it.

That is to say, even the king of Odin can't do it.

Xue an can see that this great seal was deliberately left in Odin.

After meeting the appropriate conditions, the operation will be activated.

This shows how thoughtful the other side is.

"Unfortunately, the seal is still too weak for me!"

With that, Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly, and his strong mind stormed out.


The thought that had bound Xue an was a violent tremor, which almost broke.

"Come again!" Xue an Leng drinks, will launch the mind bombardment again.

At the same time.

In the far-reaching depths of the starry sky, there is a peerless cave.And now.

In this cave.

A woman covered with light and fog was meditating with her knees crossed.


She was shocked, and then she spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face was full of horror.

"What's the matter?" There was a voice of great majesty.

"Little Lord, someone is breaking my seal in the body of the Nordic God King!" The woman said with a trace of panic.

"And so on!"

Just then the woman began to tremble again.

"Little master...!" The woman exclaimed.

"Hum! What a death wish

With this voice, a very powerful mind came directly across the void through the woman's connection.


Xue an is only a little short of destroying the great seal technique that binds him.

Just then.

The surging spirit also arrived.


Originally dim big seal technique suddenly gives out incomparably bright light, covers the sky and the earth.

Xue an's face was frozen, and his words were full of cold and killing intention, "Da Luo peak!"

That's right!

The spirit coming from the void is just the strength of Da Luo's peak.

Moreover, it is a perfect law without any regrets.

That's enough to crush the galaxy.

Xue an can't help but be nervous about it.

But in Xue an's dictionary, there is no bow.

So he sneered, "can't you hold back at last? Don't worry. None of you, the Lord's messengers behind you, can run away! "

With that, Xue an condensed all the deities into a needle, and suddenly pierced into the weakest part of the mind.

The great seal shuddered and was almost broken under this blow.

But this is the moment.

This idea suddenly soared, and in an instant it was dozens of times stronger. Then the great seal technique suddenly took shape and directly dragged Xue an to the unknown void.

Then, there are ripples in the void, and then the space gradually becomes thinner, showing a big world inside.

Xue an wanted to struggle, but at the moment when he had to see the world.

Xue an was slightly stunned.

Because he felt a faint but familiar breath.

And it's in his stupefaction.

Under the promotion of divinity, this great seal will Xue an completely into this world.


As Xue an's body disappears in place.

The world closed down and disappeared completely.

Looking at the sky that has become empty.

The blood clan and Vidal are all a little surprised.

What's going on? Is it possible that this unrivalled Chinese youth has just died?

Only Odin was shocked, regained consciousness, and then lowered his haughty head, eyes full of awe, respectful voice.

"Thank you very much." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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