There was a deathly silence in the room.

These rich men and women, who used to be superior and enjoyed abusing others, now turned their identity and looked at xue'an with trembling eyes like lambs to be slaughtered.

"I heard what you said just now. To tell you the truth, I was very surprised at that time, because what you did was breaking through the bottom line of human behavior!"

"But now it doesn't matter, because I'll show you that you have to be in awe."

Xue an said and walked forward with a smile.


The rich men and women trembled, all came to their senses, and then let out deafening screams.

They understand that this seemingly bookish teenager is in fact a peerless murderer.

But listen to his words now, obviously want to kill all these people.

"Spare your life, young master! These things have nothing to do with me

"Yes, it's all done by Chen Jiayu. It has nothing to do with us!"

The men cried out in dismay, trying to beg for mercy.

Xue an was not moved at all, but said faintly: "these words, go down and tell him!"

As soon as Xue an raised his hand, a wisp of sword swept the whole room like a dragon.

All of them were stupefied.

Until a moment later.

I just heard a few muffled noises.

Then the heads of the rich families and young people rose to the sky at the same time, and blood even splashed on the roof.

Plop, plop.

Dead bodies fell to the ground one after another.

There was no one alive in the study except Xue an.

And the ground is red and soaked with blood.

Xue an, who could stand in a pool of blood, had no trace of blood on his body.

He just stood there quietly, like an independent God.

At this time, a faint cry came from the distance, as if someone was running to here.

Xue an raised his mouth, revealing a cold smile, and then turned away from the study, came to the courtyard, looked up at the sparse sky.

At this time, the distant cry was getting closer and closer.

"Don't let him run away!"

"Quick, block the front and back doors!"

These shouts came into the courtyard.

Xue an sighed and said faintly, "killing people is really boring!"

At this time, the door was smashed open.

The housekeepers of Chen's residence swarmed in one after another, and then they were frightened by the scene in front of them and took a breath of cold air.

Because the whole courtyard has been soaked in blood.

And a scholarly man is standing quietly in the courtyard.

Xue an looked around at the group of housekeepers who came in and laughed, "I killed people!"

These people were horrified.

Then a few housekeepers looked at each other and cried out, "go up, take him down!"

Because if we can't catch the murderer who killed the eldest son, they will all have to die with them.

So in order to survive, all the housekeepers were red eyed.


These people swarmed in.

Xue an yawned a little bored. "It's really boring. I'd better kill it as soon as possible, and then go back to make up for a sleep in the cage."

With his voice, the bodies of the front servants were all stagnant, and then there were crisscross bloodstains on their bodies.

In a flash, the bloodstains began to burst out of blood, and then the servants' bodies fell.

The incision was smooth and even in size.

It's like The bean curd cut with a knife is ordinary.

This horrible scene, let behind this gang of housekeepers panic.

"Devil! He is the devil There was a shrill cry.

Xue an shook his head. "No, you are!"

After that, Xue an stepped forward, and the servants began to fall down.

Some people want to turn around and run away, but even this small courtyard can not go out, they become a corpse.

In a flash, all the servants who came to the hospital died on the spot.

Xue an looked around the audience with no sadness or joy. Then she stepped on the blood and walked to the deep of the Chen family's house step by step.


Uncle Chen, also known as Chen Jiayu's father, is shivering under the shrine in the Buddhist temple.

The man, who was nearly half a hundred years old, was finally frightened.

He didn't know exactly what had happened.

But the shrill screams and the strong smell of blood coming from the breeze prove that there is a terrible killing going on.

Mr. Chen also likes to kill.Once, because of a small matter, he tortured a girl for three days in a very fierce way.

The feeling of life passing away in his own hands made him feel very excited.

But what he likes to do is a butcher holding a knife, not a fish under a knife.

Maybe the more brutal people are, the more afraid they are.

Because they know what it's like.

But when the Chen family master sent out the most effective thugs under his hand, he still went into the sea like a bullock and never returned.

He realized the seriousness of the matter.

In desperation, he hid under the shrine of the Buddha Hall, hoping that the gods and Buddhists would protect him through this period.

It is also ironic that he never believed in ghosts and gods, but now he prayed with incomparable piety.

He seemed to feel his prayer.

The continuous scream suddenly died down.

There was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

Can hear the sound of their own blood flow.

Mr. Chen did not even dare to breathe in the atmosphere, but did his best to curl up into a ball.

The cover of the shrine gave him a sense of security.

But it was just then.

The door of the Buddha Hall suddenly creaked and opened.

Although the voice is very subtle, it sounds like thunder in the ears of the Chen family.

His hair stood on end and he stopped breathing.

After that, there was no one pushing the door.

After waiting for a while, I still didn't hear anything strange.

Mr. Chen just let out a long breath.

Looking at the Buddha's niche, I suddenly felt that he was in Chen's home.

This kind of creepy feeling let his heart jump out, he dare not have the slightest movement, can only in the heart crazy prayer.

Please bless yourself not to be found.

It's enough time for a stick of incense.

Just when the old man of the Chen family was about to collapse.

A faint voice sounded from the front of the shrine.

"I used to think that sin was different because of strength, but now I find that I seem to be wrong! People with low strength seem to be more unscrupulous than the strong, especially when they wield their swords at the weaker ones. Are you right

Chen's blood was cold all over his body. He could only groan and said, "spare me!"

The niche splits soundlessly from the middle. Xue an stands there, looking at the old master Chen, who is shaking like chaff, and says faintly: "in the next time, I hope you will like it!"

Words fall, scream.

Xue an showed no mercy.

Because what he saw along the way made him astonished.

There is no need for the Chen family to exist.

The moon outside was clouded by clouds.

The night is like the sea.

And the killing came to this sinful Chen family mansion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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