"Eat meat! How can you have strength without eating meat? "

Ye Xiaochan took over the drumsticks.

The young master has really changed.

In the past, the young master always had a serious face and was very rigid. He never let himself sit down when he was eating, let alone take food for himself.

Is it possible that Young master, do you feel guilty that I will be sold?

This idea, ye Xiaochan can not help but sad, but dare not cry in front of Xue an's face, had to bow his head, big mouth eating chicken legs, tears are dripping to the ground.

Young master, if I leave, you have to take care of yourself!

Xue an does not pay attention to Ye Xiaochan, who is performing a bitter love drama in his heart. He is accumulating strength crazily at the moment.

Every meal goes down, will be in an instant by the stomach of hunger and thirst to digest, and into pure energy, crazy change his body.

It's not the same as the disaster of the world and the fantasy of the mind.

If it is not true or false, it is like illusion.

Xue an's original cultivation can not be used, and Xue an also found that there is not a trace of aura in the world.

If the earth before it was transformed was a Jedi, it was total nothingness.

This also fundamentally eliminates the possibility that practitioners want to practice again here.

Even Xue an couldn't even open the mustard ring and Fubao building.


Fubao small building in its own heaven and earth, Yan'er and two little girls are absolutely safe inside.

As for the world without aura, it may be a problem for others, but for Xue an, it is not a matter at all.

Because when Xue an traveled all over the world, he once got a book called Zhou Tian Xing Yu, swallowing XuanZhen.

This book of immortals is not brilliant at all.

But it's very unique.

Because the monk Dara, who left this immortal resolution, came from a desert world with no spirit at all.

There, it is impossible to practice through the spirit of heaven and earth.

But the monk started to reform himself by swallowing, and finally embarked on the road of cultivation.

And this phagocytosis, to put it bluntly, is crazy eating.

Then all the food you eat is digested into pure energy.

This replaces the role of Reiki.

Moreover, xue'an also knew that the great monk even swallowed an asteroid in his later period of cultivation.

I don't know what it would have been like if he hadn't been so greedy that he eventually exploded and died trying to devour a star.

This immortal must be put in those spirited world, which may be a waste wood existence.

But in this world, it is very suitable.

See Xue an big mouthed to eat, and this originally thin body with the naked eye speed began to be strong.

Pure energy is transforming everything wildly.


Xue an ate more than half of the banquet.

Such a scene also makes Ye Xiaochan look silly.

How did his young master become a pauper after being ill?

"What are you looking at? Eat quickly!" Said Xue an.

"Oh Ye Xiaochan dare not disobey, and she is indeed hungry.

Whether the young master sells himself or not, he has to eat first.

With that in mind.

The little girl, who looked soft and weak, ate up half of the rest of the banquet.

After eating, she can't even squat down, can only slowly stand up with her stomach in her hands.


Xue an in front of Ye Xiaochan follow, the master and servant two people back to the room.

And when the people in charge of tidying up the dishes and chopsticks came into the room, they were all stupid.

"My God, this is a table waiting for a banquet, which has been eaten up by these two people?"

"Look at this plate. Do you still need a brush? You can see people

These guys are amazing.

After Xue an leads Ye Xiaochan back, ye Xiaochan asks.

"Young master...!"


"What are we going to do next?"

Xue an went to bed and said, "if you're full, it's natural that Sleep

Ye Xiaochan is stupid.

Young master, you have been in a coma for several days. You just wake up. How can you sleep after a meal?

But she just wanted to say something.

Listen to lie on the bed Xue an issued a slight snore, actually already fell asleep.

Ye Xiaochan's heart is sour, and the last glimmer of hope is also dashed.

Young master really wants to sell me!

Because tomorrow sunrise will bring out 20 Liang silver.

But now the young master is sleeping. Where can I find the silver?Thinking of this, ye Xiaochan's tears fall down, can't stop.

After a while, ye Xiaochan wiped the tears beside her cheek, and then began to clean up the house.

In order to cure Xue an, ye Xiaochan has pawned all her clothes.

But none of Xue an's clothes moved.

She turned it all over and took out her needle and thread and began to mend one by one.

Whether it is a slight damage, or a slight line opening, ye Xiaochan has not let go.

Even if there were no broken clothes, she would reinforce and mend the vulnerable places.

While doing needlework, ye Xiaochan murmured softly.

"Young master, you have to take good care of yourself after chan'er leaves! Don't get sick again

"You should take good care of these clothes. I'll pack the white shirt for you and wear it when you get to the capital city!"

"Do remember, where the clothes are broken, you should rush to mend them, or they will make people laugh when they enter the capital city!"

With Xue an since childhood, ye Xiaochan, who has never left for half a step, says in a garrulous way.

But often sewing, she would stop the hands of the work, silent crying for a while, and then began to sew.

Until all the clothes are sewn and folded neatly in the box.

She just carefully lay at Xue an's feet, curled up together, thinking of her mind in tears.

When Xue an was ill, she had been taking care of her day and night.

Plus, I ate so much today.

So after a while, she went to a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it took, and the day outside was getting dark.

When a bright moon fell on the treetop that moment, lying in bed Xue an suddenly opened his eyes.

The bright light in the eyes makes the whole room like a flash.

Then Xue an sat up and was about to get out of bed.

At this time, he found that ye Xiaochan had been lying at his feet deep asleep.

And it was in her sleep that her hand was clutching by the corner of her dress.

Looking at chan'er who is sleeping like a child.

Xue an's heart also can't help but have a trace of gentleness.

In a few years, think about it, you will be as big as her!

At this time, ye Xiaochan's body suddenly trembled, tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and then whispered in a whisper: "young master, don't sell me!"

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