Xue an was stunned and then couldn't help laughing.

This silly girl really thought she would sell her!

Xue an stretched out his hand and gently touched Ye Xiaochan's forehead.

The little girl fell into the deepest sleep, which was expected to last till dawn.

Then Xue an stood up, pushed the door and came out.

Outside, the moon is bright and the stars are thin. The wind stops and the clouds live.

Because the night was so deep, everything was quiet, as if the whole world were sleeping.

Xue an's eyes sparkled, and then a jump, the whole person will quietly rise up, disappeared in the vast night.

This is a very small city.

The distance from the easternmost wall to the westernmost is no more than seven or eight miles in a straight line.

But because it is beside a main road leading to the capital, this small city is very prosperous.

Even now it's dead of night, you can still see the little lights all over the city.

Xue an walked in the dark night sky like a leisurely stroll, overlooking the city under his feet.


In the northeast corner of the city, xue'an settled down.

In front of us is a big courtyard.

Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at the house.

A moment later, he showed a silent smile, and then a body, disappeared behind the high wall.

On the front door of the house, there are four characters of Chen's mansion.

If there are local people here, they will be frightened and even avoid them.

Because in this city, the Chen family symbolizes absolute power.

No one dares to disobey the orders of the family.

Even a sneeze from the Chen family makes the town tremble.

And the Chen family has always been domineering, as long as the things or people they like, they must belong to them.

As for the rear, even a servant of the Chen family would yell and yell outside, extremely arrogant.

Therefore, by now, the city has reached the level of color change.

If someone is inadvertently provoked, or someone in the Chen family takes a fancy to something, the best thing to do is to run away from the city, or else the body of the man may be seen in the ditch the next day.

As the eldest son of the Chen family, Chen Jiayu has enjoyed the treatment of a prince since he was a child.


Xue an came to the back of the house outside the study, is about to go in, suddenly heard the voice of talking inside.

He was a little stunned, and then he stopped. His whole body was instantly integrated with the darkness. He could only perceive everything inside by his keen five senses.

Chen Jiayu was lying on his chair, drinking and chatting with his friends.

At this time, a boy with half a piece of dog skin paste on his face said with flattery: "childe, I heard that you recently fell in love with a foreign girl?"

This gang of friends have no other skills, but when it comes to women, they all come to the spirit.

I saw a rich man with several large silk and satin shops in his house, and said with a bright eye: "Oh, you may not know, but I saw that little girl with Chen Shao, tut..."

"What's the matter? Don't tut Another face pockmarked, but the family opened a few pawnshops fat man impatiently said.

"Hey, is the little ruby in yuxiufang beautiful?" This satin big little smile way.

"Of course it's beautiful! Damn it, it cost me 100 Liang silver to sleep with her last time The pockmarked children hate and hate.

"Ha ha, just like little ruby, it's not fit to carry shoes for this little girl!"

"Lying trough, so beautiful?" All the rich people in the room were shocked.

"Tut, in front of Chen Shao, do I dare to tell lies? That little girl, tut Tut, I think it's amazing now

"You don't have to talk about it in detail."

"Hey, hey The rare silk and satin attracted people's appetite. Just now, Yinxie said, "I don't want to talk about it, but the little girl is really white, just like a white satin!"


The whole audience took a breath of cold air.

That pockmarked big little is excited two eyes to shine more, "really?"

"Of course, and it's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this little girl is only 14 or 15 years old this year, and it's the time when she can pinch the water out of the water!"

This time, the eyes of these young and old people all became extremely silver evil. After one look at each other, they all gave out a burst of smirk.

"Hey, Chen Shao, Congratulations!"

"That's right. We've been tired of playing with those pretty girls in our city. As a result, there's a foreign girl who is so beautiful! God is helping us"Chen Shao, when are you going to serve meat? When you've won the top prize, we'll give you some fresh dishes, too? "

The whole room was filled with filth.


Xue an's eyes grew cold, but did not move, but continued to listen.

But Chen Jiayu didn't say a word. Instead, he lay down on the chair with his fingers tapping on the armrest. Then he said, "I didn't move this time! Because I think that's boring! "

"And this little girl is very stubborn and strong. If she is strong, she will easily play with me!"

"So this time I'm using other methods to push her a little bit into a corner."

"I'm going to make her surrender to me completely, so that it's more interesting!"

I heard this from Chen Jiayu.

The house is quiet at first.

Then the sound of flattery surged up.

"It's still the cow we played with."

"Yes, we are still in the primary stage. As a result, Chen has begun to play with people's hearts."

Listen to the flattery.

Chen Jiayu laughed and was very happy.

He thought of the startling glance of the previous day.

At that time, he was bored and went down to play in Yang Zelin's Inn with a few hands.

In fact, I want to see if there is something new to play.

As a result, he met Ye Xiaochan, who was going out to buy medicine.

At that time, Chen Jiayu was stunned.

He is not to have never seen a beautiful woman, but such as ye Xiaochan such a refined but never seen.

After returning to God, Chen Jiayu was overjoyed.

He was worried that he had nothing to do. After seeing ye Xiaochan, he immediately decided that the woman he was going to make.

But when he wanted to contact this leaf Xiaochan, but touched a snuff of ashes.

Because ye Xiaochan's vigilance is very strong, he doesn't pay attention to all the strange men's chatting up.

After several attempts, Chen Jiayu failed, which made him angry. He was ready to send someone to rob him directly.

At this time, the innkeeper Yang Zelin arrived.

As soon as Yang Zelin saw Chen Jiayu's expression, he understood what was going on.

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