This inn is a typical structure of front shop and back house.

The house along the street in front is a restaurant for entertaining passers-by to eat and have a good meal, while the house at the back is a guest room for accommodation.

Although it is not very large, it can be cleaned up very clean and tidy. In addition, it is located in the main street of a small town, so the business is very good.

It was noon at the moment, and the aroma of food wafted from the restaurant in front of me, which made my fingers stir.

At least Xue an caught sight of chan'er's more than once secretly swallowing.

Such a long time of starvation has already made the little girl who is growing up hungry.

Therefore, the smell of food in the air was a kind of torment to her.

But out of the fear of being sold, chan'er said in a trembling voice: "young master, don't you want to go, don't we still have half a corn cake? If you eat the cake, I just need to drink more water! "

Xue an stopped and turned to look at the little girl quietly.

Under Xue an's eyes, chan'er lowers her head in a very cramped way and kneads the corner of her clothes with her fingers.

"Chan'er, you let me down!"

Ye Xiaochan was shocked, "young master..."

Xue an shook his head. "Now you don't even listen to me?"

Ye Xiaochan shook his head in a hurry, "no, how can I not listen to the young master's words, but..."

"There's nothing, but since I said I'm going to have a big meal, it's natural to do it. Come with me!"

Xue an light said, and then head up to the front of the hotel.

Looking at Xue an's back, ye Xiaochan always feels that the young master who wakes up from a serious illness is a little strange, even the tone of his speech becomes A lot of domineering.

But the young master is right. I'm the young master's servant girl. Naturally, I will listen to the young master's words. Even if he really wants to sell me, I will obey. It's a big deal Commit suicide after the past!

Mm-hmm, that's it!

Ye Xiaochan had a lot of thoughts and made up her mind. Then she followed Xue an and walked into the hotel.

The hotel is not too large, but the business is very good. The hall is full of guests.

It's a busy scene for people to shuttle back and forth, serving food and wine.

"My guest, please..." A waiter was about to greet him, but when he saw that it was Xue an, he swallowed back.

Now the whole Inn, who doesn't know this unfortunate scholar who can't afford to get sick after entering the shop?

Such a master can't even afford to pay the store money. Do you expect him to eat anything?

So this guy is going to turn around and leave.

Just at this time, Xue an light way: "come to a elegant seat, another table you can do out of the best banquet!"

The guy was stunned.

Did you hear me right?

The poor scholar asked for the best banquet?


"Don't you hear me? Get ready Xue an said without doubt.

Maybe he was frightened by Xue an's momentum. The man obediently led Xue an to an elegant seat, and then turned to leave.

But when he was about to go to the back kitchen, he suddenly woke up.

No, what kind of banquet can such a poor scholar afford?

If he can't pay for this, can't the shopkeeper count on me?

No, it has to be told to the shopkeeper.

The guy thought, he's going to turn around and leave.

Just at this time, a girl in a coarse cloth dress with a plain appearance, but she happened to pass by. Seeing this guy standing there, she couldn't help asking.

"What's the matter?"

As soon as the clerk saw the woman, he said, "sister Yue, that's what happened. The scholar who was ill after coming to our inn suddenly recovered. He brought his servant girl here to have a good banquet. I was going to tell the shopkeeper."

I'll take a look, girl! Don't disturb my father

"Yes Man, of course, dare not say anything.

This is Yang zeyue's daughter.

As a young owner, Yang Yue's attitude towards people is quite different from that of her father.

At least not as greedy as her father.

Therefore, all the staff in this inn respect it very much.

Yang Yue came to Yazuo.

The elegant seat is actually a space separated by curtain.

Yang Yue took a deep breath and lifted the curtain.

The first thing I saw was Xue an sitting there drinking tea and ye Xiaochan standing beside him.

Seeing Xue an, Yang Yue's eyes were full of disgust. She turned her head directly and whispered, "chan'er!"

Ye Xiaochan, who is lowering her head and thinking about her worries, raises her head when she hears her words. When she sees Yang Yue, her face is full of joy."Sister Xiaoyue!"

Looking at Ye Xiaochan, who is already thin and sharp chin, Yang yueman is heartache.

Yang Yue has always been very sympathetic and pitiful for this young girl whose age is similar to that of her own, but she has suffered a lot.

Because Xue an just lived and began to get sick. During this period, ye Xiaochan was the only one who was busy cooking soup and herbs.

If that's all.

But soon, Xue an's illness consumed all his money.

But even so, the little servant girl did not give up, but tried every means to cure his young master.

Even in the back, she pawned everything she could, so that she couldn't even afford to eat.

These circumstances, Yang Yue see in the eye, sympathy and admiration, she began to secretly help the little servant girl.

For example, taking advantage of no one's attention, take the meal to Ye Xiaochan's room, or help her to buy medicine and so on.

For these, ye Xiaochan naturally unlimited gratitude.

But soon.

These things were Yang Yue's father, the greedy and cool shopkeeper Yang Zelin to know.

He flew into a rage and ordered.

Yang Yue is not allowed to help Ye Xiaochan any more.

At that time, Yang Yue did not understand.

Is not just a meal, why his father so angry?

But her father's order, she dare not disobey, can only helplessly look at all this.

Then, the shopkeeper Yang Zelin began to target the two servants everywhere and isolate Ye Xiaochan completely.

But ye Xiaochan is tenacious to stick to it, and do not sleep endlessly, take care of Xue an.

All this, Yang Yue naturally knows.

So when she heard that Xue an woke up, she was also very happy and happy for ye Xiaochan.

But soon, she learned from her father.

Xue an, who just woke up, actually made a bet and settled all the restaurant's meal accounts at sunrise tomorrow. If he could not, he would lose Ye Xiaochan to the inn.

At that time, Yang Zelin was full of pride.

After hearing these words, Yang Yue, however, fell into an ice cellar and became furious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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