Thank you very much?

Then Vidal, the son of the king of God, and CAIA, the God God of blood, looked at each other with astonishment.

Can make the king of the gods of Odin are so respectful that the other party's identity is about to come out.

At this moment.

In the void, a cloud of light and shadow emerged, and then a voice full of supreme majesty came out of the light and shadow.

"Odin, what's going on?"

Odin told the story quickly.

After listening, there was a silence in the light and shadow, and then there was a cold smile.

"Chinese , ha ha, I didn't expect that after so many years, this ethnic group is still inflexible, and there are such strong people! "

"No matter how powerful, in front of you and so on, it is just a mole ant like existence!" Odin didn't forget to flatter at this time.

"Ha ha, you've done a good job, but it's not enough! Since such a strong man can appear in the heaven and earth, it means that the law of heaven is being restored there, and with the character of the Chinese madmen, they will surely seize this opportunity

"I mean..." Odin's face was silent.

"If you want to cut the grass, you have to remove the roots. It seems that you can't keep it in that place!"

As soon as this is said.

There was silence.

Odin's eyes flickered slightly. "I see. What do I need to do?"

"I have to deal with some affairs. You should lead the gods of northern Europe to get ready first. After I come, I will kill them in that heaven and earth."

Although the voice is quiet, it is full of extremely horrible killing intention.

Audin's heart felt a little uneasy.

Because he had witnessed the war before Wanzai.

He was besieged by those crazy Chinese monks, but he still has a horrible nightmare.

Therefore, he had some resistance to this matter, and he could not help but ask in a low voice, "my Lord, I don't know whether this is your meaning or the above..."

"Presumptuous!" In the light and shadow, the voice was awe inspiring.

Under the pressure of prestige, Odin, the king of gods, could not help but step back.

"Is that what you deserve to say to me? Find out who you are

Odin's face turned white, and then he said cautiously, "yes, yes! Don't be angry, my Lord! I don't think the great monk is dead! Is it a bit of a fuss to go to that place to slaughter again? What's more, do the people above know that? "

"Hum! What am I going to do, do I need their approval? Odin, don't think I don't know what you think. Although the Chinese monk is dead, if you don't completely destroy the world, there will soon be strong people in the Chinese character. Then you, the gatekeeper, will be even more culpable. "

Odin's face suddenly turned pale, and then said yes! The little god understands

"Good! Gaia

"The Lord of blood should go to the Lord of blood quickly

"This time, your blood clan will play a part, understand?"

Gaia didn't have so many concerns as Odin, and smelled his words with a cruel smile, "I'm willing to do it!"

"Waiting for me here!"

After that, the light and shadow suddenly broke, scattered in the sky, disappeared.

This left the Odin gods and the blood race looking at each other.

It was not until a moment later that Odin said coldly: "the Lord's order begins with straightening up the blood world."

Gaia was slightly displeased, but at the moment, the situation was stronger than others. His spirit was damaged and his strength was greatly weakened. He was not so powerful as the God King who held his thigh. So he could only nod his head.



Odin then sent tens of thousands of heroic soldiers from the space-time channel, and sent several high-level gods.

These strengths are combined to clean up the blood world.

But when they go out of the core blood world and come to the outer blood world.

They were startled by the sight.

Because the once prosperous outer world of blood is now completely deserted.

After Xue an's clean-up, nine out of ten blood clans lived here, but some blood clans that had never been contaminated with killing have survived, and all blood clans have survived.

Therefore, although the number of blood clan decreased sharply at that time, it did not reach this level.

Today's blood world, it can be said, has become a piece of waste soil, even a person's shadow can not be seen.

"What's going on? What about the remaining Zeeman supporters? " Vidal asked with a murderous look on his face.

CAIA, the God of blood, was also confused.

Because he couldn't understand how these guys got the news and ran away.But now that the matter has come to an end, it is not possible to make a big fight to pursue a group of Xue an's supporters.

This is over.

It was actually the moment after xue'an disappeared.

Allard and others who are in the outer world of blood already know.

Because although Allard is not strong in cultivation, he has a very strange talent.

That is, it can leave a kind of divine impression on people.

This mark does not have any lethality. It can only serve as a mark.

Can be called a chicken ribs talent, but in the critical moment to save these people.

After not feeling the mark of God left on xue'an, Allard immediately understood that things had changed!

For the mark will never be imperceptible unless it is dead or disappears from this world.

And if something really happened to xue'an.

Then those blood clan elders will never let go of their own people.

In a hurry, Allard immediately gathered all the blood clans together, and then, without any delay, left the blood god world through the space-time channel that had been detected for a long time, and came to a secret place that Allard had been working hard for many years.

This secret place is a retreat reserved by Allard in order to have a place to go after great changes.

And they just left.

CAIA, the blood god, and the Nordic gods came.

It can be said that if Allard had the slightest hesitation at that time, they would have been doomed.


In that little secret place.

Everyone was in a low mood.

Especially along with Xue an along the way AISI and hall and other blood clan, is full of depression.

Allard gently shook his head. "Well, I know that everyone is suffering, but the disappearance of the mark does not mean that the adult has really fallen down!"

Hearing Allard's words, AISI and others gradually showed a glimmer of brilliance in their eyes.

"You mean that the adult may not have died?" Ashey asked first.

Allard nodded. "Anything can happen without seeing it with your own eyes."

The faces of the people were just a little better.

"Well, what we have to do is to preserve our strength here and wait for the return of adults!"


The crowd dispersed.

But when he was left alone, there was a deep sadness on Allard's face.

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