It seems to feel the greed in the eyes of the shopkeeper. A pretty face of Ye Xiaochan becomes pale in an instant, and her whole body is trembling slightly. She is very frightened.

"Shopkeeper, please give me a few more days. Now that my young master is well, he will pay you all the money soon." Ye Xiaochan implored.

The shopkeeper was not moved at all, but a burst of sneer.

"Little girl, I've heard that for more than ten times. I'm tired of hearing it! I tell you, if you can't get any money today, it's useless to say anything! "

Ye Xiaochan's face showed a trace of despair.

The young master has been ill for such a long time. He has already spent all his savings.

Even ye Xiaochan will carry the clothes to pawn, now left to wear this single clothes.

It can be said that it has been completely exhausted.

Otherwise, as a girl, she would not be forced to sneak into the kitchen to steal tacos in the middle of the night.

But now the shopkeeper is so aggressive that he has to pay all the food bills of the shop today. How can it be possible?

Ye Xiaochan heart is full of uneasiness, can not help but turn to see Xue an, hope his young master can have what good method.

But at this time she found that her young master was lowering his head and saying nothing.

Ye Xiaochan looks disappointed.


The young master is recovering from his serious illness. What good can he do?

Just then, the shopkeeper said, "what? No more words? Mr. Xue, you are also a scholar. It's natural for you to pay in the hotel! Do you understand that? "

The shopkeeper is polite on the surface, but when he talks about the three words of Mr. Xue, he deliberately accentuates his tone, which makes him full of sarcasm.

Especially when he saw Xue an with his head down and no words, he was even more disdainful.

Useless is a scholar!

That's true.

It seems that what Mr. Chen ordered me to do finally has an effect!

The manager's heart is full of complacent thinking.

But he did not know, at the moment of Xue an, mouth gradually emerged a cold smile.

Today, although Xue an's accomplishments have been temporarily sealed, his five senses are still far more sensitive than ordinary people.

As a result, Xue an found from the shopkeeper's entrance that someone was peeping out of the house and his eyes were full of desire.

And this shopkeeper's aggressiveness and the greedy look at chan'er all confirm xue'an's speculation.

This guy, there must be someone behind him.

At this time, chan'er said angrily, "boss, my young master is recovering from a serious illness, and his body is still very weak, so I hope you can be polite when you speak!"

"You're welcome?" The shopkeeper sneered, "OK, take out the silver, I promise to be polite immediately! If not, don't pack garlic here

"You..." Ye Xiaochan is short of breath, and there are tears in her eyes.

Just then, a hand gently patted her thin shoulder.

"Chan'er, back to one side!"

Ye Xiaochan is stunned and looks back.

See Xue an don't know when already got out of bed, is standing by the bed, smiling at himself.

"Young master..." Ye Xiaochan is worried.

Xue an waved her hand and motioned her not to speak. Then she looked at the shopkeeper opposite and said, "how much money do you owe in total?"

The shopkeeper wanted to be sarcastic, but he didn't know what was going on. When he saw Xue an's indifferent eyes, he felt cold in his heart and said subconsciously.

"A total of eighteen or three silver coins!"

"You're talking nonsense. How could there be so much?" Ye Xiaochan was so angry that her face was round and round.

"Little girl, you owe me so much money for such a long time. Naturally, there will be interest. Of course, there will be so much profit!" The shopkeeper sneered.

"You..." What else does Ye Xiaochan want to say.

Xue an light way: "good, I give you twenty Liang!"


Twenty liang?

The shopkeeper and chan'er are all stunned.

Then the shopkeeper looked at Xue an in surprise.

He suddenly found that the scholar, who had been a loser, seemed to have changed at the moment.

Although simply standing there, there is a calm and noble without anger.

Even Mr. Chen didn't have the momentum.

The shopkeeper's heart was a little surprised, but still said: "well, take it out!"

He put his hand in front of Xue an.

Xue an said faintly: "but not now!"

The shopkeeper's face sank, "Mr. Xue, are you playing me on purpose?"

Xue an shook her head. "Of course not!""Then you..."

Xue an interrupted him directly, "I promise you 20 Liang silver at sunrise tomorrow."

"Ha ha, I can say that, but who believes it?" The shopkeeper looked scornful and thought Xue an was procrastinating.

Can this time, Xue an a finger next to Ye Xiaochan, light way.

"If not, my servant girl It's yours! "

The shopkeeper was stunned.

Ye Xiaochan is also stupid.

After a while, the shopkeeper's eyes showed the color of ecstasy, "Mr. Xue, this is what you said! I hope you will keep your word then

Xue an nodded. "Of course!"

"Good! Good, then I'll give you another day, sunrise tomorrow, I'll come and get the money! I can't take it out. Ha ha, don't blame me for being rude! "

After the shopkeeper finished, he happily looked at Ye Xiaochan, whose face was pale. He pretended to be sorry and said, "chan'er girl, it seems that your young master doesn't cherish you very much either!"

After that, the shopkeeper left with a look of pride.

Xiao'an and Xue Chan are left in the room.

Ye Xiaochan cried out with a cry.

"Young master, you can't do without me. I'll wash your clothes and cook for you. When I grow up, I can give birth to you! Please don't sell me to this shopkeeper

With that, ye Xiaochan will kneel down.

Xue an held her, "silly girl, how can I sell you to them?"

"But..." Ye Xiaochan asked with tears on her face.

Xue an smiles, "don't worry, I'll have my own way then!"

Ye Xiaochan wants to ask, but he doesn't dare to ask. His eyes are still full of panic and despair.

When Xue an was in a coma, the shopkeeper tried to take advantage of himself several times.

Have been covered by their own way.

I thought that when the young master woke up, everything would turn around.

I didn't expect that the young master would sell himself.

Ye Xiaochan's heart is naturally full of sadness.

After all, in her opinion, twenty Liang silver is an astronomical figure.

The time of a day, in any case, can not make up.

At this time, Xue an light way: "hungry?"

Ye Xiaochan shakes her head like a rattle drum, and then carefully looks at Xue an, "young master, chan'er is not hungry, chan'er can still be hungry for three days!"

She was afraid that if she said something hungry, she would be sold out completely by Xue an.

Xue an smell speech but some heartache knead her cerebellar bag melon, "OK, you are growing body, hungry bad how to do? Go

"Where are you going, young master?"

"Young master, I'll take you to dinner!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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