It's just when the wind and clouds are surging here.

In the unknown world.

Xue an slowly opened his eyes.

Then he felt dizzy in his head and aching in his muscles.

Is it a hangover from time and space?

Xue an's heart is suspicious, and then heard a full of surprise soft waxy female voice.

"Young master, you wake up!"

Young master?

How does this address sound so weird?

Xue an looked up and saw a girl who was not 14 or 15 years old.

At the moment, the girl is standing in front of the bed, smiling at herself.

The light was dim in the room.

But Xue an can still see the girl's face.

She was dressed in a coarse cloth costume with a funny ball on her head.


Ancient costume?

Xue an's heart moved and looked around the room.

We can see that the furnishings of this room are very simple, and the ground is even earthen. Because of the long time trampling, it is suffused with a layer of oil.

The hard touch from below told Xue an that it was obviously a broken wooden bed.

And the air is filled with a strong smell of herbal medicine.

Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling the cultivation of his body, and then a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough.

The body is empty, just like ordinary people who have never practiced.

"Against heaven and earth, turn reincarnation, great seal! Ha ha There was a twinkle in Xue's eyes.

Xue an understands.

He has been dragged into reincarnation by great seal.

Now, what he is facing is a disaster.

If it's other practitioners, they will be scared to death.

But Xue an was not flustered.

Especially when he thought of the breath he felt when he entered the world, his smile could not help but grow stronger.

But the girl was obviously a little naive, and she didn't even notice these things, but she kept on talking.

"Young master, you have been sleeping since last night, and you haven't woken up until now. Chan'er is worried about you! Hum, what did that villain shopkeeper say, young master, you are seriously ill and can't live long! I really want to spit on his face

"Young master, you want to be a high-ranking official through examination. How could you die in this poor place! By the way, young master, are you hungry? Although the villain shopkeeper is very strict with me, how can he keep an eye on me? Last night, while he was asleep, I sneaked into the kitchen and stole out a big piece of cake! Hee hee, isn't chan'er very good? "

With that, the girl carefully took out a large piece of corn cake from her arms and handed it over.

Xue an looked down and saw that there was a shallow tooth mark on the corn cake with the fragrance of a girl.

See Xue an smiling at the tooth mark above.

The girl's face was red, and she said with some embarrassment: "young master, I'm really hungry today, so I secretly took a bite! I promise, just one bite! "

Said, the girl stretched out a finger that if cut green onion, full face serious say.

Xue an looked at the girl with a face full of charming and simple air, and felt warm without any reason in her heart.

This little girl should be a servant girl!

Look at that year, if it is on earth, it should still be a junior high school student.

But in this world, but already very clever and sensible, even a piece of cake stolen are not willing to eat, but to their own master.

Such a pure and spotless little girl made Xue an feel better.

"Well What's your name, girl

"Well?" The girl stares at xue'an suspiciously, then reaches out her hand and sticks it on xue'an's forehead.

"Not very hot! Young master, are you confused? I've been your servant girl since I was young, ye Xiaochan! "

"Ye Xiaochan..."

Xue an whispered a few words, and then a lot of pictures suddenly appeared in his mind.

These pictures are all about a teenager.

And this boy, also known as Xue an.

After a quick look at the images.

Xue an has a general understanding of the youth's life experience and past.

All in all.

This is a near perfect crossing template.

He was born in a poor family. Although he studied hard, he still achieved nothing.

Side is only this small servant girl Ye Xiaochan picked up since childhood.

This time, I managed to gather all the money and prepare to go to the middle school entrance examination of Kyoto to get fame.

As a result, he caught a serious illness on the way and fell in the inn.Although all the medical advice, even to the back of the shop money has been in arrears for a long time, but finally the body or quietly died on the bed.

And then, Xue an appeared here.

Of course.

It's all just memories from the mind.

Xue an did not comment on this.

Because the great seal is terrible because it can let the person who has been printed experience the samsara again.

In this samsara, you don't know what is true and what is fabricated!

Maybe this body and identity were created to cater for Xue an's coming.

Looking at Xue an, who is silent and changeable, ye Xiaochan is scared.

She thought that her young master had been ill for so many days and burned her brain.

Can't help but cry with the voice said: "young master, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me

Xue an recovered from thinking and shook his head and said with a smile.

"It's nothing. It's just that I've been sleeping for a long time. My head just got numb. Now it's all right."

"Really OK?" Ye Xiaochan asked carefully.

Xue an smiles and nods.

Ye Xiaochan patted her chest with her hands and breathed, "I'm scared to death! I thought you forgot me, young master! That is OK if you have no trouble! Young master, eat something first

Say, ye Xiaochan will that piece of corn cake to Xue an's arms.

Xue an couldn't laugh or cry.

But for this lovely girl, he also liked it very much and was about to talk.

Just then.

Only listen to the sound of feet outside, and then someone said impatiently: "little girl film, if you can't get money today, that is to say, break the sky, you have to get out of here!"

With the voice, the door was kicked open.

Then from the outside came a shop keeper with a sour face.

When the shopkeeper came in, he saw Xue an sitting on the bed, slightly stunned, and then sneered.

"Oh, you are so lucky! Didn't die, but woke up? Just in time, since you are a young master, you should give me the money quickly! Otherwise

The shopkeeper's eyes are turning around on Ye Xiaochan's body. His eyes are full of greed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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